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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Not entirely true. Each track on it was the result of a request or recruitment, but there are some tracks on here that may not have been made primarily FOR the album. A number of revisited GMRB tracks, and others like Prot's track, already existed. But all the material here I believe was not released as ReMixes prior to this.
  2. Edit: I wrote a huge rant on the subject of being a professional musician but decided to not confuse or irritate people too much I work with a specialized branch of computers and work between 40-65 hours a week, typically. I have a lot of on-call and off-hours responsibilities so music as a hobby, while thankfully affordable by a job I love to do, is hard to squeeze into the sporadic spurts of free time. I'm very fortunate to have a job I am happy with to support a hobby I love doing, and am able to keep my hobby pure without having any kind of monetary pressure on it.
  3. Edit: I respect your opinion and am glad you can at least enjoy 42 of the amazing tracks here.
  4. I've listened to this song a number of times, both during and after completion. While I agree it is somewhat loud, you're right in that there is no clipping. However, it matches volume with the majority of other tracks on the album that are "loud". Calling it "ugly" and "shit" notwithstanding, I'm not hearing any significant volume pumping as a result of overcompression. So its loud, but no volume pumping and no clipping. Not much else I can say besides possibly turn your stereo down
  5. As far as I am aware, there was no mastering done to Gario's track. I can't find any project files with his except possibly a squash-to-render 16-bit 44.1khz. So whatever artifacts are there are either in your headphones or just built into the track. For what it's worth, I do hear it as high-end heavy, but the majority of Gario's stuff is like that, and I can't hear any distortion to that effect. I'll still accept the hug, though. Edit: Oh yeah, I should probably post some of my thoughts on the album, seeing as its out now. I had a bit of a rough-and-tumble with the album in some ways. It was probably one of the most headache-inducing things to get ready to release. Regardless of any frustration the prep caused, the music has been totally worth it. I wouldn't say there's a bad track on the album, and what can be perceived as negative is likely a person's genre bias (read: RAWR VOCAL HAET!). This album explores the breadth and depth that the source tunes from the X series can be taken to, whether its bLiNd's Shadowclimber, the Plaid Muffins with Tuck 'N Roll, the 10 minutes extravaganza track by Metal Man, any of Willrock's crossover mixes, Diggi Dis's funkafied deliciousness, or the Middle Eastern rock spin Vurez put on Dusy Dune Devil. Seriously, the variety here is astounding, and so many people coming together to make so much music could have easily fallen out of quality control or not been wrapped up at all. But it finished, it came out, and now people finally get to listen to it. I hope you enjoy every last second of it that you can, and for what you can't, I hope you at least respect it. Because that's what we're fighting for.
  6. Try this one http://ocremix.dreamhosters.com/files/music/albums/maverick/Mega_Man_X_series_-_Maverick_Rising_(MP3_+_Art).zip
  7. Downloading fine for me, might be your ISP. The site itself might be getting hammered by hits so your best bet is the torrent if for some reason the zip is not working for you at the moment.
  8. Dr. Manhattan always brings his big blue member full of nothing but facemelting supreme power. Utterly vicious track, Hugo. Keep up the good work.
  9. http://www.destructoid.com/save-the-music-stop-sigma-now--223800.phtml baaahahahahaha I love how this is written.
