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Everything posted by anosou

  1. When I actually sit down to play for a couple of hours it's extremely entertaining. It's to actually do it that is the hard part.. I've heard of that "magic" It's called nostalgia and being young!
  2. lol summer Thanks for taking your time Douli, bummer. love you!
  3. What The Pezman said! :3
  4. Happy Birthday you amazing piece of man! :3
  5. Woo! Birthday! And many more man, many more. Keep making music.
  6. I'm glad this is happening, if I only knew how to make the nice work smiley!
  7. This is a gem. Not only is it a great arrangment with great lyrics and singing, it's also a clean production and convincing instruments. Honestly, it's hard to find a better song than this to make you happy. One of OCR'S FINEST!
  8. Oh the horror! Also, I like the previous Black Mages. It's fanboy-metal and super clean production. woo! EDIT: aaand after listening, I hate it. :3
  9. Collab! oh shit, this will be the best sig ever made! I love you both XD
  10. Word up. 10char
  11. Question: Why doesn't Sweden have arcades?
  12. Happy Birthday you big beautiful bearded bear! :3
  13. BGC saves the fucking DAY
  14. Okay, sig-changin' time. I'm thinking we're taking it down a notch from the colorful masterpiece that is my current sig. I'd still like it to be something else than just rectangular but a bit darker. IF you want images to work with, anything related to a keyboard, screendumps of Logic/Reason and wires will do. I actually like the ideas of using wires plugged in in various ways O.o The only text I want is "Another Soundscape" There, that's it. Go! Get creative people! :3 and don't forget, I love you! thanks
  15. I thought it said "Chaosfield" so I am very very dissapointed.
  16. So it's basically a compo just about the arranging :/ ah well.
  17. I'll have something done by then. Do you accept any kind of electronic music or is guitar and real drums a must? :/ Though I WILL eventually have sixto rocking out but it's not all progressive metal stuff. anyway, soon. soon.
  18. You made me laugh out load, nice work!
  19. Woo! Thanks people, really. Luv ya! :3 btw, I got Logic Studio (from me to me), candy, Atelier Iris 2 (INCLUDING SOUNDTRACK HELL YEAAAAAAAH), some artsy stuff from my girlfriend (who also gave me the candy + game). Also.. ehm.. I got.. money for furniture O.o all in all, wicked awesome to the max :3 Yeah good luck with that, I just discovered collabs rofl
  20. Heck, why not. I can always sell the tickets later :3 Though it's a pretty close deadline here.. EDIT: man, they get the exclusive right to my arrangement? Read the fine print and weep :/
  21. Would you accept a list of 31 emulators on the Macintosh platform you haven't added yet instead? :3 Otherwise I guess I'll just have to get you that sandwich.. :/
  22. I found it on the ground weeping so I figured I'd take care of it for a while. Sadly it was hard to get rid off..
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