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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. The 6:30 gets a little lengthy, but as a mood piece this definitely does the job. I liked the serne flow and the different layers of ethnic instruments. The transitions were decent, and I wasn't as bothered as some by the inclusion of Schala. Overall a pretty decent mix.
  2. Some of the samples are a little dated, but overall this holds up pretty nicely, cool integration of the themes, and even though the bass sound is pretty gross, the actual writing of the part is really cool. Or is it hot? Ohhh, see what I did there? Nice jazzy flute and backing pads and keys, and things were clicking pretty well.
  3. I was totally feeling this until the super sour note in the otherwise awesome synth line at 1:16. OUUUUCCCHHH... Besides that, this is good stuff, I love the big beats mixed with the horn and piano, and the synth backing is very cool too. The source is simple but pretty, and the treatment of this is overall cool, it's just that one line that isn't in the right key. :/
  4. Though the production is a bit dated, and the arrangement is conservative, there's a lot to be said about source selection, and this is one of the best tracks on the already excellent Xenogears soundtrack. The counterpoint added is pretty nice, and though the samples are weak, it's a slight step up from the OST, so that's pretty cool.
  5. Great percussive textures on this one, the bit crushed section at the beginning is great, and it gets even crazier as the track progresses. I don't think anyone on OCR uses a clavinet as well as Morse. Excellent stuff. I loved the breakdown, and all the funkiness.
  6. I totally imagine myself trimming the grass, looking for coins with this song. Nice track, halc, the arpeggios are great, and the source is classic.
  7. I have to agree with Larry that things tended to get a bit repetitive and plodding after awhile, and the low volume in the leads attributes to that. I definitely enjoy the chilled out and serene feel you are going for, but more needs to happen to keep things interesting throughout. Harmonies were a bit vanilla for the entire track, so expanding on those would be a great way to further personalize it. Additional counterpoint or chords would assist in filling things out, and adding more tone color. Though some parts were thin, the balance was generally there, minus the too-weak leads. With a little bit of additional work, this could definitely make it. no, please resub
  8. Please make sure you label your tracks correctly with source references- this sat on the panel a bit because only 1 of the sources was cited. Once I discovered the secret, this made a lot more sense, and it's clear there is enough source. However, it's pretty much the same as the game as far as arrangement, with a few minor additions. There needs to be more expansion or interpretation of the source for this to be OCR material. As of right now, it sounds like mostly a sound upgrade. Production was a mixed bag, with some good sound effects and transitions, but mechanical sequencing, somewhat buried leads, and and a very vanilla soundscape. Some additional clarity and punch would be welcome as well. I enjoy the track, and think you picked an excellent source, but I have to give this one a no.
  9. Wow, this is inspiring stuff. I wish the beat wasn't as static, but everything else about this mix was a big woah moment for me. O_o I'll definitely be studying this one, really pro work.
  10. I dare bLiNd to make a track that isn't completely awesome, expansive, and epic in every way. Double-dog dare him.
  11. Some really nice samples on this one, and though the structure was a bit unorthodox, I was feeling the treatment of the source. Things were pretty sparse for the most part, but it really played out like a constantly evolving movie score, and the super varied instrumentation was really cool. Very nice stuff.
  12. sorry bro, not gonna happen "Unfortunately, Tensei had stopped responding to people on the project in terms of having this finished, so I was forced to ask OA to help put on the finishing touches" besides the vocals and the guitar solo, it's all a single mp3. :/
  13. Pretty exciting and dramatic stuff- the ending minute is completely spectacular! There were a lot of well used themes present, and the transitions were very solid. Overall a really nice and exciting orchestral piece!
  14. Really a unique and chilled out sound on display here, with some very well done and deliberate pacing. The cello playing was very nice, and the soundscape surrounding it is very cool. I'd have liked to have heard even more cello, but even as-is, this is a mix that holds up really well.
  15. A longish build, that has a pretty good payoff, i've been working on the flashman theme on my own a little bit recently, so I'm definitely familiar. The twinkly piano added to synths and a standard beat certainly isn't anything new, but it's balanced sounding, and nothing seems out of place. Combined with a solid source, and you've got a recipe for a pretty nice mix.
  16. Samples definitely are dated now, as for the most part this is pure midi. Some good drum fills and an overall good arrangement make this decent, but this isn't one i'll be revisiting anytime soon. Sorry.
