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Everything posted by Broken

  1. You don't have to be a tourneyfag like me to realize that it would look dumb a shit if you could grab the edge backwards. Now granted Melee doesn't have the most realistic physics or anything, but the game has to have some semblance of rules.
  2. Yeah, that's all fine and good for those who like to search for competition and enter in tourneys and get into a game; however, sometimes one just wants to play a fighting game and be competent enough to understand it and beat the computer. I mean, this may sound shallow, but I mostly bought guilty gear for the eye-candy. I appreciate people who take the time to get really good at fighting games, but I don't see why they should be the only ones enjoying them. I mean, maybe it is unrealistic, but why can't developers make good ai instead of relying on silly gimmicks and predictable patterns? (ie. Super Turbo's arcade mode) The unfortunate thing is most developers for 2d Fighting games still rely on that age old crutch of "well this game was developed with high level comptetitive play in mind." So, does that mean that "noobs" can't have fun playing it and or learn how to play by themselves? If not, then that's a fault in the game. Virtua Fighter 4 is a good example of ample effort to make a fighting game fun with or without human opponents. It has kumite, which is difficult without being ridiculous, a REAL tutorial mode and- if you feel like getting beaten-up by Akira and co.- there is arcade. Tekken 5 DR (PSP) has the ability to download ghosts, like Sega was saying, and that is another ingenious way of creating a realistic experience for those who don't have any local competition. I guess all that I'm saying is, why even put in a worthless arcade mode if a game is only ment to be played in versus?
  3. I imagine it does. My friend plays with special shoes. I can't say from personal experience, though.
  4. Computer doesn't recognize it. I have no idea why, really. If you have any idea how to make a Pelican wireless stick work on PC, I'm open to suggestions. My next project will probably be to make my own stick with psx controller parts and then use me PSX -.usb converter on that. It should wor in theory. Arek: How could I have forgotten about Zero, that old bastard. (ah, the memories)
  5. Sorry fellas. You'll have to excuse my ranting. I still believe that arcade modes are simply no fun when things are stacked against you like that, but I also realize that fighting games are at their best when two humans are playing. I don't see why you'd need to join the form just to tell me that Kamahl, but whatever. I wasn't as mad about I-No when I realized that she's just like a weaker SNK boss. It brought memories of hours lost getting beat by Rugal and Krizalid. Those guys are in a league of their own with crap-tacular high priority moves and super-human reaction speed.
  6. Thanks for the info. Funny how I couldn't find anything this helpful on Dustloop.com or anythiing. Yeah that ball thing is really annoying, but worse than that is her ariel super move. She jumps right above you (or lets you jump and gets under you) and then activates the thing, and it requires really fast reflexes to block. Edit: and not to discount your advice, but I'd rather just beat her into submission in easy mode than completely change my play-style to win in normal difficulty. (I have no pride when it comes to these things.)
  7. Damn it I-No. The real reason noone plays 2-d fighters anymore is this. Arcade modes are gay. My Semi-button mashing-semi-SSF2:T style was getting me through the game fine, but then I arrived at the boss who was simply cheap and unfair to play. I mean, it's okay to have a difficult attack pattern to follow and everything, and alright, you can be faster than me- I'm used to that kind of crap- but do you honestly have to have a constantly regenerating super bar? Ever time I was finally on the offenesive against that woman, she'd pull out some ridiculous super move that made her invulnerable and took of a good 1/3'd of my health. That is gay. I hope the other modes in the game are better than that. Now that I think of it, I'm going to have to switch the difficulty down to super-easy. I didn't buy the game to subject myself to mental torture. I'm no masochist. Just bought the darn game because it looks and sounds great and it was $6.00. Forget actually getting good at this stuff.
  8. That looks pretty cool. Does anyone play Monster? It's a free PC fighting game.....that I can't find at the moment. Anyway, it's pretty cool. Youtube it.
  9. Ignition 3.0. 50 bucks. Solid
  10. I know. To lazy to DL the 600 meg game file tho. And my current stick doesn't work on my computer, so, meh. That's why I'm glad I found it for Xbox. I don't have live though, so I'll just be practicing against my brother and the computer for a while. At least until I find someone around here where I live that plays.
  11. Just bought GGX2:POUND RELOAD!!! I will now actually acknowledge this serie's existence. It was only $6.00, too! What a snatch. Man, I love being cheap. *yet another game to play on my new stick* *glee*
  12. I'm one happy camper today! Bought am Ignition pad from gamestop and it works like a charm on Stepmania. So much better than a pad + usb convertor and no need for extra drivers or anything. It is the epitome of plug and play. I personally like the up-raised arrows, but that may not be everyone's cup of tea. I can FINALLY realize my dram of playing step-mania on a pad. I will no longer be bereft of good songs to step to. And I got another tasty goody from Gamestop today that I will post about in the 2D fighter thread.
