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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. So here's my next planned sub for OCR. It's a refined version of an OHC entry from a little while back. I'm aware there are a few issues with it, but if there's anything I have not already slated to be addressed, please let me know. Lunar Dioxide (WIP2) Currently on the to-do list: * Less reverb and more dry-mix on the intro lead, as it sounds too distant * Lower volume on lead during main rock portion of song, it's a tad loud. * Planning some more usage of car SFX during certain parts, such as tire-screech-> crash right before the first chorus to assist in transition. * Adding an organ during the chorus to really give the progression some drive. * Adding a tambourine to sections. * Considering some drum variation, but not much * Intro choir to be added to last chorus for richer conclusion * 5 year drivetrain warranty * Seven cup holders * Power doors * A built-in Mr. Coffe- oh wait, I seem to have gotten off-topic. Anyways, anything else to suggest, folks? (Thank you, Willrock and KyleJCrb for already giving some feedback)
  2. It never really has in my mind. Done correctly, it does add to a system's effective lifecycle and provides more of a chance of competing with future systems to a certain extent. I'll make a blasphemous analogy: it's similar to how computers can remain on top by simply adding or switching out a single component. If the hardware at the time of the console's original design had known limitations that they could leave an "open road for improvement" by designing hardware add-on interfaces for future technology, then why not do that and if/when the next technology becomes available implement it? I agree that this would have completely blown my mind back in the day. I do take caveats that this is software implementation on software emulation, but it's all the less-far-fetched because of the goals and purpose of that specific emulator: accurate hardware emulation. The big negatives would be the fact that the SNES as original hardware, complete with the expansion slot, is no longer being manufactured, and that as good as it may be, I really only see this as a hobbyist endeavor. Heh, despite that, I can't help having the hope that someone would start a project like Beats of Rage with the SNES hardware and use the 21fx expansion in very clever ways. It could give some new life to the SNES homebrew scene, and he does make a valid point that with software-implementation alone, it provides a portable platform for software design that has solid roots in one of the most successful gaming systems to date. I ask you this: would anyone be opposed to having an original Chrono Trigger that also had the playstation cutscenes? I know the DS version provided that already, but it's a neat concept to go back to the originals and possibly expand upon them with patches (if that's technically possible to do with the 21fx, using it as an extension module. Example: have original Chrono Trigger game or rom, have patch and 21fx expansion-thingy for it, patch tells chrono trigger to expand to 21fx memory and access cutscenes when indicated). I'll fully admit that I haven't the faintest idea of the how or what, but just seeing that demo is filling my head with ideas.
  3. Haha I'll defer the argument about human nature, as Brad would say, to PPR. However, I will agree that improving the WIP boards and having a new VGMix are not mutually exclusive, and in fact we should have both.
  4. Yeah, this is still being worked on, everyone. Slowly making the changes that PR recommended. The long-and-short of it is as follows (as per the last I talked to him): -intro to be a bit longer; maybe :40 to a minute in length, encapsulating a few short solos, a main hit of the easily recognizable kirby theme, and a wind-down to the intro of the vocals. -The vocals would be mostly unaccompanied during the first and second verse and go straight through to the main chorus kirby theme - pretty much exactly how it is right now up through 1:15. ("french fries") -After that, a much longer solo break (still debating which instrument) eventually leading to a breakdown where the drums would drop out and the winds would keep going. something to break the "sameness." Then there would be a lead back in to the vocals at 1:40, returning much to the same style as the first and second verses. -Leads back into the chorus recap (2:02), with additional harmony parts in the winds. Immediately after that and the drop out (2:27) (I love this part, btw) the winds would come back in full force, probably with a trumpet solo over the words - leading to an outro which could either wind down slowly or have a few massive chords and a lot of jamming on the final note. You know, the typical jazz "this-is-it" chord. PS: The vocals need harmony. Will probably request the brass players to do this to capture the authentic "ska" feel. So there you have it, folks. Where we stand. These changes will take a bit of time and focus for me to precisely do, plus the plate's a little full (no pun intended) and with MAG coming up I have focuses elsewhere. Stay tuned, ska-cats!
  5. So...many...tempting...premises... "I Want You Inside Me" "Bros with Dix" "Dolphin Ride" "Go The Distance" "Kara-Turian Nights" "Daijiru (Too Hot For Clothes)" Everyone see where I'm going with this?
  6. you smell weird and i don't like you. No, I lied, you smell fine and you're awesome. I just like spamming your wall sometimes.

