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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. practically everyone in the thread is creaming over it wth are you talking about
  2. Holy fucking shit. Nekomonogatari was so good.
  3. yeah, hit me up if you see me on I'm always down for playing with people I know (unless I'm in a dungeon already or something obv)
  4. well I mean you can party up for instances with anybody; I'm just not sure if you can do that when they're not on the same server (at least for story instances) I do know inter-server instances do work for dungeons though, since I do that all the time.
  5. Oh hey, I have an S2 now so I can do some of these things わくわくどきどき
  6. is GlaDOS going to become the quintessential robotic voice now?
  7. I finally have an android phone, so I'm bumping this. you didn't make this an easy thread to find (droid is a specific brand, but you know that already)
  8. pfff, my birthday's after Christmas and that never stopped my parents anyways congrats Mazedude!
  9. oh hell yeah, you finally made Without Regret into a full song that was almost my favorite thing from Antigravity, and it was just a sketch of an idea
  10. He's being taken to concerts; he doesn't have that luxury. also 'tracks'
  11. I've been needling them forever to get a/some Tyrian remix/es done. Tyrian is in my top ten games ever so its omission is particularly consternating to me.
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