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Everything posted by Emura

  1. Tested with Safari, FF3, and Opera on Windows Vista x64 at 1920x1200, and the problem seems to be fixed. Though there's still too much grey at the bottom, but it doesn't look like that can be fixed without some design changes. The grey space is worst on Opera on account of its default font, but I don't usually look that far down the page anyway. Otherwise, lookin' good! Edit: Decided to hit the site with a few more browsers. Looks good enough in all IE versions between IE 5 and IE 8. You'd go crazy trying to get it to render exactly how you want it in each though, so I say it's good enough. Besides, I'm sure anybody still using IE 5 at this point is used to looking at broken pages. In IE 4 it is hopelessly broken. In IE 3 it is not too bad. It doesn't load the style sheet, so it's actually more usable in 3 than in 4. Lynx is not great, but it's usable. Because there is no stylesheet support, the handy A to Z links appear down at the bottom of the page which isn't great, but the Community Discussion, Reviews, etc. all display well. Obviously other Gecko-based browsers such as K-Meleon and Songbird display it well. Due to Songbird's lack of horizontal space though, you'll need a screen with at least 1200 pixels in width to display it without horizontal scrollbars. As far as mobile devices go... It looks great in the BlackBerry 4.6 OS browser. On earlier BB browsers there seems to be an issue with the positioning of the 'Works-in-Progress' box, though I'm afraid I can't recommend anything to fix it. It's usable, at least, though it takes too long to load over EDGE with those 39 images. Trying to test with Windows Mobile now. That's not going so well though...
  2. He lived only half an hour away from me, yet I never went to hear him play... I guess I've learned my lesson. Better go see Herbie Hancock and Sonny Rollins while I still can. Me he rest in peace!
  3. No, none of Intel's current Core 2 Duo processors feature hyper-threading. Furthermore, hyper-threading does not double your performance power. Intel suggests that the performance increase of switching from single thread processing to hyper threading is between 15% to 30%. SIMMs haven't been used since the Pentium II era. You're a bit behind the times here. Also, RIMM never got off the ground as a competitor to DIMM for the home PC market. They saw some use in sever and workstation applications (particularly for their ECC), but never survived in the home PC market due to their cost. Intel began to phase out their RDRAM (RIMM) operations in 2001, so I have no idea why you would think it's going to be the next big thing. Maybe you're cofusing SIMM/DIMM/RIMM with DDR/DDR2/DDR3? The original poster should ignore this entire post. Moving the CPU pins to the motherboard was the effect of switching to LGA775 from Socket 478, and is not at all related to BTX architecture, except that they were introduced at the same time. BTX architecture aims to rearrange the components on a computer motherboard to increase airflow through the computer case, thus increasing the cooling efficiency of the fans (it also specifies a change in position of the power supply, among other things). LGA775 puts the pins on the motherboard as a cost-saving feature for end-users, and has nothing to do with cooling either. Previously, if a processor pin was bent, broken, or otherwise damaged, end-users would have to purchase a new $250 processor. Having the pins on the motherboard means only the $100 board needs to be replaced if they are damaged. If you had ever installed a LGA775 processor, you would know that the sides of the 775 socket support the weight of the processor around the sides, and do not permit air to flow freely around the connecting pins. The number of fans you should have in your PC will depend mostly on your PC's power consumption. It never hurts to have more (unless the noise bothers you), but a machine designed for music production probably doesn't need more than 3 good fans; the CPU cooler, the fan built into the power supply, and maybe a case fan or video card fan. In lower power applications, a fanless video card is not a problem, and you'll probably be fine with only the two fans. I do not recommend that for gaming, however. Skummel Maske, could you have a second look at the motherboard you've listed from Fenrir? Springdale is a chipset architecture from Intel, and not a motherboard manufacturer. It might help to tell us where you bought that PC from. I think the best bet for you would be to use the board from Cerberus. Unfortunately, there are some problems with that board. It was manufactured by ASUS for companies like HP, and the BIOS supplied by HP doesn't give you much flexibility. AFAIK, that board is based off of ASUS' P4G800, which with a proper BIOS should allow you to have 1024MB RAM modules in each socket, and supports a maximum of 4GB. I've heard of some people having limited success in reflashing the ASUS P4SD-LA board with the P4G800 BIOS, to allow access to 1024 MB memory modules, though permanently destroying the board is a possibility too. :\
  4. I'm going to third the Creative Zen. Great players, and I think a better alternative to an Apple product. Though I have to say I've never seen or used a Zune before. Might want to look into that.
  5. You can only guarantee that the file will be in RAM if you still have it open in FL, and even then, it won't be in the form of a FruityLoops file, it'll be a bunch of more or less random values scattered across the program's memory. A file recovery tool might work, depending on how FL saves files. You can search around on Google, there are a few decent ones out there. Have it scan the directory where your original file was and see what turns up.
