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Everything posted by TheLeviathan

  1. Did you just double post to quote yourself and answer your own question? Also, fighting in a linear tunnel doesn't sound too appealing to me.
  2. Great start. I pretty agree with everything said so far. I'm a huge fan of this game, and soundtrack, so i really hope you finish this. You might have already planned on it, but it needs an intro. Some of your ideas are pretty cool, but you need to expand on the source a little. A solo somewhere might be sweet. It's also a little repetitive, change up some of the repetitive parts and build off of what you have. Can't comment on production at the moment because I'm listening through my bad speakers.
  3. The only legitimate song to use is Patrick Water's "Final Fantasy Wedding Processional". Also, congrats!
  4. He would actually be a good Cid.
  5. Foxhull and Avaris, I sent you both a pm with a WIP for Shattering of the Dream Egg if its still open.
  6. Awesome stuff as usual G-T. Now where is my midnight drive set?
  7. For anybody who has bought and used any of the new PLAY soundbanks, I ordered the free trial pack a few months ago to test them out, and while stand-alone worked fine, I could not get them to work in FL6 for the life of me (they load, but there is no sound after loading an instrument). Is there something I need to do? I'm pretty sure they should work in FL. Please help/correct me if I'm wrong. I'm gonna buy a couple if i can figure this out.
  8. After Kaijin and Mcvaffe made a comeback, I thought to myself, "now only if Russel Cox would make a comeback..." and lo and behold. Are you interested in live piano only, because I use the Steinway samples from EWQLSO which sound pretty legit IMO.
  9. Pretty much a mix of what everybody said, plus Majora's Mask. That way G-T will finally play it.
  10. DoD already had Metal Gear month, but this would definitely be the best place to look.
  11. You get to skip straight to the Finals.
  12. Just played G-T. Actually managed to win our first match (me as Lucas and him as Ganon), but then he decided to show no mercy and ravaged me on the rest of the matches. His Dedede is crazy.
  13. Thanks for the feedback so far. I haven't made any changes yet, but I will soon. As for the title, I think I've settled on Stars Frozen in Time. I'll try to make some fixes and post an update by the end of the week.
  14. Hey guys, I started this a couple months ago. This is a Star Stealing Girl arrangement in an ethnic orchestral style. I am pretty satisfied with it at the moment, but figured I'd post it here before submitting it to the panel in case there was anything to tighten up. Also, "Frozen Stars" in not the final name of the song, and I am having a hard time coming up with a good one. Any suggestions? Thanks. Link: http://global-trance.com/TheLeviathan_-_Frozen_Stars16.mp3 (Thanks for hosting G-T)
  15. My mom's cousin actually had some part in making this happen (though I'm not sure exactly what he did), and he wanted me to check out the beta. I didn't mess around with it for too long, but it seems pretty cool. MIDI does have a little lag though, but playing live instruments is supposedly good.
  16. Awesome stuff. That's a great group of artists you have there. Keep it up! Oh, and more mono plz.
  17. I don't know if you've heard of moAbi, Arek, but he has a pretty rockin medley of Lufia 2 songs. http://opus-xero.com/contents/music.html (link for the song is on the bottom left.) I'm a huge fan of this game as well, and am in love with the soundtrack. Maybe I'll try to throw something together for fun later.
  18. I was a tester at THQ 2 summers in a row a few years ago. It paid $9.50/hr, 40 hrs per week. Also lots of overtime when the game was winding down to the finish. At first it was alright, but playing the same level 24/7 let alone the same game 24/7 gets really old FAST. Don't get me wrong, it was a great summer job and much better than retail or fast food in my opinion, but I would definitely not make it my career. A lot of places hire only temporary anyway (THQ average was about a year, and then some people became permanent while most quit or got laid off). I've never heard of any places paying $80-100/hr, but then again, what do I know. I just highly doubt it. So long story short, if you know you won't get bored out of your mind, and those hourly wages you mentioned are actually true, then you might as well try it out. Also, as far as far as my testing was concerned, we gave no input whatsoever about ideas we had. We only wrote up bug reports for the developers to fix. It was pretty much the lowest level in the game development chain.
  19. Jeez, definitely one of my favorites. What a tragic loss. I've always wanted to ask him what the name of the instrument that he uses as a lead in many of his remixes (the one that sounds like a flute/reed instrument and gets really rich sounding with vibrato) and which sample/soundbank it is from. It is used in Ascension to Cosmo Canyon, 2nd part of Setting Sail on Dreams, and some parts of Once Upon a Lifestream (good example at the 3 minute mark). Just wondering if anybody knew since I'm in love with whatever he uses. RIP Reuben.
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