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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Plus you look like a badass when you're using it.
  2. Have a great day filled with jubilation and make more remixes please!
  3. what, no labels, or a keyboard so damn tough that you can clean it in your dishwasher?
  4. Second best damn keyboard ever The first is one of those ancient keyboards that was made in the '80s and was built like an effing tank.
  5. Hmm, nope, don't know what you're talking about. It shows all files for me.
  6. Yeah, that's pretty much the quintessential Winamp 5 skin. Also, WinAmp here. Does everything I want it to with as little fuss as possible. I'm the same. I do have all of my music categorized in its own separate folder, but I guess probably everyone does that.
  7. A good rule of thumb is if not everyone has it, it shouldn't be used.
  8. I'm up to level 45 vocab and 200 grains gonna take a break
  9. I bid thee birthday jubilations. go have a drink or something
  10. ooh, ouch. you're just above the highest firmware that I know how to downgrade without a pandora battery. Atma might know something, though. also, in terms of memory sticks, I use a 4 gig, but a 1 gig is nothing to sneeze at.
  11. What kind of PSP do you have and what firmware is it? Typically all you need for custom firmware is a bigass memorystick.
  12. aaaaa now you're an Evilhead
  13. pfffffff I can help you, if you'd like. I have about 5 or 6 PSP's under my belt both online and off and not a one has been bricked. Well, my personal PSP was semi bricked once, but that got fixed promptly.
  14. aww lame, you used the windows tetris sprites
  15. I endorse this with every fiber of my being.
  16. I swear I'll get him his money come cash day. I'm broked right now. : [
  17. Okay, I'm trying to find time to work on a sig banner for this thing.
  18. guys stop beating the similes to death
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