  10. Please elaborate about the perceived disrespect that staff is giving users, with specific examples.
  11. Both sides have valid points. Both sides need to stop taking stabs at each other. I'm on site staff, and also a member of the community, and I can see this shit from both sides. I'm also an artist on the album, and an assistant director on the album. Allow me to break it down: OverClocked ReMix is a site that is funded by fans and the community, and the community exists through word of mouth and what little internet advertisement and pressence we have there. Sure, we go to conventions and everything, but the core demographic for us has always been internet-based and usually revolves around the community for Video Game Music, as well as the larger Video Games and Music communities in-general. Quite obviously times are a-changin': Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google+, whatever. Social media is the main avenue to reach a fanbase these days, even if its just reposting updates from another website to them, that's how people get their info. OC ReMix has done a pretty fantastic job adapting to the changing climate of fan interaction over the years. There's been a few hiccups but for fuck's sake, we post every ReMix to youtube and tweet/facebook whenever shit goes down that people should know about. People visit those sites way more potentially than people hit the ocremix.org homepage to find out about a mix. Speaking from personal experience, I know that I keep my facebook and my ocremix.org/forums tabs open a hell of a lot more than I do the main OCR page. So in that case, how I find out about albums and ReMix posts is....through facebook. I'd like to find someone to disagree with me that this Mega Man X series album isn't one of the most anticipated albums OCR has created in a long while. Maybe not THE most of all time, but the fanbase for MMX is huge and has never had an album catered to it from this community of musicians. That's one of the main rationales as to why an album like this would be picked for a social media campaign: through sheer popularity. Yes, this can be seen by many people as a dick move to make an album which has had a very rough history of delays already seem arbitrarily pushed back even farther for "some petty facebook campaign". I partially agree with that: this could have been more well-planned, launched earlier, and possibly been more tactful in both approach and goal. For those only partially informed about the album's history, this can easily be construed as "holy shit, they spent 9 extra months finishing this and now its finally ready and they're holding the album for a 2500-like ransom. THIS IS BULLSHIT!" This is the first time we have ever attempted something like this, so there was bound to be some rough spots and we wouldn't get it completely right. Considering the history the site has had offering high-quality free material for well over a decade, I think that some slack should be given on both sides for any issues as a result of this campaign. It is so easy to devolve into hostility but really we are better than this, people! It is not simple minded to have negative reaction to this. Those frustrated with not being able to actively participate in this campaign do have some valid complaints. It also isn't petty for OCR to be using its hard work for additional publicity, as publicity is what keeps this site alive and ticking. If things like this weren't attempted, the site would steadily taper off in regards to its growth of community. tl;dr - there are flaws on both sides, now stop bitching at each other and stop Sigma. Edit: Knightofthecolossus is right when it comes to origination: we thought this would be a fun way to promote the site, the album, and play on the history of MMX lore in anticipation for the release. There was no ill will when planning this.
  12. You can "like" stuff if you have an artist profile. Its the same thing as having a real facebook except you don't have friends. That sounded a lot colder than I intended.
  13. Katamari Damacy and all Katamari Series music Bastion Ridge Racer Type 4 Rage Racer Rayman Origins (get it from the RayTunes Archive) NiGHTS (this is obligatory otherwise Sega comes to hurt me) Also, despite what Garian said, Foobar2000 is probably the best converter for chiptunes to mp3 out there. It can do it en-masse at whatever your CPU can handle, with automated filename and mp3 tagging based on chiptunes info fields. Highly recommend it. I'll edit this later when I have more time to write stuff.
  14. Also Mech sounds unbelievably similar to Ozzy. They did the title song for the game Painkiller:
  15. It depends exactly which content you're talking about as to whether that analogy is accurate. If the game you're playing is a racing game and DLC is the ability to use brakes, than yeah, point valid. It's more of a case-by-case basis. Some DLC, like the character skins, could be aking to being charged normal for a car that has different paint underneath but in order to get to that paint, you have to pay extra.
  16. I always thought Creed's singer sounded like Fuel's singer who sounded like Puddle of Mudd's singer.
  17. So check it out. These have been going on for a while intermittently but now they have a set schedule so there's no reason to not plan on trying one out at some point. Doubles' Dash is a themed compo held the last Friday of every month, starting at 9 PM EST. Teams of two write, record and upload to ThaSauce a vocal song in under three hours and twenty minutes. Teammates are not to be chosen until 15 minutes prior to the start of the compo, thereby providing an X-factor. Typically, one team member handles the instrumental and production, while the other handles lyrics and vocals, but that's not a rule; division of labor can be handled in any way a team sees fit, though it is not in the spirit of the event for one team member to do everything while the other sits idle. There have been some amazing songs to come out of DDC, so if you're working on leveling up your online collaboration skill, or your vocal or production chops, this is a great way to do so. While there may be a winner by points, everyone who participates is a winner because they make some material and improve their skill! http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/DDC The next DDC will take place on: March 30th, 2012. Winners of past DDC: DDC03: Being Alone by Team Superstar (starla & superjoe) DDC03NGP - New Game Plus: Dissolve Into the Night by The Late Late Late Show (Arcana & diotrans) & A Team by Myself by Team Fatty Arbuckle (Suzumebachi & Ty) DDC04: Stay Away from Me by Team Dragonwolf (Draconiator & Cyril The Wolf) DDC05 - Duets: Unending Light by Primordial Core (JH Sounds & elsalluz) DDC06: Come This Far by Team Strokin (Obtuse & starla) DDC07: Dirty Mind by Team Caught-Pants-Down (Cyril the Wolf & Level 99) DDC08: Recipe For Success by The Investors (Obtuse, Shael Riley, & Cliff DDC09: Shut Your Eyes by The Carson Daly Monologues (JJT & Level 99) DDC10 - MILESTONE ED: If I Were A Dinosaur by Total Titrage (Level 99 & Wildfire) DDC11 - BIRTHDAY ED: Someone to Rock With by Bearded Cock Fight (Level 99 & Cyril the Wolf) DDC12 - Back-to-Scho: I'm Coming Home by Team Chin Hair (Level 99, Xenon Odyssey & Cyril the Wolf) DDC13 - The Return of The Vengeance: S.M.O.B. by Team Cockwerk (Suzumebachi & starla) DDC14 - Titanic 2: Curse of LoveZombie: NO WINNERS! But there were two participants! DDC15 - Bio Force Ape vs Butter Monster: NEXT ROUND! 4/27/12, 9PM be there!