  6. I can confirm those problems exist in Firefox, Safari 3 Beta, and Opera 9.10. It would appear to be a database problem on OCR's end. Except for a few bugs needing squishing, everything looks fantastic. Kudos!
  7. I don't think anyone's mentioned Mu Tools' MU.LAB yet: http://www.mutools.com/products.html All your audio and MIDI recording/playback stuff, VST support, routing fer yer plugins, and it's available for OS X and Windows.
  8. It's not exactly video game music, but Battle of the Bits (http://battleofthebits.org/) occasionally puts out vinyl of music written for classic hardware.
  9. And it's deleted already. Score one for the good guys!
  10. I'm assuming you play an instrument? If not, try learning to play something. Piano is highly recommended if you plan on continuing writing music, though most people given the choice will pick up a guitar (it's easy to learn, but hard to master). If you already play an instrument, why not try playing in a new style? If you already play some piano or guitar, why not try playing jazz, and especially try improvising? Or, if you're more of the studious type, have a listen to some music you would normally never listen to, then study it. If you're a fan of modern pop and rock, check out music by Haydn and Mozart, for example, especially symphonies and concertos. Don't just listen, understand the form, the chord progressions, the arrangement. You might also want to listen to some John Cage-y style electronic music. Check out the collections of electronic music, particularly "An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music," which now has 4 volumes. That kind of "music" is usually an acquired taste, but it'll get you thinking outside the box.
  11. Just seconding what Feral-Fox says. Using the X-Fi's "Audio Creation" mode, there is no coloration of the sound (Gaming mode boosts frequencies 200 Hz and lower, and Entertainment mode boosts 1 KHz to 3 KHz, IIRC). It'll also use the onboard RAM and processor do to some effect processing. That said, I still wouldn't recommend it for recording use since its maximum sampling frequency is 96 KHz, and it only supports 2 channels in simultaneously. Besides, if you're going to spend the money on decent mics and a decent studio to record in, why wouldn't you spend the money on something from RME? At least it supports Vista, which is something that can't be said of the M-Audio cards.
  12. I can't believe I forgot Ableton. I even have a copy of Live 6 LE floating around somewhere... Most instruments and samplers should work without any difficulty, since the most significant compatibility issue is related to the new audio engine in Vista; any drivers, or software that needs to access the drivers with low latency are affected. Samplers and instruments that sit above that should not be affected. I probably didn't need to list Kontakt then, but I'll leave it up there for now. Thanks!
  13. As of 2007/09/17, this is the current status of Windows Vista 32 bit and 64 bit hardware and software support. Reply with corrections and additions, and this post will be updated to reflect the proper information. All samplers and VST instruments should work without troubles. Any that do not work will be listed here as we discover them. Just to note: all 32 bit apps should run properly in 64 bit Vista using the WoW64 32 bit translation subsystem. ===================== Software: ===================== Sony ACID Pro 6 - Mostly functional 32 bit, unofficially unsupported. Vista support begins with version 7 Sony ACID Music Studio - 32 bit app Adobe Audition 1.0 to 3.0 - 32 bit app Audacity - 32 bit app Steinberg products, including Cubase 4 - 32 bit app with unofficial 64 bit support. 64 bit support with Cubase 4.1 Fruity Loops - 32 bit app (questionable performance with version 6?) Ableton Live - 32 bit app, unofficial 64 bit support Digidesign Pro Tools (incl. HD and Mbox 2) - no official support (in dev) Propellerhead Reason 3.0, 4.0 - 32 bit app? Cakewalk Sonar - 32 bit and 64 bit support Sibelius - 32 bit app Finale - 32 bit app Native Instruments, incl. Kontakt 2.0, 3.0 - 32 bit app E-MU Emulator X2, X2.5, Proteus X2.5 - no support (in dev) Proteus VX, X LE, all others - no support planned ===================== Hardware: ===================== Creative: X-Fi (all products except Xtreme Audio) - full support for 32 bit and 64 bit, possibly some issues with recording Audigy 2 (all products) - No support planned E-MU: (http://www.emu.com/support/vista.asp) PCI and Cardbus interfaces: 0404, 1212, 1616, 1820 - 32 bit and 64 bit beta drivers available USB interfaces: 0404, 0202 - no support (in dev) Xmidi 1X1, Xmidi 2X2 - no support (in dev) MIDI Controllers - no support (in dev) M-Audio: (all 64 bit in dev) http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support.faq&ID=2b9102ba8e228823582720fb3beba029 MIDI controllers, Audio Interface keyboards, stage pianos - 32 bit ONLY Trigger Finger - 32 bit ONLY USB interfaces: Fast Track - 32 bit ONLY Transit, Mobile Pre - no support (in dev) FireWire interfaces: betas available, 32 bit ONLY PCI interfaces: Audiophile - 32 bit ONLY Revolution 5.1 - 32 bit ONLY All others: no support (many in dev) RME: PCI, PCIe interfaces: Hammerfall HDSP, HDSPe - 32 bit and 64 bit support Firewire interfaces: Fireface 400, 800 - 32 bit and 64 bit support TASCAM: All Firewire and USB interfaces - no support (in dev)
