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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Oh Bleck, you speak short words of wisdom in this thread. EDIT: okay, so I was just reminded of why I probably subconsciously stopped hanging around espernet. My vote goes to Freenode.
  2. As close as that is, I am unfortunately too far away and have plans the previous evening. BUT YEA SR & TDIB!!!
  3. I vote for Espernet, I used to hang out there a lot, but don't because I'm lazy and don't like having multiple windows open if I can help it. On the other hand, I don't know anything about this subject other than that.
  4. Tarja used to sing in Nightwish. Looks like she toned down the heavy for her solo stuff.
  5. I did like it. The middle seemed a bit meandering and rather than the DnB type energy I almost got put into a trance hah I was hoping that you'd have a voice sample from good ol' Chris Cornell in there singing Black Hole Sun, or something, but that's okay, I think you did a pretty damn good job. Cheers Cyril
  6. powerglove mario minor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1n69jTArI
  7. Aww that sucks man... Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I tried pulling everything together but... See you next next year then.
  8. Orat? Sure, alien beast. No worries for lack of other parts for me. :)

  9. I would like to let it be known that I would <3 to have a baritone guitar. So deep, so powerful. Or a Harp Acoustic Guitar. Those things are beast.
  10. AH, I wish I had one, that was a mistake in my post lol. I must have had my minds on other things.
  11. Yep, Acoustic guitar. I love it, I have no less than 3 remixes on it that I've been tooling around with (my posted one being acoustic bass) and probably 350000 OHC entries. yep.
  12. I actually had been considering doing one of these for a while. That melody just lends itself really well to sing along Changing the key may be prudent if I were to sing it though. My voice just don't go that high.
  13. Very coverish, the only problem I really have with it is that the kick drum is way too overpowering. It like dominates the whole track! Other than that, I like it a lot!
  14. I understand exaggeration. I was hoping you weren't serious, I was quite worried for you.
  15. Could have to do with how you take care of your voice and stuff. You know, before you go to bed. Or you have sinus issues. Just sayin. I'm usually to go less than an hour, unless I'm sick. Trivium probably got up at like 6:30 or something to be all ready for that show.
  16. If you need male vocals. Sup. As long as you don't try to give me power metal vox, and as long as I don't have to worry about singing for the next few days (I have a gig on the evening before halloween so... gotta sing)
  17. Wait wait wait, I thought you were set already?
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