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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. There's nothing wrong with complaining about how these movies do a disservice to the original show.Opinions differ. I'm glad you enjoyed it because your 10$ was well spent. I'm also mildly annoyed because the success means more films of this caliber will be coming down the pike as the remake gravy train rolls on.
  2. It's Mikhail
  3. Out of ideas again, eh?
  4. which is when the series started to fall apart. Galvatron my ass. I remember watching it regularly until about the time that crap started happening.
  5. Dissident detected. You have been reported to Microsoft. Incoming Cease and Desist. Most people want basic Windows w/ Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. Microsoft knows this and will never give this combo to you without extra payment for Office. But they will throw in useless things like Encarta Encyclopedia. Hurray! Wait, does that first post really offer 6 versions? With that many versions, I may as well force myself to get into Linux.
  6. So much for the grasshopper.
  7. today's music ain't got the same soul I like that old time...
  8. Should that have a question mark at the end? I've seen it both ways.
  9. Me too. This applies to non-gaming music as well.
  10. Just wait 3-5 years for another remake. They'll add more tits, and it'll clean up at the box office.
  11. I'll give you 100-1 odds that people would still buy it and talk it up. Baaah.
  12. It's a pity they didn't just do a Star Trek film with new and different characters. But alas, the era of remakes continues to rake in the coin.
  13. Do what I do. Blame the Wogan.
  14. I still occasionally listen to Dennis Mott's Mappy Land song. :)

  15. If you are reading this, gaijin, you need to post again in the mental hospital. Especially about cleaning out your uncles electric razor. hahah.

  16. Posting that new OCR Christians took some courage considering the obvious backlash in these here parts. I salute you.

  17. Is there a reason they just don't make a new game using the graphics, sounds, etc... from Turtles in Time? Is it that hard to make a rudimentary plot for a beat 'em up game?
  18. I've looked at your name a few times and thought the same thing. "Native Jordan". Weird.
  19. When you look at the tables and code for Diablo II, it's a nightmare to get the game properly balanced. I spent many hours trying to balance the game properly by modding stats, drop rates, damage modifiers; it can't be done. Inserting new music, however, added some much needed flair. Still a fun game even if it is horrifically unbalanced (and buggy).
  20. nay.........
  21. I liked it because it was pretty much a third person version of the Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale games, complete with AI scripts and contingencies. And the music was nice as Darkesword nailed.
  22. Did we ever find out?

  23. This country's decline reminds me of the old stories of Sodom and Gomorrah. Nothing really changes although technology improves as each cycle of human civilization moves along.

  24. If any of you fine folks get tired of the progressive/liberal bent that dominates the site and culture, feel free to use this visitor message thing here as a mini-forum. It might be nice to post an old-school thought somewhere without getting labeled as a bigot or neanderthal.

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