  14. OMG it's LAOS! Where ya been??
  15. I was going to PM you actually, my audition went very well and he gave me a spot immediately. I played Take Five with Paul Desmond's transcribed solo. Just barely finished the solo and he said he'd heard enough. Managed to avoid courses with Carol Ann Weaver, though her crazy is spilling over into other courses I'm in. She wrote all over the board in 1302 and then wrote underneath "Please do not erase until September 18." The early music course was taught by B. Menich. I didn't think she was all that great. I managed to get a spot in Music 275 this term though (aka the obligatory "Make music with Cubase course.") Pretty pleased about that.
  16. Right from Sibelius itself. I was instantly won over.
  17. Sweet. Let's see if Steinberg follows that example for Cubase 5 (Or even 4.1... yeah right). They're finally realizing these keys do nothing for product security, and are only an inconvenience to paying customers when they inexplicably stop working.
  18. I went through pretty much the same process as you. I had been using Finale 2003 for the past few years for creating MIDI files, and decided at the start of this year to move over to Sibelius 4. (Should have waited for the new version though!) I like everything about Sibelius better. Smaller program size, better manual edit tools than Finale, better typesetting (notesetting?) and layout tools... the list goes on and on. It feels more natural for me to use. During the winter I took at course at my university studying music up to 1500 CE, and one of our assignments was to transcribe a an early manuscript into modern notation, or as close as we could get it. Early music notation does not have note durations, measures, time signatures, key signatures, etc. Well it turns out that Sibelius actually allows you to enter music with no respect to time, which is the currently accepted method for transcribing old notations into modern notation. I don't know if Finale can do that, but if it does, I'm sure it would have taken a long time for me to figure out how to do. With Sibelius it was a piece of cake, and let me be a big geek and be the only person to hand in a computer-printed transcription.
  19. I'd say the HD 280s are very nearly on par with the AKG K171, with the HD 280 having the advantage of being much more comfortable (and a sleek cable management thing). Keep in mind that all closed cans like the HD 280 and K271 (AKG's high end studio product) tend to suffer from some "boomy-ness;" your lower frequency sounds won't sound the same on a pair of these cans as they would on open or half-open cans, such as Sennheiser's PX 100 or the K171. Though Sennheiser lists the HD 280 in the Monitoring section of their website, I don't think they are aimed at home studio monitoring. It's my opinion that studio monitoring should be done using open cans if possible, leaving the closed type for musicians to wear while recording to prevent feedback. Open type will give you the most accurate representation of your tracks (flattest response). All that said, grab those 280s if you have the money. They're fantastic for their price at $100, and anything less than that is a steal.
  20. I voted for "visitor/free" but after reading through the topic, I think I was a little hasty. Supporting one of my favorite sites by buying a $5 to $10 blog here is something I would do in a heartbeat.
  21. I think once you've got more than one machine to manage, giving them at least some sort of naming system becomes necessary for network management, etc. I've got a pair of CF-27 Toughbooks called Ninian and Nils, my old AMD K6-2 350mhz was Jenova, my P4 2ghz production machine is Gelnika, and my newest E6700 + 8800GTX x 2 gaming rig is Bahamut. I've never bothered with naming portable electronics like phones, PDAs, or game consoles, though my wireless network was called "WiiFi" for a little while. Edit: I forgot that Wii asks for a name when you first start it up. I called it Serenity, though it was a tough decision between that and Kaylee.
  22. Anyone else extremely disappointed with the Limited Edition "Soundtrack?" The only reason I purchased the limited edition was for the soundtrack, which I thought would be, you know, music from the game. Instead it is three poorly remixed stage band tunes. I've never heard "God Bless the Child" sound so bad... I could care less about the Big Daddy figure, which was broken to boot!
  23. What, no support for DK Bongos or DDR mat? I'm disappointed in you, Masahiro.
  24. When I worked at Ontario Lottery and Gaming as a web developer, some of the gaming development teams stole one of our developers to build a web app for playing Texas Hold'em. Their goal was to put large touch-screen computers such as this Microsoft thing in the various casinos as an alternative to actually sitting down at a table and interacting with people. No idea what ever happened to the project, but IIRC they had trouble finding a big enough touch-screen. I could also see something like this being purchased by companies to give their boardroom a little extra flash. To me though, right now it seems the technical equivalent of a marketing buzzword.
  25. They've had that domain registered for years. It won't mean anything until there's actually a website there.
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