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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. There are indeed Chrono Trigger avatars, though they be limited. Crono is on page 8 of the avatars and Marle on 7. I could have sworn we had a couple Magus's, but I didn't see them at first glance.
  2. I dunno about anyone else, but I really liked the first two. Haven't played the third. Sonic Battle was just bad though, avoid that one for sure.
  3. I haven't watched very many AMV's, but I thought this one was pretty damn amazing: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=140609 (FA posted it over at .org already)
  4. That's the last straw! Now I use my secret weapon! ... aw, crap *shuffle shuffle* stupid game *doorslam*
  5. The real question, though, is how in the hell does this EARLIER DST save energy?
  6. olol no. What? Again, what? Put a little more effort into your posts, please.
  7. This literally made my jaw drop. First picture in a while to do that. Where in the hell did this come from? The original character that it's based off of: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcueid_Brunestud The artist: http://idnar.deviantart.com/ It's quite incredible, really. Someone else post some of his other stuff.
  8. How is that supposed to work? They have to be physically present on your player for them to count.
  9. Some weird person that I don't know very well sent me a subscription to Blender, but I don't take music recommendations from some random magazine I've never heard of.
  10. I just found these on Deviant art, as well: I loved this game so much.
  11. Cool, thanks for writing that. Yeah, it's a [rather terrible] original. Bundeslang said that we didn't have to remix, so I didn't remix. I created the drumloop using FL samples, then exported it to wav to save time/CPU. You can see it in pattern one. I have no idea what I was doing with that. In theory, the HP EQ was supposed to remove the overtones around and below 200 from each of the channels other than the drums and bass, to leave some space for them. I didn't listen to it without the EQ, so I don't know how well it worked. Originally, I had a Soft Clipper there. It didn't work like I wanted it to, so I switched to a Compressor, which sounded weird, or something. So I switched to a MultiBand Compressor. I have no idea how to use compressors. 'Kay, I'll keep this in mind. This is a bad habit I have. I tend to just stick reverb + delay on all of my synths, without thinking. This is another bad habit of mine. I like to use EQ to change the sound of everything, and I end up boosting the midrange on most of my tracks. D: Yep, I was trying to get a HUEG sound out of my kick. I'll try your method out though. This came from a lack of time; I created the first minute or so in around 5 hours, went to sleep, woke up, and wrote the last 2 minutes of the song in around 30 minutes. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  12. Sorry for posting this again, I just really love it.
  13. Just gonna say that I really had nothing to do with the mix. Like at all. I couldn't mix to save my life.
  14. Bumping this. Also, requesting definition for SOL and maybe a sticky.
  15. Hey, sorry this took so long. Been busy. Here's another re-render: http://elpollodiablo125.googlepages.com/ElPolloDiablo_-_NoobMusic.mp3 And the flp: http://elpollodiablo125.googlepages.com/noobmusic.zip Good luck to everyone! Edit: Hey DDRKirby, if you have time, can you do another one of those commentaries? I'd like to know where I'm going wrong with my mastering, 'cause most of my songs end up muddy like this one. : /
  16. Bloody hell. I guess it doesn't help that I'm running a pirated version of FL6. I'll see if he can do it later. (We're about 300 miles apart, btw)
  17. My brother made some mastering changes to his, but is a little busy right now and asked me to post the updated version. So, here we are, please use this version, instead: FLMC5_noobmusic1.01_-_EPD flp FLMC5_noobmusic1.01_-_EPD mp3
  18. Zip file. mp3 thing. I had to rush to finish this, 'cause I didn't start mixing until a few days ago. Procrastination ftl.
  19. Bleh, amazing how little time college leaves you to do stuff. I'll just leave the mixing to my brother for now.
  20. What is the significance of this? I'd say that it sounds pretty dumb, but I don't even know what's going on here.
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