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Everything posted by Broken

  1. Broken vs. Hemophiliac (3-0) You're Guile is really good; your vega... silly.
  2. Oh, shit. People know where I live now. I feel sort of naked and unprotected. Oh well, at least now I won't have to ask people which server to pick. They should be able to figure it out for themselves. Edit: You know, with everyone from different states and coutries, this does feel like a world warrior tournament. We just need some people from Russia or Japan or somewhere far as hell away.
  3. Broken vs. Eazy P 3-0.
  4. fixed. and I'm suprised Eazy P didn't make this thread. He is in love with this (these) film(s).
  5. alright, my internet was down for a little while, but I'll be on AIM to have some matches tonight. 1st match : Broken vs. Arek 3-2. 2nd match: Broken vs. dPalladin 3-0. 3rd match Broken vs. CultureKoi 3-0.
  6. Big VA, represent! Oh, and ...well no, I've never seen anyone around here with OCR apparel. I'm sure they exist though. Like I bet, probably, perhaps DJP has an OCR sweater or something.
  7. Happy birthday, Arek. Enjoy your victory, WHILE IT LASTS!
  8. Come on Kamoh. I'd think by now you'd realize I'm pretty much automatically in all of these. SIGN ME UP! (Even though I'm not sure which sf this is. Is it Turbo?)
  9. Hmmm... Epic production values and dependable release dates. I like the way you think. It would mean less brainless mashing of the x button for me and I'd still get to watch the cool movies!!!
  10. There is no rest for the weary *sigh*. LET THE FINAL BATTLES COMMENCE!
  11. Broken (A-ryu) vs. EpicPoster (X-Dhalsim) 3-1 Great matches. You definitely made the right choice sticking with Dhalsim throughout. You're good at applying pressure with his freaking long limbs.
  12. Accent core is a new arcade release in Japan.
  13. Hey!........yeah, you're right. I tend to be more comfortable using gamepads most of the time, with most games, but if I'm going to dedicate a LOT of time and effort into one game, I'd want a good joystick.
  14. I'm in the same boat as you, Dave.
  15. Well, I gather that you live in VA Beach and there are some arcades there, no? I suggest you see what games are hot in your area (you know, what arcade machines or console games that lots of people play in your area) and decide what to buy based off of that. That doesn't mean you can't buy whatever fighting game suits you. I mean, a lot of fighting games these days are becoming more and more odd-ball and exotic. (There are hardcore Boudakai and Naruto Ultimate Ninja players out there, and I have no problem with that.) All I'm saying is that it is generally more enjoyable and producitve to play a game that has an active community of people around it. By that I mean: 1. people to play against 2. teachers or at least good faqs/guides 3. people to play against The reason that I emphasize these three (two) things is that no matter what fighting game you buy, you WILL get burnt out of it if you play by yourself to often. It's just in a fighing games nature to be played by 2 people (usually.) And about arcade sticks....well, I'm a novice when it comes to that, sorry. I'm actually kind of in the same boat you are. Luckily for me, I found a cheap Pelican stick at my local Gamestop and will probablly pick it up just to take it apart and see how it works (I may use it for a while, who knows.) Shoryuken.com has an entire section dedicated to Joysticks, so you may want to check that out.
  16. Broken (A-ryu) vs. Oddlama (a-chun/a-ken) 2-0 Fun matches, guy. Hopw your roomates wake up sooner or later. Broken (A-ryu) vs. Keegan (a-akuma) 2-0 (pretty close both times Keegan. I didn't expect you to play so aggressively. Not to sound condescending, but you suprised me in a good way.)
  17. Lol, I'd better start playing some more people. 4th place isn't going to fly. I haven't played this game in a week... I'm VULNERABLE! Must return to GodWeapon's server and train.
  18. I may participate. I need something a little less intense and a little less laggy than emulated 2D fighting games at the moment. Just tell me when things start up and you know I'm always on aim on the weekends.
  19. Try smashboards. Turnip guide
  20. I found this cool web blog from a game designer the other day. His blogs deal with all aspects of game design from pacing to difficulty. I thought the blogs were pretty interesting to say the least, and some blogs are very informational. For example, there's a 3-stage "how to play SSF:Turbo" video collection that he made himself that is pretty awesome. Well, anyway, check it out. link Oh, and I'm sorry if this is "OLD!!!" Just thought I'd put it out there.
  21. Quoted For ten char limit...I mean emphasis.
  22. I need a new controller. My $10 USB job is nice, but the buttons are starting to stick and I don't feel like taking it apart and tinkering with it. I'll be around for matches for a while this evening...If I not busy playing DAN'S OLDSKOOL MIX!!!! on StepMania.
  23. THE SPLASH IS UNSTOPABLE!! I hate it because I often lose to that strategy. SPDs that interrupt my Dragon Punches are no fun either.
  24. Broken (A-ryu) vs EpicPoster (X-Dhalsim) 2-0 Good matches. X-ism suits you well.
  25. Excellent submission overall. My largest problem with the song is actually the drums, which someone else before me mentioned. I understand the kind of lamenting, dragging feeling they're supposed to convey, but in the end I think they detract from the emotiveness of the piece rather than add to it in any meaningfull way. The vocals were well done, especially for someone who isn't a self-proclaimed vocalist. I'll be the last person to bash someone for putting it all on the line and singing occapella. Enter in the next VOCR, plz.
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