  7. It had the right idea with the stats for reviews, though. And those stats being officially tracked and linked to your profile was a good way to start. Even if there are more and more people posting mixes, there will always be people to listen. If a mix is skipped over, that should tell someone that it either didn't stand out enough, or they didn't do something right, or any number of other things. In the case that it was just skipped over due to popularity, that's where the reviews stat comes into play, encouraging people to review pretty much everything. I'm not a fan of the downward spiral angle, as then you're basically alluding to "hey everyone, don't bother ever attempting to make music or reviews because the reviews wont be enough in the end and almost all music will be glossed over unless you're a mixing guru and do mixes of only the most popular games." I don't buy that at all. The systems may be flawed but they're not self-destructive.
  8. I really hope someone didn't send me an iPod box with a piece of meat in it. I don't care if there reference is a few years old, it's still funny! Peppermint pig? DJ Hero? USB drives? Wow, creative people.
  9. I just found this to be absolutely fascinating. If anyone's been around this big-ol' internet of ours, and they're gamers, they've no-doubt heard of the word "emulation". In regards to emulation, over the years it's gone through the process of 1) prove it's possible 2) make it playable 3) make it accurate/enhance it. bsnes is an SNES emulator that does have a high focus on accurate emulation. With the latest release, 0.58, there has been the inclusion of support for something called 21fx. The full story is here: http://byuu.org/21fx/ Long story short: consider it like the SNES-CD. It expands the accessible ROM range from 4mb to 4GB. There's a demo of the Lunar video running on bsnes and...I'm actually stunned. I'm even more stunned that he's trying to pursue it actually being made into a hardware attachment that could technically work on a real SNES. Just figured y'all would find this an interesting read.
  10. Raised simultaneously on controllers and mouse/keyboard, and I honestly have to say that it depends on the game-style. In the case of FPS games, I have to go with mouse/keyboard hands-down. I've never been able to play FPSes well using a controller, I guess I'm just not as good with the slower general move speed and would rather use my hands for accuracy than just my thumb.
  11. Quote The Damned about the Missingno Tracks:

    "OK, Nintendo finally announced a release date for the next games, so I got a release date in mind. Anyone mind getting all these wonderful remixes on March 1st?"


    It is there where we shall meet on the hallowed ground of the battlefield...and battle our pokemon. Talk to you about it later today.

  12. Okay, yeah, I'm just figuring out the shipping situation.


  14. Is there a deadline we HAVE to get the gift out by? Obviously I don't mean sometime next July, but does it have to be sometime this month?
  15. Also, and I know that this is touchy to bring up, but the name VGMix just has the renown of being "that other VG remix site like OCR but not". People knew about it, and if a new site comes up at that address or with that exact name, I know at least a few people will go there based on name-alone. Functionality does factor into long-term popularity and usage, but just like OCR, the community of VGMix is at least half the experience and enjoyment. Not only was the community ridiculously active, but that instant-post/feedback feature was key in keeping people active. The control was in the hands of the artist, and they were more motivated to make things better, and quicker, because of not having to go through any kind of wait besides the regulation posting limit (and of course the one they put on themselves while they create the song). Now I'm just starting to reminisce, heh. The cycle was a joy in-total: post a mix, get reviewed, factor in reviews to make next song better, and do it again. Talk to reviewers and get more specific feedback, maybe even start a collab, listen to other mixes, learn and review the mixes yourself. There was a very good flow of everything... Halc nailed it on the nose in my opinion.
  16. Dude, Brushfire, that sig. Seriously scary, Daniel Craig. I APPROVE!
  17. *puts finger on his own nose and smiles convincingly* If it happens, it happens. You've got the bonus that I really like that song, though. Other projects come first!
  18. Your wall has now been magically marked by one of the OCAD hosts. The mark is made of urine. No, it will not wash off.

  19. I say take a number, sister! OOOOOOH! I thought we already discussed this?
  20. Heh....hehehe, I see what you did there! Though wouldn't it technically be "Wet Dreaming"? As in, in the process of having a wet dream RIGHT NOW? The holidays are getting all-up-ons us now, so I'm sure things are slowing down just a tad until the new year. Y'all be safe and healthy, enjoy your families and friends, and if the remixing spirit bites you, don't fight it.
  21. Luiza and I now I think have the same amount of concurrent mixes going on O_O Horray for guitarists! Looks like Badass is really picking up some speed, y'all.
  22. Dude, you must be getting gray hairs, or losing your hair, YOU SO OLD. Happy birthday, brotha.
  23. Fresh from my hard drive, here's the OCADies broadcast as best we could manage: The OCADies First Annual Special Ridiculous.
  24. Your mistake was thinking that this was something serious. With a name like the OCADies and a MSPaint trophy, you'd have gotten the hint. We took almost two hours of your life away. And you're never, ever getting it back. But I honestly felt it was a great way to enter in OCR's new age of double-digits. OCR is getting to puberty, and it's going to experience new changes and growth and hair where there wasn't hair before. Before you know it, OCR will fall in love with another website and it'll start having funny feelings towards the other site's PHP code and forum template, and OCR will begin adjusting itself and....yeah, I'm done with this joke. OCADies recording uploaded soon. Take it with an internet's worth of salt, and sorry for any sound issues. Remember: this is just the audio recording of the live feed from tonight, so there are references to shit said in the chat that isn't documented. Still, enjoy it for what it's worth!
  25. Only for this podcast, usually it's a download, but I'm probably stating the obvious. 6 beers (all expired, I only thought to check after drinking them), 2 cups of rum-n-mixer, and shot of capn morgan's later...
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