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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Way to make an instant classic people! Not only do you cover a game loved by everyone, you also do it with style and finesse! Addictive guitar-playing, beautiful violin, great mixing, real bass (!!!) and great energy. I like it.
  2. Not all people sequence. I, for one, play everything on my keyboard or with pads and then it's great to have another way to alter the sound by playing. It also gives drums a stutter feel when you're able to choose the length of the sound, you can for example do some really nice fills or glitchy IDM stuff. Yet another thing is longer samples, maybe you just want the first attack of the kick for the most part but the whole body and decay during chorus. This can easily be achieved in this way so you don't have to automate length.
  3. Check all the parameters on the Redrum, first and formost the "lenght" knob. Also check if velocity is assigned to affect something, like the tone. Look for the "vel" knobs and be sure to turn them down if you don't want velocity to effect the sound. If that doesn't work, look at your samples, are they corrupted or half? Did you load the wrong one? Hope that helps
  4. fix'd It's a hooker. It always is. Other options include a threesome, a cat, garbage or a whole heap of retro games. I want new underwear. Otherwise I got my computer last year so I made my dad give my potential christmas money to charity instead. I might buy myself Ableton Live 7 or Logic Studio though. Or monitors, I need monitors.
  5. Damn you skilled people! I'll see you on the CD then Beatdrop?
  6. Okay I suck. Now we sorted that out, hope you feel better :3
  7. It would be better for everyone if it was "meh" but this IS the same world where a 19 year old blows himself up.
  8. Well it's mostly for thos rare scenarios when you know what the remix starts with or something. Probably not worth it if it's a load on the site then, I was just thinking we were making things as convenient as possible. Thanks for the answer
  9. Thanks for not dying man Also, yay gay!
  10. I noticed this too, if possible it would be great to be able to do that. Using the "tabs" on top you could maybe add Remix Title next to Title? like "remixer(s)/composer(s)"?
  11. You know this is sad in two ways, one: I thought another guy from OCR died two: a guy died you ruined my day bury this thread already.
  12. At least he would've gotten a YES! That's more than you can say about most sumbitters!
  13. So in other words Kicks, listen to samples from most artists and choose a couple that you like and let's get this going!
  14. Phat! I will have to lurk your website >:3
  15. The first thing that struck me is how cool the distorted bass is. The guitars are clean with plenty of that much-needed mid. Sometimes I feel that the higher "lead" guitar is a bit too far back in the mix but it's not a dealbreaker. The arrangement in itself is amazing. All the musical quirks and odd numbered riffs makes me sit at the edge of my chair always wondering what will happen next! The soloing is also good but honestly I'm more interested in the wicked rhythm guitar coupled with the drums. My only qualm is the cut-off ending, you could've done a small fade there, and that some of the levels could be better balanced. Otherwise, this is a freaking amazing arrangement! Recommended.
  16. oh man OH MAN! LONGEBANE ON OCR BOARDS!? I want RPG Maker OS X
  17. "Ooh look at me, my name's FISHUH, I write crazy rawk anthems for really old games Anso had and bought cheap instore. Honestly..." So heavy! This is a solid performance by Fishy. High energy, clean mix and superb guitar playing. The drums are a tad over compressed and the bassdrum is a bit too machine-gun to sound real. Still, this is solid production. I'm surprised that there's more synth solo than guitar solo but I kinda like that, it fits FFVII a lot more. The guitar soloing that's there is great, the whammy action is truly amazing Great remix Cain!
  18. I think you misunderstood him. I think he meant that there are other programmers in the community that could maybe help, not that there are other programmers working on the site.
  19. When I see how many skilled artists expressing interest here I have to suggest that you maybe do a collaborative soundtrack? It's both a great way to get a lot of quality music and it's also giving us OCR artists more credibility as game composers. I hope I said that right
  20. Quite short-sighted it seems, but since it seems like you have a lot of things on your hands I just thought it wasn't priority one. As I stated. Anyway, ignore what I said about that then. I still think a thread for people to post translations would be an idea to make this quicker and to involve the community.
  21. Sounds good. An idea might be to start a thread where people can post the Japanese names of games and composers (and the source to ensure it's right), then you can (after verifying them) post them in the first post or something so you and the staff has an easy way to start adding the names of both games and composer and an easy way to see what's been found already. Also Japanese names for non-japanese games is not prio one imho The thing with Japanese titles for games is if that was the original title. Maybe for accessability for people from Japan but I don't think that's priority one, maybe you think different. Anyway, nice work!
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