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Everything posted by Broken

  1. See "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja" series. also see "DBZ: Boudakai/ Tenkaichi" series.
  2. NO! That guy was fail and a waste of about an hour of the movie. I never watched the original Transformers cartoon, so maybe he was based off of someone from there, but he's still dumb. Edit: don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. I just think the first hour or so and the last 30 minutes were probably the best parts.
  3. Happy birthday, Taucer. Keep on tumbling, or rolling, or whatever.
  4. To Koi and Necro: Yes and Yes. You both pretty much said what I was about to say about us switching to CPS3 for the adjacent tournament. And has anyone else had problems connecting due to the massive influx of bandwagon SF3 players? (I'm sorry to be so bitter, but I get a little frustrated when Godweapon and DaRoms are constantly filled to capacity and I'm forced to play on Reps with a ping of freaking 110.) And about the tournament: I guess I beat Koi 5-3. A very intense set. That's why we play different series for every tourney, so things are more interesting.
  5. Hell yes, I've always wanted to play Warzard and JoJo in its original arcade rendition! But in reality, the only thing that I've seen 3s do to the emu scene so far is bring back masses of people to the online scene (flooding servers) and while I'm sure they're good players and everything, I'm sure most of those people already own the game as a console port and are playing on Xbox live or something. And for that matter, why would anyone want to play a technical and fast paced game like 3s on a laggy server like kalleira? (the packaged netplay that comes with most MAME/ Kawaks Emulators) I mean, it'll be fun for a little while, but I doubt this will be the ground breaking step for emulation that you think it is. I just want my laggy servers back so I can get beat in SFA3 and SS2T again. The real thing that excites me is GGPO, the new server (currently in beta form and only supporting one game atm) that allows near lagless and full speed gameplay over a high speed internet connection. I haven't gotten to try it out myself yet, but that could be big stuff, especially if they sold it to commercial developers to implement into commercially sold fighting games (3d or 2d.)
  6. Lol, I lost our little mini conversation in the 3+ pages of discussion (or lulz) that occured since I last posted. I'm not a Zelda player, but I don't suggest using her exclusively (as in not using Sheik too, even though I hate both of them thoroughly.) Peach has way better recovery options than zelda. Zelda's up B is usually used as a last resort and it has no attack capabilities at all, so that's part of the reason I don't use her. The sweet spot for her f-air is at a weird place on her frame, too.
  7. Glad to hear the operation went well, Zircon. Recover quickly, guy.
  8. Great website. I'm digging some of the free releases.
  9. Yeah, DJC is difficult to master ( I haven't mastered it myself yet) but it's great for getting arials out quickly. If I used djc for edge-gaurding (which I don't because I kill myself with it a lot, too) I'd do the nair and not the bair because the bair will slide you back just a hair and you will plummet to your death. If you use the nair, you're pretty much garunteed to fall straight down (which is where you want to fall.) Your best bet with edge gaurding is to do a quick float cancel and then use bair or nair, and then edge gaurd. If you want to look like a bad-ass you can try djc a fair so it hits right at the edge of the stage and rejects an attempt at sweet spotting. It's not too difficult, but it's hard to line up correctly in the middle of a fight. And, I agree Peach is difficult to master (contrary to popular belief, there's more to her than spamming down smash.) She's slow and floaty, not a good combo imo. Oh, I just remembered, another great edge gaurd (against space animals, anyway) is to be facing towards the stage right at the edge (as if you are about to WD into ledge hog) and right as the space animal uses fire fox, upsmash, and they will get the tip of your attack which is pretty devistating. I'll look for a good video of it later. Alright, I'm done.
  10. Yes, Hall of Fate ~Ressurection~! That song is the bomb. Actually...... somebody should remix it, even though it is technically a remix itself. More Tekken love. Oh, yeah. The flash is cool too.
  11. I use mods. I don't see why deciphering the arrows should be a hassle. For me it's all about step patterns; those are what should be difficult. And mines are gay. especially when the appear suddenly (speed up suddenly and cover the entire pad.) Is it true that hitting a mine doesn't break your combo/lower your score? If it is then, I'm going to be a lot less timid around them.
  12. I think it'll be fine when you're actually playing on it Arek. Think of the bg music for rainbow cruise in Melee. Definitely not what you'd call "battle music" but it grows on you just like the rest of the game. This particular theme reminds me of a stage from Soul Calibur because of its orchestral elements. Soul Calibur is usually. identified with that kind of score.
  13. I always thought that heavier people and people with a lower center of gravity had an advantage because they don't have to step with as much force as a lighter person or someone who is taller. That's just my personal bias though. It's probably not true.
  14. From what I've heard, yes. And honestly, as mean as it sounds, I'm glad a reputable company (ie. not Sega) is making this game. Bioware has my utmost confidence.
  15. Yeah, pump is great if you give it a chance. Bigfoot, I know the arcade experince is a lot better if the manager of the store that has the machines knows what he's doing and listens to the players. That's why I enjoy going to the card shop (where I know the staff and they listen to me usually) which has PUI and why I dislike going to PutPut (who clearly only has DDR as a secondary method of revenue and does nothing to entice players to come there.) TrashMan and PowerSurge, thanks for the tips on pad making. It really helps when someone with experience gives you advice.
  16. Any tips for the project? What's yours made out of?
  17. I think, I'm going to try this one out. And I hope Gens netplay feature is better than zsnes' because, as Kamoh is aware, zsnes' netplay doesn't like me.
  18. Happy Belated Birthday, Zircon! Thanks for creating great music and sharing it with us all. I didn't have internet access for the past couple of days otherwise I wouldn't be so late to this.
  19. Glad to see I haven't missed too terribly much in my week away from the internet. It's a good thing you already have me signed up for this b/c I intend to redeem myself in this tournament after my poor performance w/ puzzle fighter.
  20. I agree. I don't think you needed to white out the edge though. That was taking my crticism a little to the extreme. Much better, though.
  21. I never really liked the psp adds (Namely the chipmunk ones, but some of the dustball things were stupid too.) It's like those commercials try too hard to be funny.
  22. I like it overall. I would've made Bison a little less trasnparent because he's kind of the center peice, and the colors seem drab. Maybe that was my fault for asking for red and blue. I think some more white or silver would've brightened things up a bit, though. You didn't really have to put my name in the banner, but thanks anyway. I'm very grateful. It's better looking than anything I could come up with. That's for certain :>.
  23. I remember this. I posted this in the incredible internet videos thread a while ago if you want to sift through that massive thread. It's still awesome, though. Haven't watched it in a while.
  24. I came across this as I opened up Yahoo. I haven't gotten a chance to look at all of these yet, but judging from the descriptions they sound good...err bad >: link
  25. So, anyone else planning on going to this? If so, PM me to discuss a possible ride up to the venue and perhaps housing.
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