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Everything posted by halc

  1. cool organs. at :28 i thought i was hearing tal tal heights for a sec. needs moar LEAD
  2. jesus what did i do to this page last night

  3. hi thanks im glad you liked my track

  4. owait what the hell am i doing here

  5. great intro. the guitars sound a quite dry, especially during the climax.. regardless, the arrangement is good and the track is pretty solid. nice work
  6. 30 posts per day = postwhore

  7. i discovered ocr sometime in 2002 and started writing music about two years later, when i first learned of vgmix. never spent much time around the forums until 2008 (when i started making decent music)
  8. wish i could go... i will make it there someday..
  9. click my sig (the pink one) probably not what necessarily what you're looking for... but all of them are relatively chiptune-oriented.
  10. this thread is pretty good, and i'm gonna let you read it, but beyonce has one of the best threads of all time
  11. my apologies, i will take care of this immediately.
  12. i love you skrypnyk just got through the whole album - it is wonderful
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