  18. I can't imagine the size of the files for these extra costumes is so high that, on a relatively high speed connection (you know, the kind that are required at minimum to play on these online services), you can't download one in about 5-10 seconds if you're playing an online match with someone who has it and you don't. I think since Unreal Tournament 99, games have been allowing client-side mod downloads on the fly for compatibility. Having it on the disc should clearly and ultimately define the content as NOT DLC. It isn't downloadable content if you already have it on the disc. People are making so many suppositions and excuses for why Capcom may have had it on the disc before the game went gold but decided to lock it and charge for a key. Even taking their reasoning for game compatibility at face value shows that they did have it done before the game went to print, and that for whatever reason it was locked on some versions with the only way to use it being a downloadable key file. Granted, people who don't care about costumes or whatever won't buy them for $5 because they don't want to. It's a very slippery slope downhill though, and we're already seeing some DLC being game breaking, on-disc or not. Look at the Dragon Age 2 DLC, specifically the item packs. These are items that change the balance of the game. Whether or not it is core content, that's like paying to have a leg-up in the game. Sooner or later this kind of content will translate into things relevant for online games, and invariably some of it will already be on the disc if these trends keep up. So I see charging for costumes a slippery slope to charging for characters and worse, but the fact that its already On-Disc should both necessitate a change in what it is called, and also be a very clear point that, depending on your perspective, you might not be getting what you pay for when you purchase a game off the shelves these days.
  19. Yes, it is. That is another component. Everyday a little more gets done on it.
  20. There's a lot of changes going on on the backend of OCR right now. Lots of things changing simultaneously, so all parts need to be completed before moving forward. The new torrent is definitely one of those pieces, and I have not let staff forget that we need to work on it at every staff meeting (my job is to be the executive badgerer and nagger for getting things done). So while no real ETA, it will be sometime this year, most likely sometime over the next 2-3 months. Don't quote me on that as its just an estimate, but its a nice ballpark. We hate keeping people waiting, but this has been a huge overhaul for the next set of torrents, so it is worth the wait.
  21. Shut yer trap lest I continue ignoring my responsibility to get you a WIP for the GB25 project. Well, we used to play a good bit, but the server went down for a while. It only just got restarted this morning, so I would assume you'll likely catch people starting to play it soon. Most folks play at night, I'd check back at 9PMish. There are some night owls who normally only play after midnight, but we'll see who actually wants to get on the server. Remember, its password protected so PM me if you want in.
  22. I'm derailing this thread to talk about the new Taco Bell Dorito Locos Tacos! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/17/taco-bell-doritos-tacos_n_1284578.html McRib, you got some competition now.
  23. I've put a few other older/other game servers on my minecraft box. I'll list the currently supported games here so that peoples can know what's available: Game: Minecraft Ports: default (25565) Where to get game: http://www.minecraft.net/ Server Name: OverClocked After Dark's House of Rectum Dentata Notes: Talk to Brushfire about anything Minecraft-related Game: Doom 2 (Co-op) Ports: 10666 Where to get game: http://www.skulltag.com/download/ (requires DOOM2.WAD to play) Server Name: [OCReMix] Doom 2 Co-op Mayhem Notes: Password-protected. Contact Vilecat, Brushfire, or myself for password. Game: Doom 2 (Deathmatch) Ports: 10667 Where to get game: http://www.skulltag.com/download/ (requires DOOM2.WAD to play) Server Name: [OCReMix] Doom 2 DM Massacre Notes: None Game: Terraria Ports: default (7777) Where to get game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/ Server Name: [OCReMix] 8-Bit Revolution Notes: Password-protected. Contact Vilecat, Brushfire, or myself for password. Game: Unreal Tournament 2004 (Bombing Run) Ports: default Server Name: [OCReMix] Bombastic Game: Painkiller Ports: default Where to get game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/3200/ Server Name: [OCReMix] ROCK! Notes: None If you have any other game recommendations, let me know. Edit: might formalize some method of donations for generous souls to help cover the electricity bill of running the gamebox. That or also donate and have me run a server for a specific game for a certain amount of time. Or admin priviliges. Iunno, I just know that my electricity bill is really high right now.
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