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Everything posted by Drack

  1. Looks like the online testing has finally tapered down to zero. This convinces me a lot more than the japanese image that Brawl is done.
  2. Interesting tidbit of information, though I don't know how trustworthy the source is. http://www.wiipals.net/Forum/showthread.php?p=200592#post200592 With a lot more credibility is the official Japanese site posting the boxart: http://www.smashbros.com/jp/package/img/package.jpg Thoughts?
  3. FUCK YEAH, another Megarace player!
  4. The main problem is that all the current OCRemixes are MP3, and hunting down every remixer and having them give you the mix in a lossless form would be impossible. I wager a lot of the source material has even been lost, just leaving the MP3 as the only copy of the music out there.
  5. ClanOCR is still active. If you want to jump on Skype (We may move back to IRC soon, some changes are planned to make ClanOCR as accessible as possible by the time Brawl hits) just PM me, atma, arek, axel, or necrotic (just to name a few people) and we'll get you into our skype chat. We'd love to get more opponents, and as you can see from the DB, we've got a few people for most games already. Also, spleen, I've added your MoH info to the DB, acknowledged your friend request, and sent requests to aTOH and Atma as well. Let's get this party started.
  6. Not a game making update, but not bad either. Somehow I think it will take quite a bit longer to fully unlock Brawl than Melee.
  7. Disclaimer: I have an amazing gaming rig. Stats at the end of the post. PC Gaming has a lot of problems that don't happen with consoles. One of the largest issues you'll find with PC games is inefficient coding. I present Bioshock as an example. Compare its framerate on MY computer and on a 360 and you'll see that the PC version was a 360 port and not the other way around. On my rig I could run it at 1920x1200 (16/10. Just a tad taller than 1080p.) on medium reliably. On an 360 it runs the equivilent of max settings at 1080p without a hitch. Why is my vastly more powerful machine not keeping up? Bioshock is just one example. Here's another, though this is a PC exclusive. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic also suffers from inefficient coding. Long load times and poor performance dogs this title pretty badly. But here's the kicker. It uses the Source engine, so it looks and feels much like Half-Life 2. HL2 was well-coded though, and performed well on even mediocre PCs. My computer had top notch HL2 performance and lackluster DMMM performance. There really wasn't much a diference in graphical detail, so this is quite inexcusable. While consoles allow for extensive hand-optimization, the amount you can optimize on computers (cpu instruction sets, for one) is nothing to sneeze at. Another huge issue is threading. The Xbox 360 has 3 general purpose processors. You bet your ass the games are threaded to use all 3 at once. Are PC games threaded to take advantage of multi-core computers? SOMETIMES... Console games don't have the DRM bullshit or clunky content delivery schemes PC games have (and industry leaders believe MUST have, because you don't need anything expensive to copy DVDs). Sure consoles are region locked, but this pales in comparison to all the crap that piggybacks PC games. Console games are also more efficient with secondary storage, loading up your hard drive with gigs upon gigs of data, far more than found on console game discs. And some require you to have the disc in the drive on top of that! There are some exceptions of course. Unreal Tournament 2004, Half-Life 2, and World of Warcraft all ran great on mediocre hardware. On the other hand, titles I've already mentioned along with some historically abysmally coded titles like the original EverQuest run much, much slower than they should, based on what the games demand graphically. Bottom line: If you want guaranteed good performance, Get a console. My rig (so you can't say my Bioshock/DMMM performance issues are due to poor hardware): Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600. (4 cores at 2.4GHz each) 4 gigs of DDR2 RAM GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB, latest drivers 1.2TB of HDD space, 7200RPM It runs Crysis at 1920x1200 on medium.
