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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Dramatic and a bit melancholy, yet heroic, this starts out really grand before picking up tempo and texture, it builds so slow I wasn't sure it would build at all. If I get an RPG boat, this will definitely be my sailing music. The transition to the slower section wasn't exactly seamless, but it was solid enough that I felt something new was happening in the same song, rather than a new song altogether starting. Sample use if pretty nice, with some good swels, and while I would appreciate some stronger articulations, considering the samples used, this is super excellent. The horn hits right before the final chorus were great, and the finale was very strong. A very nice, powerful and expansive track.
  2. Really interesting and drawn out intro, it feels like it isn't really connected to the track itself, but is more like a attract mode for a game itself. The track itself has some samples that haven't aged very well, but the arrangement is pretty nice, especially with a super understated but classy breakdown that slowly fades to nothing, then comes back with a reverse trip hop loop. The ending is a little weak, i think. While I think this track would sound very different if it hit the site today, it's a good view of how a good arrangement and some clever ideas can hold up, even if the samples can't.
  3. Your pathetic attempts to defeat me are laughable! I, OA will knock you all down!
  4. OA has attained the ultimate power of the ReMix, but has been driven mad in the process! If he is not stopped, he will destroy all of the OCR kingdom! King DJPretzel and the ReMix Knights need your help, as the only thing that can damage him and bring him to justice is YOUR REVIEWS! Each review will take 50 HP off his total, but it's not that easy- he has also discovered the epic power of ReMix ReViews, and each review he completes will heal him for 50 HP! It is up to the community to band together and defeat OA once and for all (and then loot him for treasure)! Here is how it works- 1. Post Reviews on ReMixes throughout the month of December 2. Link your reviews in a single post in this thread 3. Defeat OA! 4. Profit! OCR is donating some legendary treasure from it’s coffers to the would-be heroes: Each review you do will be counted as a single entry into a raffle that will be drawn randomly in January; but only if there is a Kingdom left to award the treasure! *Three $35 eStarland gift certificates - King’s appreciation? Forget that, show me the money! *Three custom form avatars - Show the entire kingdom who the *real* hero is! View the seriousness of the situation here, with a video by Chernabogue!
  5. the most we'd do at this point is 2 color. Nothing full color for the time being.
  6. The OCR-U shirt has the URL on the back, the instruments has the headphone logo.
  7. The original OCR shirt design is a time-honored classic that will remain a staple in just about everyone's wardrobe. But what about those times when you want to rep OCR, but would like to have a twist to it? Here is your chance! Here are two potential OCR designs that we are gauging interest on. Please vote in the poll and let us know what you think, whether you like them, hate them, or are indifferent! Other designs are welcome from the community as well, we're just gauging interest.
  8. Try increasing weight and lowering reps for a few workout sessions; going down to 5 reps and increasing weight by 20% will force your body to adapt to more weight than it is used to, and the reduced reps will mean you can still do full sets. Also, have you considered drop sets or supersets? and 18 pullups at your weight is incredible to me, so super nice work
  9. I want to do 20+ as well; hopefully we can both hit our goals. How are you specifically training them? A good way to mix it up is to have different ways of doing them. I have the generic 8x4 sets, 5x4 with weights, 5x10 ( this is awesome to do during MTG online drafts. Make a few picks, do 5 pullups, repeat ), and single set to failure. Another way to approach it is to have a specific number of pullups you'll do in mind, and then do them, taking as many 60 second breaks as you need. your sets might look like 9-7-5-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1, but getting your body to adapt to doing that many at once is helpful once in awhile, and is good at breaking plateaus. I was stuck at a max of 14 FOREVER, and really had to kick it up to break through.
  10. My initial goals have all been achieved, and it's time to set up some new goals. Since 2 years ago, i've gone from 175 to 155lb (5'9), while slowly building a lot of strength. For example, when I started, I couldn't do a single pullup, but now have a personal best of 19 continuous ones. I've been working on strength and endurance gains now, and to help keep me from getting bored, and also for keeping my workout varied. NEW Goals (for 2012 i guess, but i've started already) Endurance: 100 continuous pushups 25 continuous pullups Strength: Be able to bench press friends at parties (current max is 210, but dumbells are more compact and less wiggly. I could maybe manage smaller friends now) As for your plateau, it sounds like you need to mix up your workout a bit, though I guess I don't know your genetic max potential. What is your current program?
  11. ridoncu-bump thread necro! *OA casts Life2!* so it's been like, a year and a half since the last post in here, and about 2 years since I started working out regularly with specific goals in mind. Anyone else still keepin up with being fit?
