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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Oh yea, damn I'm too busy.

    Just "calling to confirm" that lodging and everything is gonna be alright. Also, if i can bring a french press for coffee makin's

  2. This is how loud I need to make my metal mixes... Thanks for the good example tefnek! Anyway, after moshing to this in my room for about a half-hour and then adding lyrics that don't make any sense becuase I got excited about it, I must give this mix 2 thumbs up. Its so damn powerful!
  3. I know a large number of Iron Maiden songs on bass... Fun fact, a great majority of those songs were written on bass. I mean, come on, you can listen to Number of the Beast and not hear the bass influence.
  4. Probably since... oh I can't remember. I wanna say 2005, and then I left for about 6 months or so and came back under this user name My old one got haxed. I dunno how, dunno why, but it did. I was originally just "Cyril" as I am on a few other forums
  5. Umm... no, Of course I dunno who Brushfire is. Erm... yea, I'll try that.
  6. Put me on the tentative!!!! Seriously, I'm definitely gonna go provided I can find some lodging.
  7. Alright guys! Pending transportation and traveling... What about a room? Anyone looking for a roomie/has room for one more? I'll pay per the split, and have no qualms about sleeping on the floor.
  8. Oh, Believe me, I understand being busy! Awesome, I'll take it in that direction then. I don't have the time or desire to play, so I'm cheating and watching a lets play... (Dear god, how low I have flown)
  9. Party Punk! Reminds me of some early Offspring (though the lyrics are comparatively not good) Sadly, it also reminds me of hammerhead, which is just bizarre considering how well the guy from offspring can sing now. ANNNYYYYWAAYYY. I enjoyed this, I'm sure some guys would like this. As a bass player I like your tone. It works well, especially with the double kick. It could use a little bit more high or volume IMO. But hey, bass players get their own tones and stuff so its cool. Good luck.
  10. Well... kinda. I always give myself a long idea phase. The extent of the work was a mad bass solo this morning and a massive nasty (good) guitar stuff. Also, Primus.
  11. So.... Would it be bad if I suddenly took a thrash metal route with Agitation to Destruction... I'm just feelin' it. like... yea
  12. O_O NICE! Now I gotta find a way to get near Syracuse... also gotta get tickets and stuff.
  13. I agree with Jade somewhat, I totally went after Lufia and the Fortress of Doom thinking it would be on the caliber of Lufia 2... I was sorely disappointed. One game that had MAD childhood memories associated with it was Super Smash Bros... DEAR GOD it was sooo slow... hahahaha but I remember playing that game FOR 99 minutes a shot. I dunno, but the improvements they made to Melee and even Brawl just blew SSB out of the water.
  14. Anyone live north of say... Syracuse in NY? That MAY be going to Magfest? (This is a REALLLL shot in the dark here)
  15. Except I'm a jerk... Just kidding. I feel the same, but I live in the remote center of nowhereville, NY and am screwed in that respect. Though I have been to where prophet o' mephisto has taken college, but that's becuase I USED to live SOMEWHERE. >_< Yea.
  16. Hmm.... I think I'll write a Christmas-y song for you. High production values? Not probable, Loads of emotional value? Highly Probable
  17. OMMMGGGGG! REMIX ALBUM BEYOTCH! Awesome, totally listening to this after my 600th cycle of the FF4 album (because I have it on eternal loop in my car)
  18. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/159993 I got one, not really good enough to be OCR necessarily, but its not too bad!
  19. My copy had the same problem that prophet did... I'm also missing Disk 1... Uh... yea. Issue! I dunno why either. its weird. Its awesome though.
  20. Forgive me, but I do believe the correct choice is: Chocolate Chip Muffins.
  21. O_O Bagpipes? Whoa... Bagpipes tend to sound more like an annoying Oboe to me or something. But hey everyone has secret fails!
  22. Glad you liked it! It's supposed to be a violin... I dunno what that means for you, but, yea!
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