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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. You guys are supposed to PM me your votes, by the way.
  2. As long as the music originally debuted in a game you're good, no matter the genre of game.
  3. Pretty sure the composer just named it that. I have no recollection of any mention of a character named Sarah in Tyrian.
  4. Do we REALLY need that all caps filter? It's really irritating when you're trying to do a competition headline. I screwed up and now I can't fix it either. >:\
  5. Welcome to FLMC8!Yes, that's right folks, it's time for another fabulous round of the Fruity Loops Music Competition! This month's source is Dammit, I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to run things. VOTING TIME Here are the entries, both project file and .mp3, zipped up: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4t4l2 If you want the .mp3s individually, here they are: DDRKirbyISQ - FLMC8try3 RocketSniper - KirbysCocklolfinal Smenelian - Kirby's Block Boss Bundeslang - NotinDreamland I am implementing the voting system suggested last time. Entrants get 5 points for voting, but cannot vote for themselves. First place gets 3 points, second place gets 2, third place gets 1. Votes should look something like this: ============================================== Numbar one: asdfdsads - derp d00d this song was it roxxed my sox lol bcuz of teh synths + drums! gr8 job keep up teh gud wurk. Numbar two: dj darkshadow3249807124 - starrs sweet this was pretty cool i liekd teh way the breakdown wnet also the buildup was cool. 0 points for originality tho Numbar three: unts - unts hmm this song wuz ok but maybe sum moar beatz wud hlep. also it wuz short maybe lengthen it nice try tho. ============================================== Deadline for voting is FEBURARY 1ST at 0000 HOURS PST OR EST I DON'T REALLY CARE. (or January 31st at 2959 hours if 0000 is confusing)
  6. It's been a little while since I've played as well, but I think it plays during the final boss of the first episode where they're flying through the mine pits of Tyrian and Microsol is trying to mine kind of anti-gravity ore. Lessee, onscreen there are shit-tons of fireballs and missiles and lasers and minion ships flying at you from every which-a-way while the mothership of the mining operation is bearing down on you.
  7. gay unless you're a girl in which case, hawt
  8. there is no thread death date, btw compliments of vbul
  9. I just bought a DS. Just thought y'all should know.
  10. I was originally planning to go through a set of screen names based around the elements in Final Fantasy VII. I got through fire and ice with Archaeapyric and Hierpagos, respectively. Tendriel Gollagagh means forked lightning, however upon shortening it, I misspelt Gollagagh and didn't notice for several months. By the time I did notice I just said "Fuck It™" and left it as it is. also people kept complaining that I needed to stick with one screen name so I stopped here
  11. Dammit, I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to run things. VOTING TIME Here are the entries, both project file and .mp3, zipped up: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4t4l2 If you want the .mp3s individually, here they are: DDRKirbyISQ - FLMC8try3 RocketSniper - KirbysCocklolfinal Smenelian - Kirby's Block Boss Bundeslang - NotinDreamland I am implementing the voting system suggested last time. Entrants get 5 points for voting, but cannot vote for themselves. First place gets 3 points, second place gets 2, third place gets 1. Votes should look something like this: ============================================== Numbar one: asdfdsads - derp d00d this song was <img src="http://remod.cakearmy.org/images/icon_awesomes.gif" /> it roxxed my sox lol bcuz of teh synths + drums! gr8 job keep up teh gud wurk. Numbar two: darkshadow31531957 - starrs sweet this was pretty cool i liekd teh way the breakdown wnet also the buildup was cool. 0 points for originality tho Numbar three: unts - unts hmm this song wuz ok but maybe sum moar beatz wud hlep. also it wuz short maybe lengthen it nice try tho. ============================================== Deadline for voting is FEBURARY 1ST at 0000 HOURS PST OR EST I DON'T REALLY CARE. (or January 31st at 2959 hours if 0000 is confusing)
  12. Alright, I've have the stuff updated on the site ready for votes within a couple days. I'm just fairly busy right now.
  13. If you have winamp and chipamp, downloading this would be much easier since it has the songs in native format: http://members.iinet.net.au/~vannevar/tyrian/tyrianlds.zip
  14. ***http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6483/flccopyde8.png**[/url*]* Asterisks around what you're missing.
  15. A'ight, we'll add stuff next round. For now, get the word out and get working on submissions!
  16. Bump and update. ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN JOIN PLEASE ENTER THE CONTEST, I BEG OF YOU Anyone that's remotely interested, please put this in your sig:
  17. k done Also, I'm not against allowing things if it gets entries submitted. However, I'd like the opinions of at least two "regulars" before I change anything.
  18. FL, yes. Reaper, NO OVERRIDE This is the FRUITY LOOPS Music Competition fyi
  19. Okay, since I'm home now and done with the semester, I think I can help with this again. Seriously, though guys, put this thing in your sigs and link the thread. [url=http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12506][img=http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6483/flccopyde8.png][/url edit: why the blasted hell is this code thing so retarded? Images shouldn't show up in code boxes. this completely defeats the purpose of having a function at all. quote me for the code for the linked sig
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