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Frederic Petitpas

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Everything posted by Frederic Petitpas

  1. I sell a Boss GT-10 250$ and may include shipping. Like new, but bought it when it came out.
  2. I just loved that show. My friend recommanded me to read the books but could find time for that. My gf started to read them and said there's much more in the books vs the show.. It's tempting but I guess I'm more visual anyway
  3. My totally gf let me write my comment yesterday, laughing at me behind my back. In morning, I'm not fast fast. That was a good one but you won't fool me next year Or will you ?
  4. So like well, uh now it's for real. Looks amézigne. Right. The think that annoys me, that prevents me from turning the xbox ON when BF3 is in it, is the relentless UPDATES. And it's like 2-3 Gigs every fucking time
  5. Are you serious with that trailer ? You get 150 000 $ for an album, I was not expecting a trailer with UnregistredHyperCam watermarks and Comics MS fonts... wth ? It's probably a great album but the trailer is very not appealing. Please re-do it.
  6. Wanna talk about Transistors check this: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130328142400.htm
  7. I have a 16 months old little Amanda. She rocks the world!
  8. MIDI out Spectrum analyser Audio quantize Bus and // processing one click away other things...
  9. Was not aware of what was up. Oh well. Doing it anyway, for fun, with Metal + vocals. Great beat
  10. Nah, Steve Everette. Will check the songwriting one soon... I CANNOT WRITE LYRICS Never ever. I'd be an acoustic artist if I could, and would sing. Maybe one day thanks to that course ?lol
  11. couldn't stand the teacher anymore tho Weak voice, always coughing between 2 words and doing that annoying sound with his mouth
  12. I couldn't care less about the "certificates". They should post their vids on YT
  13. Hey mickomoo, you could use DownThemAll, a plugin for Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/downthemall/ Go to the video lectures page, right-click and choose DownThemAll then write "mp4" in the filter... Start the download and you'll get the 55 videos (talking about Sound Design) with 3 mouse clicks.
  14. One course done. Now will do songwriting with Beurklayyyy.
  15. In edit mode you can use (W) to switch to the pen and draw in the velocities. Press F8 and there's a Note Velocity randomizer too. I never used ReGroove yet but it's supposed to work well. I manually move the programmed notes a little while "snap" is uncheck, just so that it's not aligned perfectly but I do it for every single note (when I do it). reGroove is supposed to do it all for me but I haven't invest much time in it. Might be worth it.
  16. Basically, the click of the metronome hits when the waveform is exactly at zero dB (at the same milisecond it touches the X axis). Kinda useless anyway lol Yes but you know, if we stay within that idea, we could find for a same frequency more than a single BPM. First, we can double or halve them and it'll still be in phase, but also use triplets or dotted notes instead of a "normal" note like 1/128th (or 1/8th. etc..). That would make 3 possible BPM for a same frequency. But no, I really don't use any sort of rule when choosing a BPM, I go with the groove I have in my head... we're not robots Talking of timbre and instruments, maybe you could help me. I'd like to try another useless idea and find the resonant frequency of an instrument (my acoustic guitar) and derive a tuning from it. Do you know how I could do it ? I thought about gluing a speaker on its back and record the soundhole while sweeping a sine tone. I dunno.. Yes I was thinking about it. What's cool is when you have the equations, Excell can become very handy. I keep the 2 oscillator things in mind. Exactly. In this example it'll work with 256 subdivisions in a bar (if we consider half a cycle). I'm actually suggesting that it can be an inspiring reason to do so but nothing more. Like, it can be cool to try it for a tune or something, but no.. I don't make my music based off that.
  17. Some people resquested that video so I did it. I hope it's informative somehow www.youtube.com/watch?v=xITUDAK_Nzg
  18. Yeah well the title says it all. I want some feedback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wnwRrj9eMQ
  19. Did a test and got 514 MB for a 2minute51 tune saved as a 64bit float/192kHz wav.
  20. Yup. Check your sample rate. and bit depth. Recording at 44.1kHz/24-bit makes good sense, but then you (can) dither to 16 bit when exporting.
  21. I did not know, but still, not really want to try it out. I know I'd be disapointed somehow.
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