  8. As far as mario hacks go, I thoroughly enjoyed "Super Demo World" It's not an extreme difficulty hack, it can be beaten without savestates (I've 100%'d it without cheating), but it's definitely several notches harder than the original SMW. The creater of SDW released a SMW rom editing app. This is why there are so many SMW hacks out there. It's called Lunar Magic. Also, Super Demo World implemented a lot of Assembler hacks that allowed the greation of new blocks and backgrounds and powerups. A few examples are Goomba Blocks (Blocks mario can't pass through but enemies walk through), a pyramid level (SMB3 style), Ice blocks that you destroy with fireballs, SMB3 style pipes (there's a highly reminiscent pipe maze level), small pipes only small mario can go through, fire cannons (like the ones in SMB3 airships and New SMB's final castle (this came out way before NSMB). It's a really neat hack that I heartily recommend. It's in English too. Also, so no one misses out on the hardest levels in the game (extra levels spoiler) -> There is a second exit in Bowser's Castle, leading to a whole new area. Access it through ducking under a small space in the castle, then unducking. You'll slide through the wall. Here's a vid: <- SpoilerAlso, so no one screws themself, when you do the star road, beat the levels the normal exit BEFORE you do the keyhole exit. The normal exit opens the path to the next level, the keyhole exit turns the level into a warp star out of star road. Here's an example level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMQJCpW1fSw and a ridiciculous Star Road level, TAS
  9. The designs have changed between generations, check these pics. http://guides.macrumors.com/iPod_(1G) Change the "1G" in the URL to any other number through 6 (iPhone style), whichever design matches your iPod is the generation you have. If it's a new iPod, I HIGHLY doubt it's anything before 5G (which debuted in 2005)
  10. This "alchemy" concept has been done before, believe it or not. Look up Item Combos in Baten Kaitos, where you need to use otherwise useless items in a certain order to create a very powerful attack. There are hundreds of combos in the game. I hated that system, but some liked it. Of course, most players ended up just looking up the combos on FAQs instead of experimenting.
  11. The ClanOCR Database is now accepting PlayStation Network info. So anyone who goes online with a PS3 and wants to go online against other OCR folks can use this DB as well. If these PSN names need to be linked to something (like the Xbox Live entries link to gamercards), or if any other info is needed, please let me know. I'm trying to make the database as useful as possible to owners of any online console
  12. Most importantly, thanks for asking. Many don't even consult the rules or the people here, or even neglect to mention OCR at all, and OCRAPS ends up getting sent out.
  13. Hear hear! I hope that "many songs per stage" feature is used heavily with respect to S3&K songs. However, I disagree on one small point. I disliked the music in Carnival Night Zone.
  14. -A 750GB Hard Drive (I picked this out myself, heheh) -A DDR Dance pad -A few books for studying Japanese Kanji -2 shirts -A 2008 Calendar, Swimsuit Edition from Sports Illustrated, haha. -A pair of crocs that I will NEVER wear.
  15. Atlanta, Georgia when college is in session (Georgia Tech student). Tallahassee, Florida otherwise.
  16. The database is now accepting Xbox Live Gamertags, complete with links (Try it to see what I mean). This feature required a lot of changes to the PHP/SQL code behind the database, so if you run into a problem let me know. Guitar hero 3 has friend codes? Also added. I'll throw up an icon for it tomorrow, it's 3:45 am and I'm behind on sleep.
  17. Super FX Chip? Starfox was the first. Now, did any ogames before the Super FX ones have on-cartridge Coprocessors? Edit: Some 1991 games used DSP-1 chips, such as Pilotwings. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Super_NES_enhancement_chips
  18. What if you throw it up and it falls back onto you?
  19. There were no smashers in Orpheon before it crashed. This should be an underwater level.
  20. What do you guys think of diversifying the database a bit? I've been thinking of adding Xbox live gamertags to the database. I want to know what everyone thinks. To or not to ?
  21. Yeah, I've added a ton of games to the database. If anyone has a code for a game not in there yet, let me know and I'll add support. Stunningly, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 has online without friend codes or Wii numbers! It's good to know that some companies (EA in this case, I never would have guessed) know what they're doing when they go online.
  22. PESTER BALLS FUCK the all caps filter
  23. Shikigami no Shiro 3 is an AWESOME shmup. I'm only just starting it and I can get to the 4-1 boss. I love bullet hell, and this is the first good shmup on a Nintendo system since .. ikaruga on gc? Also, Hyuga's shikigami attack (type A) rapes boss healthbars.
  24. A terabyte of hard drive(s). Some "teach yourself ____" books for various hobbies of mine.
  25. Quick check (if you are running XP) - control panel (classic view) -> regional and language options -> languages tab. is the box "Install files for East Asian languages" checked?
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