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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I never once believed that Trenthian was female, but okay whatever.
  2. By the way, LT, ParagonX9 is very much of the feminine persuasion. I would have thought that you, a judge, would have known that.
  3. Looking forward to this, Prophet. You best step off mah grill. That's my avatar, that is.
  4. Just because I want some Tyrian remixes: I know we aren't supposed to link this place, but since no OST for Tyrian was ever released, I'm linking it anyway. http://gh.ffshrine.org/soundtracks/2100 NEEDS MOAR REMIXAGE DAMMIT
  5. You only win when you understand how to pronounce my original screen name: Archaeapyric or maybe my second: Hierpagos
  6. Succeeding the Disk Jockey of Pretzel's totally wacky and zany birthday wishes, I offer my own and hope that you come to make many more Doom remixes.
  7. guys, this is retarded I don't really have time to deal with this now anyway. Decide amongst yourselves what you want to do about this.
  8. Okay guys, this is not going well at all. What do you guys think we should do? Rocket Sniper's suggestion is that we open it up to all Kirby games. I wouldn't mind doing that if it meant that people would participate.
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12506 'k guys, this is the last try. The new deadline for this is December 31st at 11:59PM EST I am considering opening up some of the things that were previously disallowed, like Slayer, but I want opinions of regulars in the thread.
  10. HOLY SHIT I've been waiting for this for like a year and a half. Glad you decided to FINISH HIM
  11. I still say we need an Xfire buddy tag or whatever it's called.
  12. I think there were 8 or 10 entries. I forget, but it was pretty popular the first couple rounds.
  13. I don't mind changing the rules if people want it (given enough reason), as I'm really just going off of the rules that chthonic had when he started FLMC1. Idea: I'm gonna go ask Doulifée to make a banner for us.
  14. I think people forgot. We really need to push this thing if we are to get more entries.
  15. Well, for one thing, the cereal would have to come packaged in a big-ass can.
  16. Phailure is not an option. I believe an extension is in order, maybe to sunday night after thanksgiving?
  17. Hell, you already have a tab on the remixes themselves if they have lyrics.
  18. Palpable? In my judge panel? It's more likely than you think. hell yeah
  19. Ideally, but if there are no submissions by then, there's not point in having it stay there.
  20. da fuck you talkin bout Schmoo drops the best damn weapon in the game barring the Alucard Shield and shield rod/shield sword(whatever the name is, I forget) combo, of course
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