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Everything posted by Scufo
Well, son of a bitch. What the hell, man? Since when does the cost of running servers for non-MMOs necessitate charging for online play? I don't have to pay to play any of the many Valve games online, so why this? @Edgecrusher: Source on that? It was my understanding that, for each installment, all of the races would be on equal footing. For each new installment, changes would be made to the multiplayer for all three races, like what Brood War did for Starcraft. No one race would ever be "fully developed" until all three games come out. That's what I took from this dude, anyway. Agreeing on the whole overpopulation of terran players though. That's pretty much undeniable.
Thanks for the update. I could see each installment be worth the 50 bucks, actually. I mean, if it was like in Starcraft where you just have 10 missions with little briefings in between with a few cutscenes thrown in then there's no way I could justify paying $150 for the whole package. But we don't really know just how expansive the single player is. If they're each as long and epic and varied as Blizzard would have us believe then I have no problem with episodic content. Also, I'd rather get full multiplayer capabilities in 2009 then wait who knows how long for them to release the whole shebang.
I would totally be into some Starcraft. And Brawl if I ever get that wired adapter. Although being jobless that possibility is getting slimmer. brb getting on the irc.
^Agree. I'm a big fan of Toadstool Tour myself.
Yeah, you kinda have to wade through the fetch quests in the beginning before getting to the good stuff. If you don't obsessively try to beat Tidus Selphie and Wakka all at once it shouldn't take too long though. Regardless of its sometimes terrible fanbase KH is incredible.
Ba-bump. Last I checked there's not a lot of love for Boston sports here but my god am I amazed at the Red Sox performance against the Angels lately. After them mopping the floor with the Sox (and everyone else pretty much) all season suddenly we win 11 in a row against them. Red Sox offense in particular is just on fire right now. let's take it again baby!
Well yeah, but I'd still say that pressing a button three times with correct timing is a tighter and more responsive system than flicking a wiimote three times with correct timing. It's not anything to crucify the developers over, but it's just not using motion control in the right ways. Drawing on screen with the wiimote is good. Controlling your aim in an FPS with the wiimote is good (I'm kinda neutral to the concept but I know lots of people like it...maybe if you could shoot in two directions at once with the wiimote and nunchuck I'd be more into it). Moving a little pointer around to collect little pickups that appear everywhere is good. These things can't be done well with buttons and sticks, so stuff like this is what motion control should be used for. For most other things I think we can stick with buttons. Oh and multiplayer party games that are just fun and have no real depth can go crazy with motion controls. If you're just dicking around with friends these things really don't matter.
It's not that waggling requires any physical exertion, it's just that pressing a button feels more precise. Like, I want to do a three hit combo, right? So I press the button three times. If I'm waggling, I guess I just waggle until I hit them three times? In Mario Galaxy I never really had that problem because just about everything died with one spin attack + running into them. Or jumping on them. You're right, though. It's not a huge difference. But given the option I'd rather press a button.
Yes yes I know Mario Galaxy had some waggle controls but the "combat" in that game was different in that most enemies went down quickly and didn't require combos controlled by waggling. A quick flick every now and then is fine but when you're doing it repeatedly to take out every enemy that's where we have a problem.
Okami is a brilliant game on the PS2 but the Wii version was done sloppily. It was too picky about straight lines and instead of just using a button to swing your weapon you had to waggle. This is what I'm talking about in regards to motion control in moderation. Drawing with the Wiimote in Okami is really cool, I like that and want to see more of it. But waggling to swing your weapon is lame and gimicky. They should have cut the motion controls at drawing. Enough to add to the experience but not too much. So, that's why I think Wii controls in Gamecube games might not be the best. If you loved the controls in MP3 I'm sure you'll love the controls in the MP wiimakes, but I'll stick to the Gamecube versions.
I never said Wii games can't be great when they're done well. Take Super Mario Galaxy, it puts motion control to good use without using it so much that it just seems unnecessary. If games are designed with motion control in mind they can be really cool, but slapping on motion controls to Gamecube games? Ehhh... EDIT: I mean look at Okami.