  17. Interesting that after the critiques from the panel that Willrock should try branching out, here is the very mix that does so. It's a distinct step forward in a lot of ways, but the first half has a few issues. First of all, the snare is way too punchy for the first half of the track, and just a little too punchy for the second half. I love punchy snares, but it needs to fit in the context. The rest oif the production is solid, except for when the lead guitars come in, the bottom end feels empty. Maybe i'm just too used to having rhythm guitars. The sounds used are well chosen and fit together well. The arrangement starts out a bit slow, but the build is deliberate, and it works pretty good to gather tension. I don't feel like the mix ever really reaches it's full potential until the guitar solo (which is damn awesome, by the way), and the arrangement tends to play it really conservatively, by my estimation. It does go it's own way in the last half a lot more, and I think that overall the arrangement is unique enough, but I would have preferred some additional counterpoint and such in the first half. Overall, this reminds me a lot of the really clean doujin style. Even the ending was a bit reminiscent of it. I'll respectfully disagree that this is your best work, Will, but I do think it's good enough to go on OCR. yes (borderline)
  18. HI ! I have made a new remix called RAIDEN - LEVEL 2 I hope you like it and you will upload it. Sorry for my bad english,but i'am from germany. Very nice greets from CZ-Tunes source: http://www.zophar.net/music/hes/raiden.html track 2. edit: CZ-Tunes didn't note that it also contained raiden 2 music; i had to dig this up myself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKi6QeIPzXI 1:06 specifically
  19. Remixer Name: Willrock Game: Super Mario Land 2 Source: Wario's Castle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z06NVdc1Le8 Remix Name: Seizing The Castle Comments: This remix is a step forward for me in a way - It includes less of the same samples and patches I have used in the past and have more sounds I have made myself, unlike editing presets which I did a lot of in the past. With this remix, I took the source and tried to take what was so great about the original, and multiply it ten fold, and imo the best aspect was the dark tone of the track, being almost castlevania like. This remix does have a very castlevania-like sound - lots of organs, vox pads, an electric guitar solo, which is a first for my ocr mixes if this is accepted, and a trumpet Anyway, I hope this is good enough to pass as it is imo one of my best mixes yet Enjoy.
  20. I'm definitely feeling the arrangement; there are tons of great variations on the source, with some great new parts, and a cool ending. Great creativity in mixing things up while still being recognizable. From the production end, the snare might be a bit too prominent, but other than that, it's definitely over the bar, with a varied soundscape, some nice 7 string lowness that still sounds crisp, and great synths. The organ during the solo was also a nice touch in keeping the track sounding fresh. yes
  21. I'm not sure I could handle an 80-hour long Tales game. :/ seems to me that the story quality, battle system, and characters all are tied together from a shared resource pool. So say The characters and battle system in one game are good, the story will be super banal. If the story is good, either the battle system or the characters will suck, etc. I'm down for it being localized though, because I naively believe one day it'll all be balanced and good, and I realize i'm more of a casual fan rather than a hardcore one.
  22. Hello OcRemix, My name is Josh Queen. I play in the band Seventh Epic. We've been enjoying the music that comes out of the OCRemix community for years now. We just finished a VG remix of our own and would love for you to consider it for the site. Let me know if you need anything else from us. Thanks for the forum guys keep up the good work. A winner is you. Josh ~7E Information: Song Name: "Pipes" Remixer Name: Seventh Epic E-mail Address: seventhepic@gmail.com Website: SeventhEpic.com Name of the Game Arranged: Super Mario Bros. 3 Name of the Individual song arranged: Underground / Pipe Theme? Download Link: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxeuKOOsPXw Comments: We've been enjoying the site for years, to the point where it has influenced our original scores. We have been wanting to add a cover to our live act , couldn't resist doing the game cover, and went ahead and followed this mix all the way through to production. What resulted is "Pipes". What originally inspired this mix wasn't necessarily the melody (the one strait from SMB1) but more that early 90's hip/hop beat that was added when SMB3 was released. The rest was fairly easy and more fun than killing hundreds of mutant turtles. Enjoy.
  23. Some very cool ideas and great textures, but I found that if i'm not in the mood for something expansive, and spread out over a long time, I lose interest fast. Great production and a creative arrangement make this great for those times, but for me, it's not something I actively seek out. I totally respect the skills, but am just into it that much. Sorry dude.
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