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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. YES. I have the entire Iji soundtrack in my car because its so awesome. I echo what Overcoat said, but generally good job. And I'll leave the mixing alone for now.
  2. *Adds this to my playlist of Psytrance* To be honest though, it sounds a little more of the Goa Trance side of Psytrance. Very organic rather than industrial (which is what a lot of Infected Mushroom's stuff leaned toward) The synths on the other hand are bold beefy and dare I say sexy. Excellent vocal showing, and the ethnic feel is suuuuuuuuuper present. So yea, great job!
  3. The Fast-Track isn't compatible??? What are you planning on upgrading too. (I want to know becuase I also use it on Windows Vista 64-bit and it works fine with the driver from the website)
  4. Judging from the sample track... I'm in for a wild ride the next couple workouts!
  5. Dude Joe, I know! I was talking only to Dragon Breath
  6. Wait, you prefer those crappy ass clean vox? O_O!!!! Man, I totally thought I was better at shouting on metul. Oh well, the more you know!!!
  7. Sweet. I miss Ithaca. If I still lived there I would totally go! Too bad I can't. Oh well, can't wait to hear the CD and you kick that music so awesome that feet die.
  8. Cuts off at 17 at normal listening volumes. Up to 19 if I crank it. And no, the pops don't count.
  9. So my goal is to lose my gut and get some muscle. Started the muscle process 3 weeks ago, upped my protein intake (while staying below 3000 calories and watching my sugars/fats etc) And am pumping iron under my father... he don't let folks rest. Additionally I have been running 3x a week for 2 miles trying to get faster each time, I have an additional goal of running in a 5k in June. That's about it, progress has been slow but steady, I notice that I actually have biceps now when I flex. YAY! Also: I use http://www.livestrong.com/myplate to keep track of my calories and such. Pretty handy tool.
  10. I don't have the buzzing problem... I use SynthFont... and i don't have buzzing issues, lemme test some more but.. I don't have any buzzing issues. so Try getting Synthfont, its a bitch but you can export individual files as .wavs and mix them in your daw. That way we don't have to try to use samples or w/e... Lemme know how that goes.
  11. That works becuase other rock musicians are sorta dick to bass players. True Story.
  12. I sure hope Binjovi delivers us some OCAD-Tan ! ! !
  13. I have a MMX sample set for soundfonts. I could hella make somethin
  14. I'm sure I speak for everyone. PLEASE. Have far too much fun. Please, let loose.
  15. AH! Yea, totally like 4-tan but when she's feeling lascivious and going out for some After Dark fun!
  16. Terra apparently endorses Mexican Heaven. That being said... I'M A DUCCCKKKK!!!
  17. OCAD-tan... Slooty sister to the other tans? Or maybe just the more random one. Not sure.
  18. I can definately redo each of my tunes. Form-wise I think two of them are decent. Production wise only one of them is/
  19. I think 1-tan should get sets of sticks. (i.e. brushes, bundles, etc)
  20. I think you may have overdone the MMX version a little. I mean the SNES only had so much polyphony. That being said, its pretty badass. and the cover is almost exactly like the original. So good job with that.
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