Ok I'll admit I wasn't being fair in regards to MP. MP3 controlled well, but I prefer the controls of MP1 and 2 to it. As for Pikmin, I don't see how motion controls could in any way improve the gameplay. It'll probably just have point-and-click functionality for throwing Pikmin which just seems gimicky and lame to me. Y'know like the majority of Wii games.
I don't know about you guys but Gamecube games with waggle controls sounds pretty terrible. That and I'm not paying for games I already own, kthx.
Message from Atmuh LISTEN UP PEOPLE: Probably don't need to say this but the channel is #clanocr on the enterthegame server. Get to it.
So I got those component cables. Someone fight me so I can see where I stand among all you smash pros.
This basically. Although I need to get some component cables for my Wii first since I'm on an HDTV now. It's pretty much unplayable with the lag especially online.
Old guitar hero style PC game called Virtual Guitar
Scufo replied to EdgeCrusher's topic in General Discussion
Can't read half the text for the buttons. So it has actual strings, but no frets? I'd like to see this in action. -
Yeah a few people just decided to disappear so we could never finish. It was a bitch, because I won my first two matches. I'd be up for another if it was to happen, even if I haven't been practicing and will likely be slaughtered.
Are there any games that play with your phobias?
Scufo replied to Malaki-LEGEND.sys's topic in General Discussion
Oh man, like so many others in this thread OOT freaked me the hell out when I was younger. What got me the worst was the very end of the game, climbing the tower to go settle things with Ganondorf. And as you climb higher the creepy organ music gets louder and louder. By the time I reached the top I was shaking all over and had to shut the game off. And then when I finally built up the courage to fight him, I couldn't figure out that I actually had to HIT him when he fell to the ground after getting light arrowed. I kept wondering why I had emptied my quiver on him and he still wasn't dead. Also, I'm surprised at the amount of people freaked out by water in this thread. I mean, Jolly Roger Bay? I loved that level. It was so calming, with the peaceful music and all. And the fish in SMB3? Yeah I remember being pissed off that he kept eating me, but c'mon, the thing would almost be cuddly if it wasn't so damn annoying. -
Who or What Inspired You To Go Into Music
Scufo replied to TheSnowStorm's topic in General Discussion
When I was in high school, I went to a friend's school concert. He went to a private school (Thayer Academy, maybe you've heard of it) that had a respectable music program, so a lot of the performers were really, really good. Really good. Watching that made me want to get in on the action, so I took up guitar. About a year later I performed in front of my own school. -
Dayum, that looks pretty cool. Why haven't I heard about this? I once had an NES, but it got tossed out. Not sure if it still worked when we got rid of it. Thankfully I still have my SNES. Never had any Sega system, or anything non-Nintendo for that matter until the PS2.
It's quite excellent. I didn't get the new instruments, though. Anyone who can comment on those?
I bought Mario RPG on VC a few days ago, this being the first time I've played it since renting it at some point in the distant past. It may have actually been the first RPG I ever played...either that or Pokemon. Regardless I sucked and recall losing horribly to Croco after being shocked at his ability to heal himself. I gotta say, it's good, but I don't think it holds up to today's RPGs. The lack of random encounters and action commands (to use the Paper Mario term) must have been a breath of fresh air when it came out, but they're implemented better in both Paper Mario's. Combat could stand to be a little deeper too. I also find myself wanting some kind of hub area to return to after getting a star piece, but that's just me being biased towards Paper Mario. Also, I agree heartily with everything that's been said about the Paper Mario series. EDIT: As long as we're talking about MP now I will say that MP1 is far superior to the others. The game's environments were just incredible. They were beautiful, but at the same time alien and, more than anything, lonely. Talon Overworld, Phendrana Drifts, Chozo Ruins, and the crashed frigate in particular come to mind. MP was a game that managed to be extremely immersive, without making it painfully obvious that that was the devs' intent *cough*Oblivion*cough.* You could really step into Samus's shoes and feel her plight. This was aided by the game's excellent scan system.
Well I'm not one of those "down with jrpgs" people so I'll wait till it comes out before judging it. As for your second question, yes, he will, but he'll probably also use the opportunity to rant about the entire series using pretty much the same FF-hate we've all heard a bajillion times before. That and he said he wasn't going to play the game and it would be sad for our Yahtzee to go back on his word like that for the big bux that the Escapist may or may not be paying him.