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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I don't mind if it get delayed, the only thing that matters is if will be a masterpiece or not
  2. Yeah, I had the same problem... lol Yeah, sure...I didn't write more because my english is not perfect anyway I think anyone that will try the demo will figure it, that's why I left the link Go go go go, there are some more challenges if you take them all
  3. There's a track that says V several times
  4. To tell you the truth, I think that the soundtrack actually is worth the 4$ more than the full game is worth his 15$. And you know why? Because it's a little short...Braid is cheaper, and ok, it's short too, but less then VVVVVV (and Braid is a fucking masterpiece). Anyway, the gameplay is really addicting, and there are some stages (like ) that are really challenging. I love it
  5. VVVVVV is a strange title, huh? Have you ever played this amazing indie game? It's a strange platformer where you can only flip the gravity; the graphics are 8 bit (Commodore style) but it has been relased only a week ago. It has a great level design, a map and free exploration Metroid style, and its soundtrack is just superb (maybe I should request some remixes from it ). Official website: http://thelettervsixtim.es/ Try the demo here: http://www.kongregate.com/games/TerryCavanagh/vvvvvv-demo It's a little short, but really entertaining.
  6. Never played the game, but I plan to do it... I'll download the soundtrack for when I've beaten it
  7. Maybe... [F-Zero GX] Captain Falcon VS Black Shadow [killer7] Harman Smith VS Kung Lao (erh, don't know if there are character's themes in the soundtrack...) [Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland] Tingle VS Uncle Rupee (I'm pretty sure not much people here completed this ) [Grim Fandango]Manny Calavera VS Hector Lemann nothing else in mind right now...
  8. When I've beaten Grim Fandango for the first time...I know that I would miss that game
  9. I like it, but I don't know how to help you to eventually improve it '^^ are you going to submit it?
  10. I really like this one, it's one of my favourite credits themes: I think it would great for various genres of remixes, but I personally hope for...something with an elecric guitar solo in it
  11. Oh in this case, GREAT.
  12. Awww it's bad to see a so promising Pokémon remix wasted. Anyway, are you playing the piano or is it electonic?
  13. Wow, intially seems really simple but becomes more and more enjoyable as you continue listening it. Really good work, improve and submit
  14. Never heard about this game, but I really liked this track in DoD
  15. I like it, until the guitars(?) come out. They're too synth and I think this remix will not pass the judges panel. Anyway, I like the source, I hope you will improve your work, maybe with a real guitarrist... I'm not a remixer so I can't help you more, but I hope someone else will do it
  16. Yeah, I've seen it immediatly I will put it on my iPod and then I will give you a feedback but for now...I like it
  17. Ahaha sorry, it's true...
  18. So...I think that another project will came first... DKC2? WHEN?
  19. Awww so no chances to have it before my birthday (31st march)? Well, I think I can wait
  20. March 1st anyone?
  21. True...maybe some references at MGS can be added too.... Anyway, I like it, make sure to finish and submit
  22. I was only kidding Don't know what you can do to improve it, I'm not an expert...good luck with DoD, I joined it in 05/09, but got only Sixteenth Place Ah well, before I forget it...I don't really like the title (The Galaxy is at Peace). It seems not to fit very well Ridley's Theme...
  23. Anonymity compromised!
  24. Nothing else to say
  25. Ristar and Dynamite Headdy have great soundtracks I would like to hear more remixes too...
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