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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. It is unfortunate that MAG is right before I have to go back to teaching, which makes it awkward for me to ever make my way out to it. ::Shakes Fist:: DAMN YOU FATE!!
  2. The counterpart of this is, of course, 'Titties' Now, on the slightly more serious side, could you do a cactuar running animation, perhaps?
  3. 1 hour 11 mins to go here. Happy New Year peeps!
  4. No offense to Prophet, but this isn't my favorite mix of his. One thing that bothered me were that the way the vocals were written. I felt like there was too much sliding through the source to fit a line in, so that the line overall just doesn't sit right. It sounds too much like it's a line written over the source vs. a line that was meant to be the source, if that makes sense. An example of this is 1:55 with "Why hast thou forsaken me" 'Hast' takes up two syllables, as well as 'for' somewhat awkwardly. I would have preferred either a change of the lyrics or a chance in the line (which I know isn't what Proph was going for). I'm also not crazy about the effect used for most of the mix that makes the vocals very distant and fuzzy sounding. I get what he was going for in this, but the first half especially is difficult to make out because of this, and there is such a drastic difference at 1:55 that it bothers me. Lastly, while the balance between sax and vocals is improved from the album version, I feel like there is still a ways to go to avoid the clashing between the two that makes the sax very difficult to hear and the lyrics difficult to make out. Too much treading on toes, in my opinion. What I like about the mix is the overall vibe that Prophet went for in this, and the idea of the lyrics. They suit the mood of the original source very well. I can also hear a good improvement between this and his work on the Thieves of Fate album, and I know he will continue to improve.
  5. Thank you for all the service you've put into the site, Andy, and I hope you continue to make remixes (and other amazingly awesome music, of course)!
  6. I'm surprised how well this holds up despite being the fifth remix posted here...ever. Definitely some nice work here. There's some parts that almost sound like a MegaMan track, and other parts the can really get you pumped. While it's not my favorite track around, it was worth checking out and listening to more than once. Nice work.
  7. Gotta love the 80's.... This has some pretty fun synth work throughout, and I'll agree that the solo is some good stuff going on. Overall the track really sets that 'let's train until we can win the championship' feel to it, and somehow manages to get you pumped up even though it isn't all that fast paced or in your face. I would have liked a little more punch out of the melodies overall, but this still gets the job done. Cool stuff.
  8. The transition between themes is pretty seamless, which is always a plus. Some nice combinations between the synths/guitars/drums; nothing feels overpowering or underfelt. I feel like the drums get just a mite bit stale towards the end, but it's not something that drags down the mix in any way. Overall some nice work and a good listen.
  9. I'm another sucker for those epic orchestral pieces, and this one definitely fits the bill quite well. The details in the harmonies and counter melodies really help carry this piece, and I love the percussion at 1:02 (and other areas similar). This one has been one of my favorites from the album for a while. Nice work, I always enjoy John's stuff.
  10. I always thought the 7th Saga had some underrated tracks, especially the overworlds and town themes. Here's a sampler video
  11. Someday I'll take a theme and mix it with the retrograde inversion somewhere in there. Someday...
  12. This one's funky, and it's kind of cool, but I have to say, it's got some strange stuff going on. Overall the entire track almost wobbles for lack of better word. I think I might be drunk in a carnival fun house. I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing or not yet, I'll have to digest another few listens. It's creative, weird, and cool, but I don't know if I like it or not.
  13. This is some awesome guitarage here. I can easily picture this being blasted while speeding down the freeway. There are a couple of minor things, one being that there isn't much build-up in the song. Aside from the short intro and short outro, the mix is going pretty much full force throughout. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how this is, I just would have liked the mix to build up to full awesome, rather than start out at max. The other thing is that there are a few instances where the drums feel just a little out of time with the rest of the mix. It's only really noticeable if you are really focusing on it though. Organ is pretty kicking in this though, and again I will mention the guitar skills are very apparent here. Nice stuff.
  14. Signing in at work just to wish you a happy birthday! Hope you have a good day!
  15. Opening is fairly straightforward to the source, but when the main theme comes in is where things really open in. I like where the synth gets its own time to shine and also collabs together with the other sounds. Super short, definitely meant as just an introduction, but it packs it's own punch.
  16. I'm surprised this hasn't been fixed yet, but Kaleb's link works. Interesting texture throughout this mix. The style is laid back, jazzy, and at times upbeat and full of tension. As the track stands it feels like two entirely different songs that were cut and pasted into each other with nothing connecting the two. The jazz sections aren't bad, but their a little rough around the edges, but the strangeness of the mix as a whole is a turn off for me. Not my thing.
  17. I agree with everyone that those bell samples are quite nice to listen to. Overall I'm enjoying listening to this mix. I know nothing of the source, so as a blind listen I'm enjoying the textures and melodies overall. A few little things that bugged me are the buzzing up and down synth which gets very noticeable during the breakdown section, especially since the melody is so quiet. The transition back to the A section at 4:14 or so was kind of awkward as well. Really this stuff is minor, and there are lots more good things to make up for it. Overall, for it's age this is a cool mix that I enjoyed a lot.
  18. Interesting that this was created without any samples, and Dave's first shot at it, too. Given the circumpstances of how the mix was created I can say that I'm impressed, and I've enjoyed listening to this one for a while now. Nothing big in the variation catagory, but that's alright. Also, fun guitar solo at the end.
  19. I put on my robe and wizard hat? Well, anyone I've talked to on instant messenger has always been helpful and nice to me. Add to that a general amount of intelligence and a common interest and we've got a pretty decent group to be around. And hugs.
  20. I'm a little dissapointed in the use of sound effects in this one. I personally find them pretty distracting, and not at all helpful to the mix's soundscape. That, combined with a lack of variation on the source just is making this not work for me. The bass/drum interplay throughout the mix is pretty cool, as was the fake fade out, but this isn't for me.
  21. CotMM has some awesome music, but I personally find it hard to really appreciate some of his stuff. This one has some accessible parts, but overall the sounds are just rough to my ears, and it's hard to get past that. Overall in this melody there were some pretty cool transition in this, particularly from the Prelude the Mako Reactor theme. The jump to JENOVA and back wasn't as strong, but it still holds its own. Some good stuff going on, but the sounds are a big detractor to me. Nice FF4 cameo, btw.
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