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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. nope, i still need to finish the DS version first. I'll get it eventually, I just have lots going on right now.
  2. A bit hypnotic in it's chillness- those repeating 8ths at the beginning really calm me down, leading to a funky bassline and smoothed out chords supporting the melody. If I ever owned a boutique tea shop or something, I'd totally play this while people sipped tea and worked on their laptops. The samples aren't as rich as some of Joshua's later mixes, but they get the job done just fine. The mix is delicious and fragrant, just like the tea i would serve.
  3. Great pads and bells, it really makes this feel like a nostalgic and dreamy lullaby. Another of the seemingly endless gems that I missed the first 2 times going through all of the remixes. Some of the samples are a little static, and could use some delay to give a greater depth to the mix, but really this is shimmering and beautiful. I love the melodic changes done to it, and though it repeats a lot, it only enforces the lullaby angle. Fantastic stuff.
  4. The weird attack on the bass really throws me off in a distracting way at the beginning, but once the song proper starts, it's a well balanced and atmospheric adventure. :3 It's really laid back and has some great undulating textures. Progression is subtle, but overall the intent to create yet another soundscape has been achieved. Great textures, they really make this work.
  5. Maybe since it's $8, there are 4 chapters in the finale? Anyways, if you are a mixer and want to hear the album a month or so early, send me a PM or hit me up on AIM, and i'll link ya.
  6. Jay is pro got all the info on cost: For your $8 you get just the main story. There are 7 add on stories of DLC for $3. And one final chapter, that is $8.
  7. looks awesome, i'm picking up 2 copies.
  8. attentionwhore that you are, you made a giant thread of your own for it. :-3
  9. you say that like it's a bad thing; trailer looks cool
  10. ONOES DOUBLE POST!! Ok, so if you were going to donate to help get this thing printed as an actual 3 cd set, but haven't sent monies to the paypal account yet, do so now, because we are rapidly nearing the deadline! If you are a mixer and don't know what I am talking about, SHAME ON YOU AND READ YOUR PM'S.
  11. Electrolytics! It's what plants crave! Nice piano and strings intro leading into some energetic beats, with some charged synths and light piano backing. This really feels like it got a good jolt to kick it forward, I really like this one. The bassline rocks, and it's really well put together. Great work, this one is really enjoyable!
  12. The sound effects throughout were pretty distracting, but otherwise, the mix was awesome- great guitar solo in the middle and some great progression from being a bit more mysterious and then into a straight up war march. Totally awesome. Some of the singing had a bit of intonation issues, but overall this is a great piece. Nice work.
  13. Jammin track, with a great selection of instruments, and some great interpretation of the melody. Organ sounds awesome, as do the strings. Overall quality all around. Highly recommended.
  14. A few unpolished spots, but damn overall this is completely excellent! Superb textures with the hand drums for the first part, and a great sense of motion. The synths in the next part seemed a little lofi and muddy, but they quickly faded to some great woodwinds and acoustic guitar. Great drama in the middle section, and overall a really cool mix of instruments. Well played, this mix is great!
  15. Good stuff, this remix has a lot of charm to it, especially considering it's age. Nice tempo changes, and a generally relaxing but nostalgic/sad mood. I really like the prominence of the piano in the mix, it anchors things well. There's a lot of nitpicky realism issues, but they are minor, and the mix still holds up well, with good textures and a progressive narrative. Not perfect, but very classy.
  16. Because it comes out in 'episodes'. It's on wiiware in like 9 installments for $8 each. It wouldn't make as much sense to put it out on a DS cart and start including product overhead for a smaller return. The fact that i'd have to pay $72 to get all the episodes has pretty much turned me off to it, but maybe in the future they will compile it all for a reduced price.
  17. Pretty nice soundscape, I am feeling this one. There are some weird piano note choices near the end (sounds like wrong notes to me, IMO), but for most of the track I am super relaxed. There isn't a lot of development texturally, but maybe too much work there would ruin the vibe. Either way, this one is good listeninz, check it out CC fans.
  18. i'll be on board in 3 years or so when there is something worth playing with it.
  19. That synth is so large, any adjective i can think of to describe it seems to not describe it well enough, or would sound like some sort of plug for a NI product. Regardless, it's very cool. Some of the high end is way piercing, like a few of the cymbals, but the rest of the sounds seem to mesh together well. The melody and beat fit together great, though I wish there were fewer breakdowns and more beat-dropping power. Still a pretty good mix.
  20. A no-frills but definitely cool Guile dance mix. It starts out with a nice build and there a synthy-sounding mandolin thing that I think is awesome- probably the detail of the track that is the most memorable for me. Synths were a bit generic, but effective, and while the beat didn't scream at me to get dancing, it was good enough for me to DJP to.
  21. The arrangement is great, but it is pretty mechanical sounding. The different sections have great transitions, and there is some real power behind the chords. I really liked the arpeggios as well, and even though i'm unfamilir with the source, the mix is compelling enough to make me want to check it out. I'd love to hear this performed live with 2 pianos.
  22. I agree with several of the reviewers in that the mix is very well put together, but it just doesn't really excite me that much. I think the Celtic section worked really well, but the rest just seemed to drag. Not to rail on Prot, because the dude has skills, but I wasn't feeling this specific track.
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