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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I'm over two hours early but, technically it's already your birthday over in Europe, so I'm cool with it. Happy getting-older, Shaun. You're freaking awesome.
  2. Yes, but part two wasn't in our usual manner so while it may not sound like usual it should be out a little quicker. I'm trying to push it out tonight, but it may wait until tomorrow.
  3. Sorry for the double-post, but I just updated this with hopefully the final version. Took care of the drums, fixed the intro, added a good chunk of SFX, refined the choir, decided not to do the organ though, and all-around better mixing. Lunar Dioxide (WIP 3)
  4. pre-emptively. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31501 The name is datingservice123. If that's not a spambot or an alt-account, then I'm retarded. Edit: confirmed spambot.
  5. If you actually got him to dress as moneypenny, in-full, in the best attempt to become that character... ...this might just be the best new years ever, if that happened. Also, DrumUltimA, let me know about the 31st. I need to call the hotel about checkin since my crew has our hotel room for that night and I need to pick up OA from Dulles in the afternoon. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out, you only need a ride to MAG, right?
  6. Okay, so I resorted to using a MIDI as reference for parts of the song since I'm terrible at piano, but the rendition of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" that Brushfire and myself are doing still has our own flavorings and spin. This ain't no midirip+drums, folks. Recording the vocals last night, I actually had to leave the room for fear of ruining the take with laughter. Be afraid. Very afraid.
  7. Edit: I signed up too early. I was so excited I forgot how little time I have in January. I therefore give up the robot master I chose and wish everyone luck here.
  8. This means Bond may have lost his razor somewhere along the way. I've never once seen any of his gadgets give him a good shave. Actually...now that I think about it, why don't any of his gadgets provide personal grooming? You'd think that stuff like that is a given. The James Bond Aston-Martin line: It has missiles, machine guns, shields, ejector seats, and a cloaking device. If you want to groom yourself, though, you're SOL. I had to shave my beard a small while back anyways for some medical reasons. Thankfully, that was resolved and I've been growing strong for a bit. It won't be what I wanted it to be, but it'll be the best I could manage. And to me, that's enough. (don't forget I'm shaving at intervals DURING M8 anyways, just to throw people off)
  9. I was already oddjob once in my life, so I don't know how I feel about shaving my head and face again. I will, however, most definitely be dressing up as something bond-ish and encouraging everyone to do the same. ....ah, screw it. I'll just go as Bond, like most people. Anyone want to be my Moneypenny?
  10. I'm one of your fans... :supersadface: Also, if you haven't checked da e-mail yet, I said that if you want SGX on, you should email him. Not this week though, this week we have super-mega-awesome double-podcast with Geoffrey Taucer and Bahamut. Or...did you already talk to SGX? Talk to me, Deven! O_O Brushfire gets a song? What's HE done to deserve a song! Oh right...he's just that cool. Yeah sure, whenever it's your turn to get on the 'cast, feel free to sing for him! You, get back in the corner and enjoy your colorful name-rendition. OCAD means serious international relations. ------------------ Please bear with us as we're about to go through the transition of getting all the files hosted on our new native site. We'll still be requesting that Escariot mirror the episodes, but since we don't have all the access we need to update his pagelisting, it will just be easier to do it where we have the ability to update it all ourselves. Furthermore, this means we'll be using AND updating our RSS feed for episodes, and hopefully this will lead to an iTunes listing so y'all don't have to keep checking up here all the time (though you still should cause we love you long time). Right now, the RSS feed stops at episode 4, the OCAD hosting by Escariot stops at 6, and the OCADies recording still needs to be properly listed. Episode 5...may or may not exist at this point. Discussions are in effect for a way to integrate the songs listened to in it into other podcasts as it ended up being pretty hectic. The guests from that show will be rescheduled if, in fact, the episode is ditched. Also, we have our first taker on the holiday fan-cast: sefirosu. Bob Barker will be at your door shortly to give you instructions on what to do next. You passcode is: banana. We're all working hard to get this to professional-level upkeep and maintenance while retaining the laid-back feel. It's easier said than done: it's like those people who spend three hours on their hair to make it look like they didn't spend any time on their hair at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is: we're currently fixing our hair (or what's left of it). Edit: Oh, and a very happy birthday to Epicenter. I'm not making a thread because I'm sick of those nice birthday dudes. It makes me want to go punch some tech support. No love lost for The Coop, though HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEVEN!
