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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Ready to sub, this version is fine. Go for it!
  2. Because I like to toy with your emotions.

  3. If we can get a dialog going knowing what you have and what you need, we may be able to figure out how to get you up and running using only spare parts that I have lying around the house. I have a metric fuckton and, seeing as I have a stake in your ability to make videos, I therefore have a stake in your computer's health. I will PM you shortly after I get home today.

  4. Just so y'all know, Sephfire will be coming on OverClocked After Dark this Sunday at 8pm. Yes, we are letting him take our live-show cherry. You won't want to miss this!
  5. Oh yes, I should probably say this explicitly now that the cat is out of the bag: OverClocked After Dark has packed its bags of its independent nature and joined the wonderful umbrella of the 8bitX radio network. OverClocked After Dark will now be airing WEEKLY, Sunday nights from 8pm to 10pm EST, so you can listen to it live and chime in as we go through the week's mixes and ramblings. We will still be having guests on the show, and be doing fanfic readings. For those who may be wondering why we're doing this, its for a couple of reasons: 1) It is taking a lot of the editing pressure off. Each episode requires an average of 8-10 hours of time to proof and edit, which explains the long time between episodes these days (the show's editor [moi] has been running low on time). This will ensure that each episode is smoother, more frequent, and forced low production time. 2) It is increasing our interaction with our fans. 3) It is giving us a chance to contribute to a great radio group, and will help facilitate more and better convention appearances in the future. 4) It is giving us an alternative hosting method and allowing us to integrate our forums with theirs so the population can basically double. 5) It is resolving a number of other issues that nobody probably cares about besides me. So there you have it. Tune in THIS Sunday for the first episode of the new format. More like than not, we will be having Sephfire from Extra Credits come on and chat it up with us. See you then! Tune in at: www.8bitx.com
  6. They are a thing. So are reviews that actually mean something. They are also a thing. On a serious note, I really liked this mix. The drum sequencing was quite slick, and I really enjoyed the rhodes you used. Nice use of stereo with the panned backing pads and sfx. Clarinet was...well, I wish it were something that were not incredible difficult to sequence well. It's not spectacular, but it is definitely adequate. Breakdown could have been a LITTLE more fleshed out and expanded but no biggie. Still good stuff!
  7. The live stream is capped at 96kbps, and that's that. So the live shows may sound a little internet-y, but I will also be recording everything on my end as one stream (voices plus musics), so it will all just be a WAV render of the direct out to the stream before it gets stream compressed when we post the actual episodes. Trust me, I got this shit.
  8. Shh wait for A1 next year, damnit. YOU ARE RUINING THE RUSE.
  9. Yes, exactly that. If a song sounds too simple unnecessarily, it feels empty and uncompelling. Layering sounds and adding additional harmonies/arps/melody lines will make it fuller, and thickening out the production would help as well. TLC indeed means Tender Love and Care. Spends some intimate time with your mix. You know, take it out to dinner, get to know it, take a look at the insides and figure out how things tick.
  10. Let me start by saying FUCK YOU, AMNESIA. YOU MAKE IT SO HARD TO GO TO BED SOMETIMES. ARGH WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO GODDAMN SCARY?! Second, I highly approve of you doing a remix of the, albeit limited, music present in this extremely atmospheric game. And also thank you for being so patient as we mods get back to our backlog of things. Three weeks is a long time to wait and your patience is greatly appreciated. The problem with this is how minimalist the original theme is to begin with. I'm not the kind of person that's currently able to evaluate CotMM-style remixes (which this is heavily reminiscent of in parts), but I'll do my best. Production is... quite slick actually. The drawback is that the Main Theme is hard enough to pick out as it is because of how it is written, but you've done a good job of making it pretty apparent what's what. Oh god some of the things you've done with the voices are supremely creepy. Some of it is a bit over the top where it feels almost like a gimmick, but it is seriously just on that line between "brilliantly used narrative" and "overuse". I wouldn't recommend changing it at this point, as it stands about the same chance with the judge's panel right now. I'm finding it very hard to find criticisms here, as I really am highly enjoying what you've done in this track. I'm giving you a good-to-go for submitting this, and I am also eager to see what the judges say as this is the first mix of this kind that I've encountered. Best of luck, and know I'm keeping this on my "creeped the fuck out" playlist for a very long time.
  11. Sweet baby moses I feel like I lost 10 years off my life listening to that on the car ride home.
  12. Currently fixes are being applied. We are on hold from pushing for a release until these fixes are made. There is no estimated release even WHEN the fixes are in, other than ASAP. Alan and Kyle are both aware of where things are and are working hard at getting this wrapped. Just FYI.
  13. Anyone who remixes that rant will have that remix played on OverClocked After Dark. I surely was not kidding, I want to hear this stuff.
  14. The moment I heard him start fake crying I just heard the FF Fanfare in my head, and all was right in the world. Challenge: Someone remix his rant, and get it posted on OCR/OLR/thasauce. Edit: On a serious note, any person who submits a mix knows that there is a high probability of it getting NO'd, unless they're really young or stupid or just don't read. World is harsh for anyone who WOULD respond to getting rejected like this has no one to blame but themselves. I am fairly certain at least one person in the history of OCR has cried when getting rejected. The Judges feast on your tears. They are....delicious.
  15. Also, you have amazing timing, sir. JUST POSTED! EPISODE 65 - THE HORN OF SOBRIETY IS FAILING (FEATURING JJT) http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=701 Check this shit out, yo.
  16. Man, not to sound crass, but "this is some fucked up shit": http://www.facebook.com/ExtraCredits?sk=wall&filter=2 Apparently the escapist wanted a fuckton of the rockethub money used for Allison's surgery (75%) and also felt they were owed nearly 10k on top of that. Show is going to youtube until another site picks it up. Dan, James, Allison, it breaks my heart that this past month has been so hard on you all. Please never stop doing what you're doing right now, keep your chins up, and keep your fanbase in the loop. You know them peeps watch out for you.
  18. Happy Birthday, Jos[alt+0233]! Continue to be awesome and make awesome things.
  19. Sounds like a mighty fine plan to me! You are now added on our list of people to contact this week!

  20. Guys. Big huge announcement coming this Wednesday. Check this post for more information. TRUST ME, you all are going to LOVE this. The Big Huge Ridiculous Announcement (Teaser Edition)
  21. Podcast 64 - I Like Acid Trips Sonic in the Search for Love Part 6 More to come.
  22. HE'S ALIVE! Awesome! Great to hear you're a marine. go you!
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