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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It starts with a mario kart style countdown, but instead of racing along, we have a smooth jazz combo playing a pretty classic Castlevania theme. I have heard this theme metalled up a few times and it's almost always been awesome, so hearing it all chilled is pretty refreshing. The samples are pretty good, and the rain sound effects give it a springtime ambiance. A rainy afternoon... a small cafe... a single rose and a promise... and the topless medusa boss at the end of stage 2... The level of arrangement on this specific mix is really nice, some great bass voicing, and some nice comping on both the piano and organ. I wish the sax had been real, but as is, it is still pretty nice. It's been awhile since this track got any review attention, and it really is a nice mix. Check it out.
  2. Pretty good stuff; better than I was expecting, to be honest. I think your melody plays it a little too safe in regards to passing tones, but your progressions are solid enough, and things are interesting. A few chords I think would be more expressive with a different bass note, but solid work overall. This is the type of conversation I can appreciate. I'm glad you took things seriously enough to respect the deadline. I'm not as dismissive about you as I once was, and I think in a different context, without paragraphs upon paragraphs of text, we'd actually get along pretty well.
  3. Very midi sounding, but the arrangement is creative and pretty jammin. The source is fantastic and that helps this a lot. The intro is kind of strange with the in-game music and the high-fi storm music, and then the pretty upbeat sounding synth throwdown. I don't really follow I don't think. It sets up a darker atmosphere, and then goes into dance funk mode for the rest of the song. Samples are weak, but it's a fun track and worth a listen.
  4. Pretty awesome arrangement, but waaaay too much reverb. Samples are decidedly lofi, but great drum programming, the beats are great, and there is a ton of stuff going on. I love the constant shifts in the sections to keep this moving along at a pretty frantic pace, and with improved samples and production, this really could be a gem. The hard hitting and heavily syncopated sections are awesome, and really good rocking. Brilliant arrangement, bleh production. Still good enough for listening. Check this one out.
  5. I remember this one completely slaying at DoD, and was one of my top picks. This one is all about the Metroid brutality, with a ton of riffs lined up, and some keyboards accompanying. The strong production really keeps this one together, because any weakness on that front would have made it much less effective. The best part is the breakdown I think, and then the solo sections afterwards. There are some really great ideas thrown in here, and it seems the key to making metroid music interesting is to turn it into a sonic assault. Great stuff from the guy who can continue to destroy the fretboard even though he is MISSING AN ARM (sortof). Totally heavy stuff. \m/
  6. I loved the flute at the beginning, but that super grainy pad at the beginning was a turn off, and that super-panned repetitive beat drove me mad. ;_; I don't think i'm the target audience for this one, though I really like that flute. Sorry dude.
  7. Theo has some skills. Now get working guys, I have some cool ideas for the site.
  8. This upcoming month is going to be massive. Fire and Ice was amazing. p.s. I heard that terror and destroyed optimism are out for blood this month.
  9. I gotta say, if you are going to get Zebra2, buy the presets Zircon made for it, the included presets are complete ass, and unless you are super into synths, I found the programming to be needlessly obtuse. I won't argue that good sounds can be achieved with it (Zircon is a great example), but it was not working for me at all, and I ebayed it after flailing for a few months.
  10. hellz nah! Medic 4 lyfe! I have the most fun being Pyrion's heal bitch, farming you guys at your spawn point.
  11. I wouldn't want you to do anything with my song itself, to be honest. Anyone performing it but me would not even know where to begin to match my passion and emotional involvement, and would simply end up falling short. /darkesworde I want you to write a response to it. I don't know what you have planned for the next week, but I wrote mine in about 6 hours. So I think you having a superior piece by Friday 12:01 is perfectly reasonable.
  12. Peter, don't take this the wrong way, but your arrogance-to-skill ratio is completely unbalanced. I can't believe I read through a septuple-post, but I did, and through your narcissism and blatantly rampant hubris, I could find little actual substance to your posts. To quote Frank Zappa, "Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar". I wrote this over the weekend as a musical challenge to your Id. It's formatted in midi so you or anyone else can take the music and learn/perform it should you so choose. You seem like you desperately have something to prove. Well, here is your chance. I'm calling you out. http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/original/PIANO.MID
  13. within 2 hours this will be populated with maps. http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/tf2/
  14. having some DoD issues, i should be around in about 30 min; hope you are all still playing
  15. Well CTF imo. No one ever does that one, and it's my favorite. Maybe everyone hates it though? i'm not sure. I hope to be on tonight around 9est, we'll see if I can finish my DoD first.
  16. Very nice music, I was never into the source too much, but when presented like this, it's a completely different story. It's arrangements like this that make me take a second (or in this case, maybe 30th) look at the source, and finding something previously hidden. This is super moody and mysterious sounding, and it shifts between sections and feelings seamlessly. It's somewhat strange for me to say excellent sustain pedal usage, but your timing on it is excellent, and it really kicks up the mix. Very well played, sir. I really enjoy this.
  17. Happy birthday Rama, you crazy rock god, you!
  18. Sounds like you are looking for a noise gate? i'm not sure where it would be located in reason though, but it's pretty common so it shouldnt be too buried. edit: omg sniped by Tensei ;_;
  19. It's a little shop that you can buy stuff in; it's not a reoccurring subscription or anything. I bought a new building type, and it was pretty streamlined into the game. Buying the new building opened up a new dungeon that I needed to clear before I could get the building plans(which is cool; it gives my dudes more to do), but once I received the plans, it unlocked the building for good, meaning if I start a new town, it'll be ready from the beginning. I don't think i'll be buying everything, but maybe I'll get some other stuff if it appeals to me.
  20. This whole thing has gotten pretty silly, but I used to call out Brad before it was cool. ;_;
  21. I love the songs in it. I think Zircon should do a remix of "wake up"; it'd fit his style. http://youtube.com/watch?v=q-clw3xZTBA i get up every day *exactly* like Sporticus. It makes Disa angry. ;_;
  22. Very nice start. When are you going to join DoD?
  23. I think it's about finding the people who would appreciate the music, but I don't think you should publicly announce it. I'll vaguely ask some remix homies of mine.
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