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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I was twenty-one. It was much overrated. Happy birthday, dude.
  2. Heh if you give it enough time, love, and patience, I'm sure you will. I've been here 4 1/2 years and, only now, am I just getting my first mix accepted. Will definitely see you around, and be sure to use the WIP boards and #ocrwip IRC channel to get feedback and constantly improve. OHC is a great way to force yourself to get to know your DAW too. Good luck!

  3. Thank you for the feedback, folks. Thanks to some super-awesome people, I got some addition pre-crits and fixed some mixing issues. This is all set to sub next week. I'll be looking for it in the queue at some point in the future! And, thanks to everyone's mentioning about the secret underground love of acoustic remixes, I may just do them more often now. Thank you, WIP boards! <buddy hugs> Edit: It has been officially submitted. Godspeed, little mp3 file!
  4. How am I a hero? AND SPELL MY NAME RIGHT!

  5. Thanks for joining us in OHC, buddy. Hope to see you around here doing good musix.

  6. I'm on-board with Skrypnyk: This thread is about "reporting" plagiarism, not arguing the finer philosophical points of what constitutes appropriateness and acceptability of said plagiarism...wait, don't we have a whole forum dedicated to philosophical arguments about stuff? <--- is a smart-ass For now, back to the castration.
  7. Halt, I think I know who you're thinking of, and if that's the case, you're wrong. But, editing is going a bit faster than I expected, so hopefully I can try to cram this out tonight and get on with my to-do list. Some assorted info: Episode 2 "Handfat" is looking to push around 1 hour 30 minutes, so about half of last time. We talked a bit less and played less mixes, but it's still a tad long. We're still feeling out the balance between OCR-related stuff, shooting-the-shit, playing songs, and our little special features, but it's getting there. Next week's podcast, Episode 3 "Codename: CODENAME" (or something else if Brushfire dislikes this one, I don't care what Epicenter thinks...that douche ) will be recorded on Thursday, probably, to accommodate guest Avaris. We will be interviewing Avaris on his mixes, his musical background, OCR's newest al- I mean, 2nd newest album Xenogears: Humans + Gears, as well as his body count. Possibly getting another guest on as well, will keep you all informed. If you would like any projects plugged, any specific things mentioned for OCAD community news, or anything like that, please get in contact with Brushfire or myself and we will consider putting it on the show and making you into a spectacle. Also, PLEASE LEAVE US SOME LOVE ON OUR VOICE MAIL! Epicenter should be back next week, if he behaves himself and stops stealing my cookies. That's enough info for now, follow the twitter to see how mundane and boring our lives are. Edit: AND BRUUUUUSHFIRE! Where are the show notes from last time, are they done yet? Get off TF2 and start working, turkey. Editedit: And Dyne's end had some audio bleed similar to Epicenter's. Brushfire and I sound like gods a little again, sorry, y'all.
  8. DAMN YOU! Why did you have to pick one of my favorite vg tunes from one of my favorite games?!? I've already covered this once, way back in the day...I guess I gotta do it again then, huh? Also, the midi link is broken (one too many .mid's at the end)
  9. It's about the same as GearBox, I think, just in an actual hardware device that can also be connected or contained within a floorboard (Pod XT Live is a floorboard, Pod XT can connect to the FBV1). You can actually open these presets in GearBox, TheShaggyFreak has done so, and if I get the time, I'll record some demo stuff of the highest-gain things I use. I'm using a Gibson SG Faded, which is humbuckers.
  10. Man, that's terrible bro, so sorry to hear it. MM9 is still going to be a ridiculously awesome project when it comes out anyway. I'd join just to rub it in pu_freak's face that he can't get me on his projects right now, but I'm afraid I have to echo Luke's sentiment: "I'm on far too many projects as is..." I know you'll pull through though. (don't hurt me, pu_freak!)
  11. It's your burfday, yes it is!

    Get naked and fuck. ;-) have a good day, buddy!

