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Everything posted by Broken

  1. Kamoh, while I do understand and appreciate your sentiments, none of us really will ever know what the shooter was thinking (or if he was thinking clearly). We can speculate all we want (even with the facts that we are given) and we can be angry at the shooter for what he has done but none of that is going to bring back any of those who were killed and it will not help heal any of those who were wounded. All it does is create more discord between us who are mourning. I understand that people are appalled at what the shooter did and I do not condone his actions or attempt to sympathize with him or try to understand what he's done, but I think it's best to not focus all our attention on being angry at a dead man, but instead that we try our best to pay our repects to those affected and hopefully be able to move foward from this tragedy.
  2. talk trash much?
  3. I'm in on this a little late, but that's mainly because I wanted to be seperated from today's events for a time. This crisis was looking me in the face since before noon this morning becuase Tech is really just down the road aways from where I live and the news was being fed to the national media from my local newspaper all day long. I've probably prayed six times already for all those who lost their lives (yes even the shooter) and were injured but once more would probably not be a bad idea. My friends and I were deeply frightened becuase the shootings were apparently centered around the freshmen Engineering classroms and we happen to know many students who just graduated from our high school who were accepted into and are attending the engineering program. I do hope that they are safe, and I hope that more steps are taken to increase security and medical facilities in the near future.
  4. Ah, the gold old days of original SSB. The tornadoes were pretty awesome. Actually, I loved all the environmental hazards in that game because they usually had warnings and were more easy to plan for, therefore they were great for chucking unwary opponents into.
  5. Great info y'all. I'll be taking this advice to heart and hopefully not sucking the next time I sing. How much would your everyday vocal lessons cost? Hopefully not too much.
  6. Sorry all. I've been unable to access the internet for a while. I was taking a trip up to Baltimore. I will be availble for games and such tonight. edit: Broken vs. Axel B. (3-0)
  7. WTF are you all playing your matches so late for? Especially you ET. Oh, forget it, I'm going to sleep. It's 2 A.M. over here, sheesh.
  8. I reccomend Snag it. Simple interface, records just about anything (w/out a watermark), and has little to no overhead.
  9. I'm using a 30 day trial of Snagit (an excellent program, better than crappy Fraps which only lets record for THIRTY FREAKING SECONDS. Nice trial, jerks.) Anyway, yeah. If you want me to record your mathces, you have 27 days to ask, haha. Or you could just download it/ buy it yourselves, but I must warn you; It's not as easy as just recording the actual footage (That's the easy part). The difficulty comes in compressing and re-encoding the massive 100+ Meg files that result from using the program. I'll help anyone who wishes to record with encoding problems. Much thanks to Pyrion for providing me w/ some info on the Help/ and Newbies forum.
  10. Fools, WHEN I WIN of course we're playing Waku Waku 7, haha. But actually, Epic, I finally got our match videos encoded/ spliced/ edited and uploaded to youtube for everyone's viewing pleasure Oh yeah the link, lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0JWHJiymV4
  11. That's a lot of very useful info. I appreciate it. I'm going to have to figure out how to encode the sound portion w/ lame as opposed to PCM though. Edit: Again, much thanks. Pyrion. I just took my 100 meg. vid down to about 10 meg. That's pretty amazing.
  12. Can anyone reccomend me some? Preferably free software like virtual dub (which I am currently using.) I'm trying to post some Street Fighter matches on youtube, but all of the videos are just a little over size limitations. (100 meg or less)
  13. Broken vs. Sega (3-1) Sega is alive and kicking aparently. I'm sorry, but that lag made me cry. Not your fault, of course.
  14. You must instate Glasnost if you want any hope of surviving the capitalist onslaught. And where did you find Sega, Epic? I thought he was dead.
  15. Fixed for great justice.
  16. Broken vs. Keegan (3-0) good matches. It seems like Balrog was built to punish shotos. And then loose to everyone else....
  17. Great mix. I love the ambience, and I especially love the vocals. Congrats Dragon Avenger! Glad to see your colab. made finally it through Joker. Production sounds very solid and even though I'm not familiar with the source, I like what you've made out of it!
  18. Broken vs. Oddlama (3-0) also Broken vs. Necrotic (3-0) Good matches, both of you.
  19. Broken vs. SoloGamer (3-0)
  20. Looks like you all had way too much fun. I like the really serious "judges at work" pics.
  21. Okay, then don't bitch at me about Bison or the game or my playstyle after my matches. And this comment is not pointed at any single person. + I lost to Kamoh in an anti-Bison rematch. My Sagat was raping for a while, though. And for whomever wanted to know what beat my Bison, it was Epic's Honda. He utilized the splash as a great pressure cooker and then kills me with low kick into tick throw over and over. Some might call this "cheap," I just think it's hard to escape/ punish. And ,dPaladin, Kamoh doesn't really know how to use CE Bison effectively, so thats probably why you beat him. (No offense to Kamoh) This match showed me everytihing I need to know about CE Bison/ this game
  22. Happy birthday, man. Thanks for all that you do.
  23. ^ WTF, epic? haha. And I would like to announce that I'm no longer going to use Bison in my matches because it's pissed off everyone who I played against. (Except Epic, cause he's cool like that.) Consider it my Easter present to you all.
  24. Okay, I don't normally care what goes on in this thread, but this is silly. You need to just give Kamoh a break. He's helping to run multiple competitions at once and it's difficult to keep tabs on everyone, so the only logical thing to do if no one is playing is to move on. Similar circumstances in the AG tourney occured and no one really gave a damn. But even after he used his "administrative abilities," which he is entitled to do, he responded to you and allowed you a say in the matter. That's where you made an awful choice and just threw it back in his face. Don't act like Kamoh's a dictator just because things didn't go your way. You just need to learn to adapt. As a matter of fact, I was waiting for the last tourney to finally end so I could join the next one. But then I saw it was Tecmo Super Bowl.....
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