  11. O_O you play in a...a...a ska band? That's been one of my dreams for years.

    What do you play? Are there any demos or whatever of the band? Lol sorry, ska gets me all happy and excited.

  12. D: Why is that the second time this week someone has called me or alluded to me being an Uncle?! Well, at least I deliver. I don't use FireSlash's hosting because I pay my monthly for pro mediafire and make full use of it. Problem is I can't access the media-manager everywhere I go, so sometimes links get botched. No worries, though. Thanks for the feedback, dude, especially the comment about the arrangement album. Now I'm gonna push REALLY hard to make this a winner.
  13. Nope, I couldn't. What's the matter there, Professor Zircon? Can't remember what you resolved to do last year? Make fruity loops 9 demo: check. Get married: check. What else is there, lol.
  14. You can always expect something amazing from the Dual Drags, and now I'm stoked at possibilities. This is great news about the WIP deadlines, as it now gives myself and the crew working on the track more motivation to get something solid in there. At the end of the project you should cut your beard and start again, dude.
  15. First: Second, make sure you can handle ONE woman. Not a chick, not a babe, not a girl, but a WOMAN. If you can handle ONE woman then you might be able to move onto two chicks. Third, two chicks at the same time is overrated. Also, I thought of another new years resolution: get more than six hours of sleep average a night. Oh, and lose another 10 pounds and be in prime shape.
  16. I can see this having some serious application with the stuff that we tend to do around here. I'm honestly not sure how many coders/hackers are amongst us, but since it's already in the software implementation phase, I don't see why OCR couldn't host/have [insert proper term here, would it be patches?] created to use OCReMixes. 1) I haven't taken a look at code for emulation in a while, but I'm assuming a patch contains no actual code from the game, thereby making it infringement-free, correct? 2) I have yet to go over your documentation in-full due to lack of time, but is there a specific audio-format and playback rate that the 21fx would be using? I'm assuming that, since it is just extending the accessible memory, that it's the exact same format as default SNES. However, now that I think about it, would it be possible to simply stream the audio portion of a video while the game is playing? I guess there's multiple methods to achieve the same ends. Great, now I'm salivating for DKC2 - Serious Monkey Business to come out and have some kind soul with more time and knowledge than me to plug that into this format.
  17. Brushfire is coming over today to record his vocals. We're so still on for this.
  18. O_O did byuu sign up for our forums and respond to those arguments? Holy-er crap! The more I think about it, the more merit I can see some of these implications having in terms of usage. Were it possible to swap out music say for the original SSF2T on SNES with Blood on the Asphalt, or add in cut-scenes in places, it could really give some fresh pop to old classics. Good luck with that hardware design, byuu. The stuff you said cleared up a lot of questions I would've had. Oh, and I would totally replay FFIV with the EOBLOR arrangement album in there were it possible on the SNES. Spoony Bards, indeed!
  19. Okay, can someone please make a scoreboard to see the rankings of who's doing how many insane number of concurrent project mixes? I'd like to see how many people stand with us in this kind of lunacy. Public project mixes only. *waits patiently for someone to actually go and make a tally*
  20. O_O holy crap! Mind = blown. Then again, I could have suspected this but...actually seeing it is another thing entirely.
  21. *pulls plug on Cyril's ego* Not until after we finish Kirby-ska, dude! Oh, and Magma Heart too. After that, attach whatever helium containers to your ego you want, for now I want you on planet Earth, haha! Oh, and thanks for those other kind words RitiTroll. I've learned a lot of what to do and what not to do from that song.
  22. Hmm, alright. I think I fixed it now. Thanks, ilp0, and sorry folks! Also, here's the original OHC entry I'm building it from: Click meeee! Edit: Just fixed the link I believe! When someone tests it, please let me know.
  23. Well, it's the end of another year quite soon. The end of a decade, and the end of the first decade of a new millennium. We're all one year older and wiser, so I think it's time to look back on the last year and see if we kept our resolutions (or at the very least remember them). Also, does anyone know their resolutions for the upcoming year? I've started thinking about mine, for sure, but haven't settled on anything yet. I guess one biggie for me would be to actually invest in a house, though I'm sure there are others. Please share your new resolutions and, if you feel so inclined, reflect on your progress on the ones from last year.
  24. Why not have our own film festival as well? Get him and Mark Wahlberg as Luigi and the video is a guaranteed hit. Now who to play Peach and Daisy... *raises hand* Do Sonar tutorials to your mixes, that'd be awesome.
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