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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Nutritious has completed 2, and ilp0's second track is 95% complete; as long as you can get stuff done in a reasonable timeframe, more than 1 track is fine. I need to hear a WIP though, before I will reserve a song. edit: songs open are on the first page.
  2. I have some new WIPs in, and I need to hear from some mixers. I'm opening up the tracks of the mixers I haven't heard from in awhile who promised me a WIP. At this stage, getting on the list will require an approved WIP.
  3. Depends on the remix i'm doing. Oftentimes the song I want to remix doesn't have any sort of sheet music or midi available, so I end up transcribing it myself. However, since I am transcribing with the intent to remix, I only take the parts I want to use; mainly the chord progression and the melody. If there is a cool counterpoint part I want to use, i'll write that down as well. I don't think i've ever transcribed any percussion of any sort, as it's more fun for me to write my own parts. Other times, transcribing something would be too inefficient for how I like to work so I grab a midi. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/kiwi-g.mid is a pretty good example. It's something I could do, but it'd take me forever.
  4. This. I thought it was a great story.
  5. Thanks everyone for the kind comments on my remix. The story behind this isn't quite as funny as it could have been; it's basically just some friendly trash-talking to my friend/nemesis, Snappleman, who gives me great critique occasionally, but mostly just insults. The afternoon tea part is more of the feel of the song itself. The string-heavy sections are all original based on the original's chord progression, BTW. This song was my introduction to the Dwelling of Duels competition, so I figured i'd need a hardcore name to instill fear into my duel opponents, thus the OA/Hopefails dual name. One cool trivia fact is that because of this song, no one is allowed to quantize their lead synths for DoD anymore. I'm kinda proud about that one. <3
  6. ok, if no one is going to remix a track from this game, I just might have to.
  7. Yeah, i misread the brackets, my mistake.
  8. One more day! I'm pretty pleased that my track gets it's own interlude. ;-D
  9. I still play a few times a week. Pretty fun stuff.
  10. Final will be Italy VS France, and France will dominate!
  11. sounds cool; i've always been interested in Impact: Steel, but the lack of AU support has held me back. EXS-24 support is awesome news.
  12. A few of these sound like total porn music. I heartily endorse this product!
  13. Pretty hot stuff, beats and orchestra are a huge win stylistically, in my opinion. I was always underwhelmed with the OST of Parasite eve, but this makes it much better, and have a lot stronger flavor than the almost generic-sounding original. Great orchestra and piano. The piano was really nice, especially in the solo section where it has some beautiful runs. Even the brass was good. I can respect the record player static, though I think it could have been brought down a bit and still remained effective to what you were trying to achieve without becoming distracting. It works very well for the bre Overall a great piece, but can you really expect anything less from ktriton?
  14. <--- 28, so I get to be in a different demographic than most of you my gaming time is usually split at about: 75% Mac (bet you didn't see that one coming lolz) 20% Wii 5% 360 console-wise I mostly like playing the downloadable games, wiiware is the shizz, and as soon as more of those Capcom remakes come out on 360 i'm sure it's percentage will go up. As of right now it's only used for rock band or occasionally puzzle fighter. The reason I spend most of my gaming time on my Mac is that I can multitask. I am always either working on artwork or a mix while I play games. The percentage would be a bit different if I could work on other stuff while playing on a console.
  15. Washburn also make pretty quality low-end basses as well if absolutely need to have options, but the Soundgear suggestion is very good.
  16. I never really was into the anime itself, but I want to see this. Sounds to me like the OP is being a bit nit-picky and *too serious*. Most of his post is conjecture about the perceived quality of the movie. I think the movie should take place in New York and Goku should get a gun that is powered by Dragonball energy. Be glad I have nothing to do with the movie. It has Chow Yun Fat and 2 super hunnies I haven't heard of before. Even with that atrocious topknot they gave the Bulma actress, she's still hot. Sounds like a win to me.
  17. This is 100% awesome. You are the most Georgian Jedi I have ever met.
  18. Thanks to all three of you, OCR wouldn't be the same without you. <3
  19. Pretty much every sound file in Last Alert; I found a few someone else posted online, but I actually bought the game on ebay just to rip the sound files about 8 years ago. None of my favorites are on this site, but this one is close: http://www.audioatrocities.com/games/lastalert/clip5.mp3
  20. xmark did a pretty rocking version for DoD a few months back; check it out http://dod.vgmix.com/past/apr08/10-XMark-Portal-Alive-DoD.mp3
  21. Another recommendation for EWQLSO; though if you have a recent mac is will only break your heart. If you are running a PC go for it. ;_;
  22. Never got around to commenting on this one when it first came out, my initial impressions were that it was skillfully arranged but a little too creepy for me, but after a year or so of listening, the screams and such aren't quite as scary to me, and I can appreciate the excellent music. It still has a very menacing feel to it, but it's not as unnerving. Beats are great, and the synth leads are well chosen and varied. This is a really busy piece in the high end, and it's somewhat overwhelming at first, but give it a few listens, it really grows on you. Just be sure to check under the bed before going to sleep.
  23. Pretty nice blend of tech elements and orchestra, I liked how you had a decent amount of synths in there, it made it the mix unique to the few other mixes in this genre. The beat was a bit scattered, but overall things worked pretty well. That oboe at the beginning sounded almost exactly like the oboe sample in Chrono Cross. Kind of crazy; even the melody was similar. Pretty crazy piano comping near the end, sounds great but i'm not sure how realistic it is. Ending wasn't too enjoyable for me. the voice sample was a bit loud, and after that there wasnt a proper resolution, just a half fade out. Overall pretty decent.
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