  12. I'll be well dressed anyways for the shizz elegant meetup, so i'll have clothes ready. I may just look fly all weekend, if that suits my fancy.
  13. my new rule is that a track will not get a YES from me unless it has Nicholas Cage vocal clips.
  14. I think this arrangement feels solid, with a very deliberate pace, and some really nice chugging in the rhythm section, but it's super close to the source, and needs further personalization. I do think in a lot of spots the rhythm guitars were pushed too hard, and as such, the mix couldn't really breathe, and the leads were a bit cramped, but it's a pretty easy fix. A solo would be really nice, and some additional part writing. You have a good start, just some production tweaks, and some furthering of the arrangement. No, please resubmit
  15. Just want to echo the other judges here, it's a great cover, but is too conservative for OCR. Your girl has great taste in music, and you have some good guitar skills, so I'd definitely like to hear some more from you in the future. Even taking this, adding some melodic expansion and a shredding solo would be pretty sweet. For production, I agree with Wes that the rhythm guitars are too loud, and are crowding out the leads and especially the drums. The drums feel super flimsy and weak compared to the crushing guitars, and it should be the other way around. Tone is good all around, it's just balance issues. No
  16. I agree that the arrangement needs some editing to sound more cohesive, and having the funky bass line fit in with a more arranged version of the source. I think the drums could be a lot more exciting without ruining the mood set, and further expansion of the themes would be very welcome as well. No
  17. I think the vocals are a touch dry, but Overall I think the 2 themes work well together, even if they do a pretty defined hand-off of themes. Arrangement was understated, but generally effective, with some nice percussion and subtle bass fills, and the vocals were excellent. I think the bonus here is the the backing track does just enough o be interesting but stays out of the way of the vocals, and focuses on strengthening them. I agree the ending is a bit abrupt, but otherwise a very very nice mix. Yes
  18. I think the other judges have made some good comments that I generally agree with. I think the lead synth issues come from when it plays staccato notes, as that is when it really spikes in. I think lengthening the decay time on the synth would help it feel a little more natural and expressive. I do feel it is close, but the arrangement could stand to be a little more exciting and have a few production aspects massaged. very good candidate for a resub. No, please resubmit
  19. I think this sort of approach is a really good way to handle perceived weakness in samples. I do think more dynamics could be squeezed out of the orchestra, and I think the sections where the chiptunes were doing busy arpeggios worked best. I do think the arrangement went a little long, where things weren't exactly a copy/paste, but were similar enough that the additional main theme repetitions were superfluous. The sounds are good to me, but I feel it goes too long. I would recommend trimming it a bit and resubbing with a tighter arrangement. No, please resubmit
  20. It starts out solid with some good energy, but I agree that the bass is really weak in this. The saw sounds good and has a defined soundscape, but a lot of the lead synths are really dry; i recommend adding some delay to them to have them sit a bit better and have a little more interest. The beats are pretty solid, but overall, It gets a bit repetitive, and feels very empty, due to the lack of bass. I'd love to hear a resub. no, please resubmit
  21. Drums are sounding pretty weak to me, and the bass has no power at all. Some of the synths are pretty cool, but things feel pretty empty in a lot of spots. I'd take the judges advice and try to spruce this up a bit, but definitely needs more bass and drum power. No
  22. So, just making the announcement that if you are going to be at magfest, bring a deck or two, and we can throw down. I'll be bringing a bunch of decks myself, so if you want to battle but don't have paper cards, you can use one of my finely-tuned engines of destruction. I'll probably bring: 3-4 standard decks 2 Modern Decks 1 Legacy Deck 2 Commander Decks I would love to have some battles going at the DoD listening party for sure.
  23. I intended to submit this earlier, but it completely slipped my mind, and the project was released, so here we are now. the info, I guess you already have most of this, but here goes: Remixer name : LuIzA Real name : Luiza S. Carvalho Game: NiGHTs into Dreams Song: Deep it lies Title: Lies within dreams comments: When Stevo came to me about this track, I immediately fell in love with it. It instantly gave off this funky feeling with an exotic vibe to it, for some reason, it also immediately made me think, for some reason, of Aladdin.... I dunno why, maybe it was because of the main melody and its exoticness that suggested some sort of (middle-)eastern flair, that said, the whole song just begged for a Disney sized Hans Zimmer-ish superproduction treatment, so I gave my best shot. Guitars took a back seat and the rest was sequenced by mouse, I'm afraid I'm retarded with a MIDI keyboard. Thus my track was born and I had a blast making it, hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed making it. Regards, Luiza
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