  12. I don't get it.... but yes, I will get this episode out ASAP. If I'm lucky, the amount of bleeps will only take me half a century to do, and I may just give-up on it halfway through the thing. It went a little longer than planned, but it usually does. Less songs to play though, so I'll try to keep the mix only at around an hour and 30 minutes. There's another special guest on there, and you all should make her feel welcome! SHE'S NEW TO OCR!
  13. Intro is ear-gasm, the synths are incredible, the hi-hat needs a little work though, sounds a tad awkward during the first verse and whenever that rhythm is played but I love the ride cymbal. I think it's just because of the velocity of whatever kit your using, and where it's placed in the mix, that makes the hi-hat sound a tad out-of-place. What drums do you use? At the section starting roughly at 1:00, how about some heavy-panned chord-synths like Children of Bodom do? Cut away a little from the rhythm guitar there to make some room for them so it sounds intense...I don't know, maybe give that a shot! Almost sounds like Ken's stage around 1:27, never noticed that about the source. Again, the hi-hat sounds weird when you brought it back. Arps at 1:55+ are....jaw-some. The break is well-placed, bass needs a little refining though. Nice solo, you didn't over-play it and the battle sounds pretty convincing til you do the harmonies...but again, that hi-hat pulls me out of getting into the mix as much as I really want to. Just a suggestion: consider a tambourine during the chorus and solo-section? Might add a little icing on the cake. And...why on Earth didn't you make some kind of guitar-keys battle?! DO IT! This WIP is now on my iPod and will stay there until you update it. You've got some gold already here, and just a few things holding it back, minus a little extra mastering (Push the lows some more, they can be fleshed out a good bit especially with the style you're trying for here. I noticed in the Knuckles Chaotix mix it was very mid-high heavy, at least on every set of headphones I used, so make my subwoofer work for the money I paid on it!). Have roll, Willrock. (couldn't resist). Also, we talked about you and played your chaotix mix on the just recorded episode of OverClocked After Dark. I made fun of your teeth, but it was totally kidding. You should check it out, and then yell at me if I made you made cuz you rock me, Willrock. For the love of god, keep me updated on this mix. Edit: Also, thank you for the kind words on my rock-alicious stuff. I'm glad you enjoy it, and I don't plan on stopping rocking for a good long time. Doing exactly what we talked about in IRC: subbing every 3 weeks, WOOHOO!
  14. OH HI!!! welcome welcome welcome, I didn't think you'd actually sign up, but WELCOME!

  15. I used to play the shit out of this and the music was quite catchy. I'm listening to this when I get home! Sweeeeeeet.
  16. Holy...$40 donation for a physical copy? That's cutting pretty deep, man, dunno if I can swing that at the moment. How many physical copies are you ordering?!?
  17. So I've decided to release my current bundle of presets I use on my Line 6 Pod XT for everyone to use and mess with. More than half the tones are leftover from when I bought the Metal Shop and FX Studio packs, and this is not organized or named well at all, but...who cares. Have fun with the tones, and if you make any modifications or want to upload your own, please do so and share them here! Bundle from November 3rd, 2009: http://www.mediafire.com/?mm2zn2muqit Have fun! I have no idea what you'll need in order to play them, but I used a PodXT with the Metal Shop and FX Studio packs.
  18. Hi Larry, how are you?

  19. It's actually pretty-much done for the PRC, but whatever mods you want after that I'll definitely oblige to...holy crap, I have three songs on this project. Heh....*nervous chuckle* *checks list of remixes* Well, I am killing two birds with one stone for this one.
  20. I can't figure out how to reduce that frequency in the WIP you commented on, but I also wanted to let you know that your "Flik eating a happy cookie" sig is probably one of the best pictures I've seen this year.

  21. Meme-tastic wit, good sir! We shall battle wits again, someday soon!
  22. http://www.animedetour.com/ We got confirmation of approval for an OCReMix panel at Anime Detour. Should be Saturday, April 24th, at 3 PM. Check here for a full schedule: http://schedule.animedetour.com/ Despite what the info says, Brushfire will be joining in on the panel (I still need to email them to let them know a third person is coming). Now I just need to get the presentation from DJP, steal some merchandise, make every slide about OCAD, and we'll be in business The presells are over, but tickets should still be available at the door. WE WANT TO SEE YOU THERE if you can make it.
  23. I was waiting to ask this, but I'd like to offer my song, which I am currently subbing to PRC, to replace the "Theme: Hopeful progress through a dungeon". It is Little Nemo: The Dream Master - Stage 1 (Mushroom Forest). Source is here, I'll send you a PM after I sub the PRC if you approve.
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