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Everything posted by Drack

  1. Played some more games. Here's what I like, in the order that I like it. Mercury Meltdown Revolution is a fantastic budget game. Plays like Super Monkey Ball, but with a lot of twists and differences. I highly recommend it. $20 in stores. Though most the music is merely okay, some is even remix worthy. Particularly Bio Lab stage 16. Wonderful song, I may rip it so you can have a listen. Also, Geometry Wars Galaxies is made of win. You can even send DS demos from the Wii. It's a fully fleshed out game with 64 stages instead of one .. and other mechanics like Geoms (money for unlockables, also for a new multiplier system) and drones (a little invulnerable box that helps you out). It plays great on the Wii, and if you don't like IR aiming you can dual-analog it with the classic controller. There's 2P Co-op and Vs, and it also includes the original XBLA version. The difficulty is varied, some stages are nice and hard I have no complaints about this game. Soul Calibur Legends is mediocre. It's a hack-and-slash adventure, no more, no less. It doesn't have the depth, or even as good a story as the SC fighting games. There are 7 playable characters, including the surprise character ( Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia) who happens to be my favorite. Everything about the game reeks of poor design, but it's decent for a hack-and-slash beat-em-up style 3D game. The graphics look great for a Wii game. Cruis'n is outright terrible. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. It brings shame to what was once a good arcade game series.
  2. And Kusabi broke 300k points, heh. Great work everyone to get to the top 500!
  3. This is a longshot, but for the other CompSci nuts at OCR: Is there a utility to extract the unencrypted bits from a Wii save .bin file (saved to an SD card)? I'm looking for a way to rip the save icons from the save files, but I can't write a tool myself because I can't figure out what image format it uses. If it were a simple pixmap, I've already written a tool that reads those... The reason I want the save icons is for the friend code database. I need a good way to represent Wii games. I can already rip the DS icons.
  4. I used an entire magic meter's worth of Din's Fire then hammered him for the last few hits
  5. I's a LOT easier to do things like that with a player 2 co-starring you to freeze the green platforms. I did it without of course. Leave a path back to the starting point!
  6. Unfortunately the entire YTMND is an inside joke to AC players. Almost all the Diggers don't realize that though. To Zanarkand is an awesome song though.
  7. It's TAS. Nothing really special about a broken game if it's TAS. I've done some MK64 breaks myself too. Wario Stadium has 2 major breaks where you can skip a huge portion of the lap too. DK jungle also has a spot where you can skip almost an entire lap.
  8. Ukeke does not make an appearance in Galaxy.
  9. The 120 star reward... (text:) has more to it than I originally thought. Several aspects are more difficult. Spinning in water consumes some air meter, and the cosmic stars are much harder. I'm probably going to 120 star it again. Also, there are actually 121 stars. 120 then the last bowser. But it doesn't count that last one in the score.
  10. Google's ads are generally the most relevant *and* the least obtrusive. Good choice with them as the ad service. Especially when they're at the bottom of the page. More obtrusive ads for unregistered users is also not a bad idea, djp. Do we have a significant percentage of forum traffic from unregistered users though?
  11. Quoted for emphasis. Why must everyone who's not friended be anonymous? Why the friend codes? Nintnedo needs to realize that children of overprotective parents are NOT THEIR ONLY AUDIENCE. Blocking names, voice chat, etc. should be under parental controls, not mandatory. That, and they need to have a nintendo.com login name - based online service, something like Xbox live does. The "Add rival" feature in metroid prime hunters was a baby step in the right direction.
  12. Galaxy has a fantastic soundtrack.
  13. 120 starred it just now. There's a surprise when you do. No spoilers, just comments: I'd have to say the sinking spire daredevil run was the hardest star to execute, the deep dark galaxy secret star took me the longest to find, and the "green star levels" in particular the ball one, were the most frustrating. Honeyhive purple coins was annoying too. You get a wide range of difficulties throughout the game. I like it a lot.
  14. いままでのスマブラシリーズに登場していた“ネス”という キャラクターがいますが、リュカはそれに近いです。 The key word is いままで, or "imamade" which means "up until the present" or "so far" or "until now." Up until the present Smash release, Ness has appeared as a character. Besides, Lucas is similar.
  15. Woot, I've exceeded 200,000 points!
  16. Battalion Wars 2 support added to the ClanOCR database (link in sig).
  17. It should be the Goldeen of asist trophies. All it does is laugh at you. Only make it killable.
  18. None of the original 4 secret characters - Luigi, Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, and Ness - have had any mention whatsoever on the Dojo. I seriously doubt they'd be cut, save perhaps Ness.
  19. Honestly? Games, software, and the occasional anime. No music, no movies I can see locally.
  20. Yeah, if smash has ZSNES style recording (savestate of the start + sequence of inputs + nondeterministics (like which random items appeared)) you could get a TON of video in per unit of file space.
  21. Done. Interesting idea you got there.
  22. Not bad, but not awesome enough for me to playlist. DD2 was a great game with a great soundtrack, though. Thanks for the reminder of that.
  23. Never used it. Never cared. I don't pirate music.
  24. We all got your joke. Stop acting like we didn't. Good luck bouncing back.
  25. That guy who said Luigi just sounded like a marketing guy who just said Luigi from memory. "It's a Mario game, duh! Of course it has Luigi!" So I wouldn't consider Luigi any more confirmed after this vid. Pictochat looks fun, but the "soandso has entered the chat" looks like it will get old quick.
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