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Everything posted by anosou

  1. WOOO BUMMERDUDE! *fanboi*
  2. The T-Racks is a lie! Please don't enter? :3 j/k, good luck man EDIT: Damn.. too many contestants from KVR
  3. Just play FFVI already! People believe that? wtf! STUDY RELIGION PEOPLE! It's an old symbol for the sun that was used in both India and Japan/China. It's been around in many cultures, also symbolizing "well being" and "power", even the norse god Thor had a swastika in his belt.
  4. YES! MORE LOVE FOR ME! also, nice work but be sure to keep posting stuff
  5. DAMNIT! Now I'm doomed.
  6. Hate to admit it because I supported both the previous ideas, but the coop has a point.. I realized that only Reuben Kee would appreciate a remix project of Reuben Kee.
  7. I'm glad you thought that was a good proposal, and ofc I'm willing to participate. Selling would not be right though. Somebody with a lot free time, experience and skill.. start putting this together, and make it snappy.
  8. it might be an idea doing a tribute by arranging his original work.
  9. I approve of this event and/or idea. Does anyone know if Reuben had original pieces hosted somewhere?
  10. That's an idea > EDIT: Totally remixing Mindbender right now!
  11. Jesus Christ on a pogo stick! I know what I'm doing tonight!
  12. It's truly a great loss that we won't see more of Reuben Kee's excellent work. Cherish what's already here. Like this amazing, beautiful arrangement.
  13. Rest in peace Reuben. My condolences to his loved ones. I didn't know him very well but this is a great loss.
  14. A winner is you!
  15. Nothing. I'm giving stuff. *puts on his halo*
  16. aaah, Twilight Street! I should've known.. Well I love it but it's not really my type of sourcetune.. I might give it a try when I've got time though
  17. all lies I can't find a song with that name O.o CD/Track number? I may have different names.
  18. I never said you phailed, that was ToN and he's not the smartest caveman around. I just said I remixed because you said "I see the potential for remixing Cheetahmen II", it was just a statement. In other words, saying I missed the meaning of what you said is... well.. PHAAAIL
  19. You've got to enhance the black
  20. wtf zircon! Now I have to take time to remix you even though I have no time O.o how's this going to end!? I'm going to die ._.;
  21. Oh yeah. The reaggae rhinos!!! Shadow Hearts: Covenant is fantastic. Though Yasunori Mitsuda's work for it is well.. not that good. Yoshitaka Hirota outdid himself! The Fate DAMNIT! I'm actually remixing Shadow Hearts: Covenant atm BOOO PC, YAY CONSOLE!
  22. F-Zero GX is truly a gem. It has SO many tracks to listen to that are all unique. Though Valkyrie Profile left me quite bored, as all Sakuraba's soundtracks seems to do when you take them out of context. Baten Kaitos was pretty decent. I like the more out-there tracks like House of Cards.. The Sakuraba-prog-battle-themes are still boring but the spicy town themes make up for that side of the soundtrack. Valkyrie Profile was so much action-music and the other melodies just weren't interesting enough imho. But hey, it's not like we can't disagree
  23. Lavender Town! Sourcetune of death! Anyway. You made it sound less horrible and added some pretty basic, but sweet chords. The last note in the intro section is totally atonal, but it's cool because it gives kind of a freaky mood, something the source is all about. The bass is funky. But it feels like you're milking it a bit. It's basically the same bassline during the whole main part of the song. The gating of the strings are nice and some of the ambient FX really sets the mood. But imho I think you could've been a bit more liberal about the arrangement, maybe added some of your own ideas instead of just building it all on top of the original. This is not a bad remix, not by a long shot, but I can't help to think it could've been better.
  24. I like you. That's why I haven't been arsed to remix it yet. It's like perfect. DAMN YOU MEGURO! I totally remixed it. ahyeaah. it should be eligible for remixing, the songs were written for the game after all. Laugh & Peace (or Laugh & Beats, they've been called both) ftw. I'm not much for ochestral sountracks. While I do appreciate orchestral arrangements of VGM I feel that sometimes soundtracks are orchestral just for the sake of it. Sometimes I wonder if people realize that they are playing games not movies. I'm an RPG-freak myself so I'm not really one to talk about movie-like-games but I still appreciate if the music is catchy and appropriate. While Outcast had a soundtrack fitting to the game I feel that Heart of Darkness could have some much more interesting music. This is ofc a very personal opinion but I really like unique soundtracks. That's one of the reasons Katamari Damacy's soundtrack was so incredibly enjoyable. It was unique, personal and fitting to the game. Every theme was relevant. I fail to see how a big orchestra should accompany platform-jumping in a dark swamp.
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