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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Honestly, there would have been more sidetracking if we seriously hadn't done 5 takes of the first 10 minutes or so. I think by then we were just...done. I know I was by the end. Thanks for the rocking comment!
  2. Definitely some nice shreddage here. The mix is powerful throughout, which lends itself well to both themes. I'm not sure if the first lead synth is the best choice, but I still think it works as is. Nice work.
  3. If you aren't paying attention on this one it sounds pretty standard, but there are some nice things happening here. I don't know the source, but everything felt pretty naturally used in here, and I liked the section at 1:33 quite a bit. Nice change-up there. Overall this is a fun one to listen to, even if it seems fairly typical on the surface.
  4. This track's very mellow, with some usual Fishy awesome guitar running the show. Once things got started the time flew by, but the intro was a bit long, IMO. Love the 80's drums and the overall feeling of this one. Nice work.
  5. Adding onto Arcana's post, the idea I had come up with a couple years ago involved setting up my old SNES in front of my parent's treadmill. The idea was this: Play one of those games (namely, Breath of Fire) that I never got around to and walk at the same time. I never intended it as my workout, but as a way to play games and not be sitting the entire time. I have to say it was pretty successful, and enjoyable. The only problem was the occassional mis-step that almost killed me a couple times. Now I'm in my own house, and invested in a good exercise bike and have my old PS with Xenogears. Another plus is that it limits my game time to the interval I set (usually 30 minutes) and I tend to burn between 150-200 calories. Certainly better than eating a snack and gaming.
  6. Any thoughts on aerobic exercises I can do at home that would be easy on my knees? I used to be able to run 4.5 miles, but I'm guessing bad form + flat feet did me in. I'd like to be able to do some cardio that isn't going to do more damage than I've probably already done. I've got an exercise bike, and that doesn't seem to cause problems, but I'd like to throw in some variety if I can.
  7. I see your carrot and orchestra and raise you "Broccoli Ocarina...Big Size"
  8. That is insane. I don't want to know how long he worked on that.
  9. Thanks everyone for your well wishes! I had a good day, even though it included going to school (work) and putting in grades for a couple of hours. I got 2 large boxes of ramen noodles and a sewing machine for cosplay from my parents, and I am waiting for a mystery package from some friends. Good times! P.S. - I'm pretty sure vengeance has an 'a' in it.
  10. This is reminding me a bit of Fireflies (one of the few pop songs I've actually enjoyed quite a bit) in terms of the effects on the vocals, and the general feel of the song itself. I agree with everyone that this has a nice warm feel to it which is really nice to listen to. Very relaxing, and a nice collab between the two artists.
  11. That was probably my one regret in singing this that I couldn't get a good tone quality, intonation, and vibrato out of those long (and one VERY long) held notes. Vibrato's always been a weakspot for me, since I tend to be very tense...all the time actually, but it's been improving slowly. I have to say that I was very impressed with how Kenneth worked the original into a 3 minute piece. It certainly takes quite a bit of skill to expand so much on the source while still staying interesting. I also have to say that Nutritious really brought this track to life. Listening to the original finale version and the finished version, the sounds and emotion are so different that it really brings out the emotion. It was great working with these guys, and I hope I can again soon!
  12. Summer would make a huge difference in my ability to go, as well as my ability to have a great time. As it is, over NYE I would have to rush back Sunday to prepare for teaching that Monday, and if it is in mid January I would be rushing on both ends. Add to that the thought of spending a large chunk of change right after buying presents for Christmas (not the biggest issue, but it can feel like a big hit sometimes).
  13. I'm up for singing for anyone who needs some female vocals. Give me a shout if anyone is interested.
  14. He's got copies of both, I wonder if he's listened to them...
  15. Wow, weird that MMX is the mascot as I'm typing this. Can I get a pseudo hold on the Mavrick Stage 1-2 from X2? Really confusing to read this, I know, but I just want to get my idea out to Bahamut before it gets claimed.
  16. When I watched the Lion King 1 1/2 it ruined the original for me, and ever since then I've made it my personal goal to ruin anything and everything for everyone else. I take this as a compliment.
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