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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Darkesword's new mix http://ocrmirror.iiens.net/songs/Super_Metroid_Heat_Vision_OC_ReMix.mp3 also http://djpretzel.web.aplus.net/songs/Final_Fantasy_6_Inspector_Strago_OC_ReMix.mp3
  2. or if you're lolicon I liked it
  3. get that shit outta here no but seriously, what is this supposed to be, I don't get it
  4. asdflkasjdf;kjew GBC didn't come with tetris, they were talking about the original Gameboy
  5. it's a youtube transcribed from nicovideo. of course the quality is going to be shit, you dunce
  6. light blue, lime green, transparent purple uhh I think that's it, maybe red or pink
  7. but you're not physically using them to make music (unless you're counting electrical signals as physical)
  8. he says that it's only giving him the 30 seconds thing with no battery and only the charger
  9. Well, first party chargers are more likely to work properly since the first party generally has closer tolerances for the quality of the charger, but that doesn't necessarily preclude third party chargers from working at all. As for the 30 seconds thing, I really have no idea, sorry.
  10. in other words the classic series
  11. so did mine tangentially on topic sort of: So, who here doesn't beat metal man (or maybe crash man) first?
  12. uhh your brain doesn't necessarily go quite as mushy as your muscles do as you get older
  13. because all sequenced music is MIDI and all MIDI is sequenced music
  14. The only game I've really felt addicted to is DJ Max, and that's because it's so damn easy to pick up and play for short bursts of time. Anything other than a rhythm game I have to force myself to play for more than twenty minutes at a time otherwise I never get anywhere.
  15. I cannot, for the life of me, remember if I've worked on this or not. I think I'll pick up a copy next time I go to the music store if I can't find one around the house.
  16. What you are referring to, my dear sir, is indeed commonly referred to as a poll. I respectfully request that you double check your terms in the future. signed, -Gollgagh Post script: Your meaning is utterly lost upon me.
  17. oh cool, I was wondering if you were ever gonna put that kind of thing back on the mix pages
  18. also, how many times do I have to tell you, mokram, don't put stuff in the "title" part of your post anyway, (vote in red) a) We've been doing VR helmets forever and they have yet to catch on, so I don't think so. This seems to me to be the most attractive out of what you've given for possible "future technology". Like someone said, using more of the articulation that the human hand has could make for some pretty awesome control. I'd worry about the accuracy of such a controller, but it could be really cool. c) Nope. Waaaay too much effort. I can see it for maybe a few webcam kind of games, maybe, but not on any kind of large scale. Besides, this idea has also been around for ages and has yet to "catch on". d) Honestly, I still see this as the most likely thing to happen for a good while yet. I can imagine VR becoming the way to do it in the (far) future, but people have been wanting to do VR for like thirty years and it still hasn't happened without being expensive, ridiculous, or both.
  19. regular users can't make polls
  20. I've always read your name as prophet of metephisto for whatever reason
  21. uhhh I'll work on one for next year
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