  13. I liked Sandman's theme. Or at least I became very familiar with it. I don't know why, but that was one of the motifs that I just latched onto during the film.
  14. This is clever SSB PSX This is just too funny . Could be cool, though. And, by the way, does anyone know where to find SSB sheet music?
  15. That made me laugh, then cry. Games are SO expensive these days. If I had a 360, I would definitely check this out, though.
  16. Spoilers and villan commentary About Venom- I think that you all need to take a step back from the comic book for a second and look at him as just a character in a movie. I think it would have actually mad less sense for him to have two voices at the same time when Venom spoke because we never really are given a voice for the symbitoe. It would have seemed weird, I think. I still agree that the way the movie handled it was pretty poor, but it's a minor quip basically. Venom was by far the worst (as in poorly executed) villan in the film, but at the same time, he served his purpose pretty well. Again, not trying to remember his actually story line (from the comic,) he was bascially their to just scare the shit out of people and cause trouble, and he did. And to whoever said the meteor rock intro was weird, I agree. Sand Man- He was the ok villan of the film. I was afraid his CGI was going to get gratuitious, and it did near the end (That monster thing reminded me too much of the clay-guy from Batman), but during most of the film they did a pretty good job making him seem believeable and actually attempting to incorporate realistic physics and such into his movements. I thought his transformation into sand-man was a little forced, but then I rememberd "Hey, it's a story based on a comic book," so I let the unlikely coincidences go (falling into a molecular re-configuration machine or whatever.) Green Goblin- By far the best villan and that simply because he has 2 (count em') 2 whole movies of background with Spidey. It's just to satisfying to see every angle of MJ, Parker, and Osbourne's relationship unfold. And Harry successfuly scared the crap out of me with the faces he makes when he's talking to Peter (immediately after getting out of the hospital.) End of Spoilers But yeah. This is the kind of movie I wouldn't mind going back to the theaters to watch a second time. I honestly don't feel that way very often.
  17. I loved the movie. More discussion on this later. I have to wake up early tomorrow. Spolier? ..."I'll give you your rent when you fix the DAMN DOOR!" ....
  18. Dr. Rod, I just wanted to comment on your steps for Intense Color. I just played it for the first time yesterday and I must say you did an amazing job. The steps are fun, challenging, and well synched with the song.
  19. Laser dance pad created link to article I think this is pretty cool. I remember a long time ago, there was this project called DTX that I guess never got of the ground and I think it was supposed to use laser sensors for its dance pads.
  20. Yeah, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish for deciding wether to go with a pad or a stick. Let me reiterate how much easier and how much more fun it is to play Zangief on a stick than trying to use a pad. I had a lot of trouble originally with shotos and others just trying to do basic jump-in combos. (on the stick that is) Using charge characters such as balrog and honda are about the same for me on both stick and pad, but I can play bison on anything; I just need to <-, ->, and a punch button, haha. I haven't gotten to play KOF on my stick yet, but I'm sure it'a much simpler
  21. The show is pretty interesting, but I've missed about twenty of the episodes, so I have NO idea what's going on. I like future Hiro's voice (saw the most recent episode,) and I'm guessing that's what he sounds like in realilty. Personally, I'd just rather watch another X-men movie, though.
  22. Very nice, Evilhead. It doesn't have any graphics on it or anything, but it looks very functional and sturdy. I'll have to take a picture of my Pelican joystick sometime because it's actually pretty cool looking. I'm sure you could easily find a generic picture of it on the internet, though.
  23. Pics plz. And have any of you guys looked at the custom sticks (pictures) thread on SRK? Those things look amazing! Just thinking about the time and effort those guys put into their hardware makes it that much cooler. Kind of reminds me of the first (and only) time I played on custom made, metal DDR pads.
  24. I tried for a good 3 days to get the crouch cancel down with ryu, but I failed miserably. Plus, I'm sure the lag online would ruin any chances of me ever doing it in a match. I may try again someday, but I think I want a better controller first (ie. a stick.) My current pad likes to get stuck in down-back, so I look like I turtle all the time. So then people just go buck-wild and jump-in on my like crazy, and I get frustrated and lose. Dalhsim seems like an interesting character to learn, but I don't think I want to put in the time required to learn him. If I'm going to play any moderately difficult character it would be Zangief, just because he's awesome and takes up like a quarter of the screen and his throws are ridiculous. Oh, and I have tried to start picking up Sakura (A-ism first) because I just like her attacks and speed, but again, my controller can't handle the rigors of decent competition, so I'm taking a break from that game for a while.
  25. My experience with arcade games is strictly virtual. I don't think I've ever played another human being on an arcade machine. I have played other people in fighting games, and I have played on arcade machines, but never at the same time. Just doesn't happen where I live. I play people online w/ mame and kawaks, though. I can hold my own against most players in a few games like SFA3 and SSF2/HSF2, but I can't beat people who are masters at their game.
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