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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. why would you need to hack it if it lets you install "Other OS"'s?
  2. I'm afraid it's a no-go m'signor Coop.
  3. oshit oshit oshit how much do you want for Oracle of Ages?
  4. for the defragger: jkdefrag jkdefrag jkdefrag
  5. caulidad proast moar liek ecksdee
  6. And as of this post, I feel that I finally understand the phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it too"
  7. I can't imagine why you would think that you could open up a metric fuckton of tabs and not think you would be using a lot of resources.
  8. sweet, now I don't have to rip the music from the DS's shitty audio output.
  9. Nintendo just makes shitty shoulder buttons. This has occurred on every single nintendo thing that I own that has shoulder buttons.
  10. Seriously $15 is lunch money, people lunch money (granted, that would be an expensive lunch for a college student, but it's still in the same general range)
  11. uh you might try uploading it to an image host instead of whatever the hell you just linked to.
  12. the muthafuckin Star Salzman entered into it and I daresay his is the best post even if his ego is larger than z.. I mean any given presidential cantidate
  13. I"m finding out that chains can break: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=923057 edit2: I finally got down under: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=923697 hahaha what if you press the return arrow once it'll reset and you can actually launch it edit: yeah, I think you broke it: edit3: hey guys, try looking at the early design numbers like http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=4
  14. if you can't stand shitty voicing/acting, avoid the first ZoE AT ALL COSTS
  15. either you cleared your cookies or you're on a another computer
  16. AC4 is quite excellent and I would highly recommend it any day of the week. edit: AC4 being Ace Combat 4 not Armored Core 4 I don't know that game
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