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Everything posted by Drack

  1. Drack 3 - 0 Antipode
  2. Drack 3 - 0 ToN ToN played a lot better than I expected. Extremely strong for a new player.
  3. Extremely close game. Congratulations.
  4. Snowboard Kids 2 was pretty catchy.
  5. It's not that hard. Here are some tips. -At the very beginning, shake right after you get a ring, let him hit you, so you can get the other rings rather than be vulnerable right at the start. -Whenever you're not dodging attacks, either shake, or jump. Jumping makes you go through the stage quicker, which makes you get the rich rings faster. Know the pattern of rich rings; the first one is on the left. -Memorize the pattern of his blades. To avoid his first few volleys, go center, center, right, right, right. You can shake here. For his later ones, if he's really pausing, he's going to do the cover the screen one. go a tiny bit right of center and hold steady to avoid this one. -You know how to hit him right? Speed break just before he throws the big ass ball. -I've beaten this guy without getting hit.
  6. Drack 3 - 0 linkspast Drack 3 - 0 Atmuh
  7. I may be at the bottom now, but I just got done taking midterms and traveling -- now I'm on SPRING BREAK. This means I'll be playing plenty of matches. Let the best player win!
  8. I think I disagree with every sentence here. -In my opinion, ACDC and amazing do not belong in the same sentence. -Knowledge of classical music conventions, theory, and many, MANY other concepts that fall under the umbrella os "Music Degree" help a tremendous amount in creating great music. -Punks ... that's their taste, however abnormal it may be. As for what's "real" punk, I'm not going to judge it because I dislike both modern and past punk styles. -No way to stand apart? You don't even have to look past this website. There are some incredible remixers here with unique styles. With a broader perspective, look at the game industry as a whole. You can't look at all the amazing, creative games, present and past, and say that there's no way to stand out. For example, Rare during the 1990s. Incredible gaming experience. Attention to every small detail. Features that are uncommon indeed in a lot of games.
  9. No, not really. Then again, I'm the type who only likes about 1 in 5 remixes (and a lot of those that I do like aren't on OCR). I don't think the standard needs to be changed. The judges are fine the way they are.
  10. Use TCP instead of UDP, andset the latency down to 1, if you both have a solid connection.
  11. I swear, if I win the SNES tournament, that's the game I'll pick for the next one
  12. Why Hot Top Volcano? I'd like to see the music from Windmill Plains, or perhaps the Boss theme ... I might throw something together in the future - need to build a new desktop to put my EMU 1212m in before I can do any more music making. In the meantime, I echo the need for DKR mixes - It's a great game that's lacking in the OCR loving.
  13. DS Homebrew is quite nice. Here are some nice examples: Moonshell: Plays music (mp3, nsf, etc...) and movies (any format, includes a converter program) DSFTP: Run your DS as an FTP server - Read and write to your flash card over wifi DSLinux: Run simple Linux command-line apps QuakeDS: Quake 1 on DS with multiplayer wifi to other DSs and computers running Quake. There are also emulators and other apps, even some homemade games.
  14. There are no DK levels in Super Mario Kart - you're probably thinking of Mario Kart 64 For reference, the Special Cup tracks in Super Mario Kart are: Donut Plains 3 Koopa Beach 2 Ghost Valley 3 Vanilla Lake 2 Rainbow Road
  15. I don't think it's fair to generalize something as diverse as OCR. But if I had to, I definitely would not say that i's postmodern. If I had to use that terminology, I would say neoclassical. Even so, I think that OCR covers so many genres that any general classification will be at least a little inaccurate.
  16. Did I say anything about enjoyment? Enjoyment is not the same as whether you describe the game as a "good game" or a "great game" - you're defeating a point I didn't make!
  17. Yes, I nitpicked the hell out of the game. In its current state, especially if you turn the sound off, DKR DS is ... decent. Not appropriate homage to the original, but decent. I guess we can't hold Rare to the standards we did in ye olden days. Anyone want to netplay? Or even better, netplay the original using an emulator?
  18. I beat it. True ending. In 8 hours playtime. It is indeed a good game. Great game? Depends on your standards.
  19. When are the matches going to start? Also, anyone know if you can record .zmv during netplay?
  20. Drack's rambling review of Diddy Kong Racing DS Executive Summary: Diddy Kong Racing DS fails to impress. I replayed the N64 version all the way through about 2 weeks ago so it's fresh in my mind - That was a hell of a lot of fun by the way. What impressed the most me about DKR (N64) - And Rare in general during that period - was attention to detail. This is completely lacking in DKR DS. While DKR DS has somewhat preserved the cool trick used in DKR (and more extensively in Banjo-Kazooie) where the island's music would change based on location, but they overlooked the Dragon Forest entrance, and proximity to Taj changes to the island music. Speaking of Taj ... His voice sounds like a gay, emo teenager in DKR DS. In DKR N64 brake + slide in the car made you do an animation where two wheels would lift off the ground due to the shift in center of gravity - that doesnt happen in DKR DS. In DKR N64, if you kept holding brake after you had stopped, you would reverse. DKR DS requires you to let go and re-press the brake button to reverse after you stop. TT's voice is the only one that's remotely close to the original's voice acting. Honestly, why not just import the wavs from the N64 game? DKR N64 changed the color of boost flames based on what rank boost you had, and whether you let off the accelerator for a better boost ... DKR DS does not change the color of the flame. The music is worse than the N64 version - They kept the same note patterns, but they changed the samples, mostly replacing them with similar, though definitely worse, samples. The SFX are worse as well - the "whoosh" sound of the boost is gone, replaced by a rush of static. Also gone is the "bullet" sound your missiles made Even the "win race, get a gold balloon" animation is half assed. No 3D camera panning, no "This is for you!" no very well rendered golden balloon in your face ... Just a static camera watching Taj silently and linearly ride up to you, hover doing nothing a few seconds, and send a shrinking balloon UNDER YOUR CAR! WTF One thing that was done well was the conversion from 640x480 to 256x192 - the DS screen doesn't feel cramped at all and the graphics are fine. The missiles now upgrade single -> 5x -> Homing, instead of Single -> Homing -> 10x ... they also cause a much greater time penalty when you're hit, as do oil spills. Also, if you shoot a homing missile in first, you hit YOURSELF! The genie races are left unchanged - Still waaay to easy and if you veer so much as an inch off the path it immediately cancels the race. I'm not going to fault DKR DS specifically on that point though, N64 DKR was exactly the same way. A level 3 boost will no longer do the cool animation where it moves the camera forward temporarily. Even the characters are now unbalanced. Timber is the obvious all around choice - Diddy, Dixie, Tiny, and Bumper all have the same stats - Timber's, but with one less top speed. Why remove the diversity, and create unwanted characters? Also, why did they remove the skull on Krunch's jacket? If this game were a straight port, reusing as much code / content (and by content I mean samples, voice wavs, etc) as possible - It would be awesome. The only things DKR DS did wrong were the changes from the original - and while I am aware of the nostalgia bias, I still say this and can back it up This is not a port, it's a half-assed remake.
  21. The true final boss for Secret Rings is pretty damn hard.
  22. I only use one ring anyway. The skills do help a lot, but if I knew things like "quick jump when you're accelerating from rest" the game would be a lot more enjoyable from the start. EDIT: Nested quotes impossible in vB?
  23. I take back what I said earlier, Sonic and the Secret Rings is a hell of a lot of fun once you master the controls. I think I'm pretty close to beating it.
  24. In that case, count me in. (The evil has now been cleansed, 667th post) EDIT: Your Hamachi Network is full - Free networks can only have 16 people. My suggestion? Boot people who aren't in this round.
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