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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. gee... thanks! (I think I got all the info I need >_>) I think I'm not gonna find it useful so I'll NOT get one... asshole....
  2. This looks cool.... but what is it?
  3. I'll cover anyone's bass ass if they need. I've got way to many projects going right now, but damn this looks kick ass.
  4. I was NOT!!!!! (at least if I remember correctly) I think it was Shael who was drunkenly playing guitar while I was trying my best to play something nonsensical on bass and with Nekofrog in the same boat I was. I think you on the keys right behind me? Anyway, for me drunk and really tired are almost the same. Except when I am drunk my motor skills diminish. No, it was. It really really was, but that car ride made my back hate me for the rest of my drive. I seriously enjoyed our trip, learned a lot. You pedagogy master you. Also, I think you left a Megaman hat-thing in my car.
  5. Damn, looks like I'm gonna be having to undergo treatment for at least a year.
  6. As I am sitting here unable to quite sleep after a 12-hour (total) drive home (curse you random nasty weather) I have determined that there are at least five in each category. Awesome (Caps) 1) Meeting EVERYONE from OCR, some I didn't know some I knew. Of course only those who were there. 2) Jamming with half of Rare Candy. That was awesome. 3) Metroid Metal: almost headbanging INTO Kirby 4) OCAD. I need not say anymore. 5) Hanging at Brushfire's house. Dude's awesome. 6) Learning a thing or two about internet deification 7) Purchasing an awesome Metroid plushie that was shortly thereafter dubbed Mack. 9) Having a probably pretty buzzed Brentalfloss question Mack's motives for being on my shoulder. 10) Doing a random vocal jam on the last night and realizing that I need to remix two very overdone songs with some awesome vocals... and a tuba. Not so Awesome: 1) Missing half of OCR's panel 2) Missing some key moments like Brentalfloss jamming with Sid Meier. I mean really? DAMN! 3) Having Mack stolen from me! ;_; (This will be the last time I mention it guys, I swear) 4) Not having the energy after Metroid Metal completely owned it. 5) Having everyone talk through my song during the DOD listening party. THE TALKING GOT LOUDER!!! D:< So, more awesome than not awesome, and probably some things I forgot. I am now obsessed with MagFest. So guess what? I seeeeeee the future!
  7. I totally missed out on over half the OCR panel and other such dealings due to an unfortunate tire accident...::Shakes Fist:: DAMN YOU FATE!!
  8. I am emotionally unattached. But as I lay here trying to get to sleep before I travel tomorrow. I must say, you're tracks kick ass and your judging skills are top notch. Also, you gave the final no to my first ever submitted mix way back when. Dear god you were right in every way!!! Good luck with future endeavors.
  9. Excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be warned, I'll probably be getting my ass out of HERE around 5:30. Other than me stopping for some choice items (water - half&half) along the way. Expect me there before 11!!!!!! AND THEN ITS OFF TO THE FEST OF M.A.G.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hey now, coffee is a gift from heaven to make me more capable at everyday tasks. But yea, that's true. XD
  11. Um. I'm gonna be staying at brushfire's and I'm definately attending. I noticed I wasn't on the list. >_> Damn my lurking!
  12. DuAne and BrandO foreva! XD Totally was rocking to that the other day. Good call.
  13. I'm too lazy... last time I tried something remotely avant garde it ended up sounding NOT avant garde becuase I couldn't get it to sound like anything except noise. Maybe if I'm bored I'll make some free jazz or something of a random theme that's ostinatoy
  14. And you, my good person, recognized the point of the song. Props to you, and thanks for the ego inflation. Now excuse me while I apply pointy objects to make sure it doesn't inflate too much.
  15. hey dude, are you gonna be at the new year's eve party thing?

  16. Why thank you Fishy. Just goes to show you how you don't need to have 7 minutes to be epic. Just 2, with concentrated muffin-y justice.
  17. She'd F U UP at a club. Also, sneers. Also, Awesome.
  18. For those who like muffins. And those who like long metal screams...... http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/109299 I assure you, one take, no editing. other than the distortion on the spoken part.
  19. Yes this. The music and everything was the perfect storm. Tearjerker right there.
  20. I will not lie. This made me want to cry because I have not a DS to play it with
  21. I may have actually had something if I didn't have a gig with my band tonight. ALL MY PLANS ARE RUINED!!! I mean I can play the entire track on bass, and that was going to serve as my intro, and then I was gonna build on it from there, but I use my recording gear live.... Also, 3 weeks until the end of the semester. Those are my excuses, and here is my apology for not having anything and not able to provide you with anything. Sorry!
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