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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. From the first bass notes, I knew this was going to be amazing. It is definitely a christmas song first, but there are so many well integrated SMW references, that it really works on both levels, and being familiar with all the sources involved, it's twice as good. Very medlyish, but a whole lot of fun. An excellent remix!
  2. 'A' is my number one favorite DDr song, and every time I see a machine and try to play it, I look for that song first to see if they have it. This mix is distinctly more slow paced arrangement wise, and at 5 minutes long, it'd be a super endurance run if the piano solo was any longer, but it breaks down to a really awesome swagger section, giving a new feel to the song. The synths are excellent, as usual, and the beats are really good. I love the fusion of sounds, and it's a great, recognizable remix.
  3. Pretty nice stuff, it has a distinct Pulp Fiction feel to it. I wish there was a little more sonic separation on some of the elements, specifically the percussion, but the feeling is warm and the track is pretty fun, so who cares? The woodwinds were nicely layered, and the flow was good. i am unfamiliar with the melody, but the surf rock treatment fits it pretty well.
  4. I was pretty wary of the remix title, but thankfully the theme itself is much more imaginatively arranged than i was initially led to believe, and it's one that i've recognized on my playlist for quite some time. The synths are really distinct, and the vocoding, while being a bit difficult to understand, is very sonically unique. Good interpretation of the theme, and some good surprises and upbeat and catchy parts make this a really nice track.
  5. Really inspired stuff, and it's fun and catchy. Some of the breakdowns could have stood be EQ'ed slightly, but the spirit of adventure is very much alive in this track, and overall I really enjoyed it. The arrangement is super solid, with a ton of cool stuff going on at all times, and some excellent cross-panned glissando's and white noise percussion. I think Polo has the right idea describing it as musical confetti. Really fun stuff, I love it.
  6. A nicely unexpected rhythmic change ups in the snare got my attention immediately, and the cool syncopated cello helped draw me in as well for the intro. A hard pullback into a full force melody worked really well, and then a more subdued repeat had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. The counter melody writing was really nice, and for the most part the track was really solid. I'm not totally sold on the shift to 'Ocean Palace'; the modal shift made the song less hopeful and more tragic sounding, and I think it would have been better to have inverted the themes, or had it finish off with a final bombastic coda of Cid's theme to make it a dramatic and uplifting ending. Either way, the execution on this track is very high, and is a good indicator of why Star's reputation as a premier remixer is so widespread. Recommended.
  7. Exceptionally classy, yet still humorous lyrics. Brent can do it all, it seems. I wish the mic was a little closer to him for the recording, but he's still audible, and overall this is a great mix.
  8. Awesome news, man! I was a little disappointed that you were way in the back in the video, but the group was tight, and I enjoyed the song a lot. It's really great you are doing something so cool, I wish you luck and happiness on your tour! Also, can you please introduce me to the accordion player?
  9. A few of the more legato samples haven't aged as well, but gdamn does the rest of this hold up strongly- excellent pacing, tight beats, and a real dramatic flair make this a killer mix all the way through. It contains a lot of cool zircon stylistic choices that with the benefit of hindsight have only been expanded upon in the past 6 years. The level of expansion is really good as well, with a lot of additions and some breakdowns too, and a solid flow. Excellent stuff, and a stellar first sub. Also cool that it was the first song Larry ever YES'ed. Historic remix!
  10. A little unfocused, but definitely exciting and creative. The soundscape was nice and varied, and the effects and panning was always interesting. Pretty epic stuff, I dig it.
  11. Great feel to this one, and a really smooth way of representing a pretty classic theme. I'd almost prefer more violin, as those sections were my favorite, but the synth lead was nice too, and the little guitar bends were nice too- very good use of not-so-stellar samples. They are like a seasoning. This is a really good way to do a remix, with a solid groove, and then pile on lots of excellent details, like the hard panned bells. Great stuff!
  12. Some great rhythms and a full atmosphere with a lot of intricate textural details make this an exciting track to loop- nothing about it is really over the top, but the intensity is relentless; even when things aren't at full power, there is a sonic element pushing the track forward. I love the percussion use- big drum hits combined with some drier loops create a really nice texture, and adding the piano arpeggios and the washes of synth and strings give this a ton of depth and character. Phenomenal remix right here, folks.
  13. Great room sound on the production, everything feels really solid, and the string articulations are good. Nice pacing and a good soundscape makes it good throughout. Transitions are awesome, and the pace is great. A very good remix.
  14. Nice textures, and some cool arrangement to a very recognizable source tune. Production is solid, and the synth backing with the acoustic guitars is awesome, and definitely close to my heart. Cool beats and a perfect running length make this a great mix to jam to, I dig it!
  15. A pretty nice march that holds up well even 5 years later; the build early on is excellent, and the backing tracks are great. The rhythmic change to the B section of the song I wasn't completely feeling- it seemed a little rushed and not as dramatic as the original, but it wasn't mangled by any means. Nice samples, and a perfect length, this is pretty good.
  16. For being as technically awesome as these 2 guys are, i'm not really feeling this one. The elements are all there, and everything is clicking, but something seems off. Super lame review, I know. I can't figure this one out. Sorry guys.
  17. I think it was pretty decent stuff- the melodic hook of the source wasn't super strong, but the treatment Darkesword added to it was pretty nice, and though the track remained pretty constant for the 6 minutes, it was relaxing and nice.
  18. It's an older track, and I can see why a lot of people will love it, because there is a lot of excellent stuff going on, but that bass note hurts me. I can't do it. Sorry.
  19. Everything was awesome except I think the lead guitar tone was a little overly brittle, and a little too far forward in the mix. Besides that, it was exceptionally good. Great beats, nice piano and acoustic guitar, and Jill sounds fantastic. A good atmosphere and nice melodies put me in a good mood anytime, and this mix does it all well.
  20. Ridiculously awesome, dude! That didn't take you long at all! I vote for MM2 as well, but would love to see either of them. Keep it up, you are awesome!
  21. Haha, I really enjoyed this one; high-caliber musicianship with a sense of humor is both rare and for some people, difficult to comprehend. Excellent playing, and the vocals were smooth and fun. Harmonies were tight (of course they were, it'd be false advertising otherwise), and the solos were solid and tasteful. Pretty much everything you'd want in a remix. <3
  22. A little too unfocused for my tastes, I'd have preferred a tighter arrangement and some stronger hooks. The track itself is pretty solid, but ends up not really exciting me much. Sorry guys.
  23. Since everyone else is comparing it, i'll do so too, and I prefer this one. The sequencing is pretty damn mechanical sounding, but I still love the track. Some really nice textures throughout, and a good sense of progression. I especially liked the piano and the small melodies tucked away in the arpeggios. That's one of my favorite things bout music, and if only the piano sounded more natural, this one would be one of my all-time favorites. It still is a worthy track and is worth checking out, however, despite my wishes for a smoother performance.
  24. Probably one of the first 10 remixes I ever downloaded, this one has persisted through a lot to remain awesome. The arrangement is wonderful, being very true to the source, but feeling completely different. This kind of epic transformation is what I really like hearing, especially when the end result is this good. Awesome work right here, people, check it out.
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