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Frederic Petitpas

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Everything posted by Frederic Petitpas

  1. Buy some ? Interfaces; I don't like most of them. I decided to invest a few more dollars to get everything right away (I have a FA-66 from when they were made in Japan by Edirol); ¼ inputs, XRL inputs & phantom power, RCA inputs, s/pdif (optic input/output), MIDI in/out, 4 outputs with direct monitoring and FireWire. What I really needed, that you won't find on every product out there around 100-200$, was FireWire, direct monitoring, midi i/o and 4 balanced outputs. You have your normal 2 outputs (left right) where the volume knob on the interface affects the volume of those outputs (to your speakers/monitors) and the 2 other Left Right outputs are not affected by the volume knob. It's perfect to feed a mixer. Personally what I do with that is route those 2nd outputs to the RCA input and can therefor directly manipulate the sound from my computer. For instance, I can watch YouTube or play CoD and downtune the sound as I'm watching/playing (for fun) or simply just record something off the net directly where downloading isn't possible. Anyway, depends of your needs. FireWire was what I needed because I wanted the processing to be done by the unit itself, not the computer CPU like with USB interfaces. I'll go with Focusrite eventually, when I'll upgrade.
  2. I'd say get Reaper, but you need to be willing to learn seriously the basics. It's super powerful and if you know it very well, jumping to most other DAWs (except Ableton/Reason/FL) will be +90% the same. You'd save $ and could focus on an interface, IMO the most important of all.
  3. The original Zelda intro, on a small children piano I had when I was like 5. So that was about 25 years ago
  4. Seems like most people think of digital signal as stairsteps Grab a coffee and watch this if you haven't : www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIQ9IXSUzuM
  5. Can't play it yet / no time. Anybody did already ?
  6. Loud was suiting my mix perfectly here; like some kind of warm comp
  7. www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8TiC8HN9l0
  8. Lol, 6 years, just 6 years, really ?
  9. Wow !! Seems like it's a little big laggy, can you confirm if it's in-game or just de video ?
  10. Is that sarcastic or are you really asking ?
  11. Thanks for the info, bought the bundle just for the synth as the synth was 109$ on my side without the bundle lol. The synth works in any DAW
  12. I want to make a template and the first instrument will be............ Crotales ! What would you match with Crotales ?
  13. No, I reason that's either old like when hardware sucked less juice OR a POS from Walt-Mart that will need to be upgraded as soon as you'll upgrade anything else (which you are doing ?). Of course, Walt-Mart/Staples/Whatever will use the smallest PSU required to lower the price of the "off the shelf" computer. Not really. It actually doesn't make any sens. But that was like reasoning that you built your own PC or wanted to, for music/gaming, for which a 350W was insufficient. No, they buy computers at Walt-Mart and pass wires in walls, I went a bit further . But I don't see the link with that and the fact that your hardware had a 50% chance being old.. You were saying you had a black screen, but if it was just a Windows issue, your computer did POST and should have been able to enter the BIOS. Hard to figure when not in face of the PC tho...
  14. Boot disc won't be of any help. Does it POST/Beep ? Is the CPU fan well connected ? Was the graphic card in the right slot and compatible with the mobo ? A computer with a 350W... is it old ?
  15. You need to work with dropbox, your link is asking for a facebook like
  16. I think tuning the drum is the key to a great song. Not only the snare, but I mean the choice of the cymbals and toms. Having a tom tuned to a semiton higher than a note in your main scale(s)/key will create a dissonance and this is overlooked ALL the time. Change the pitch, by a semiton, of ONE tom in Phil Colin's "In the air" when the drums enter (highlight of his tune/entire show) and well, lol... So yeah, I say tune to the main key
  17. Calculus is the best part of maths. Put some jazz and dive into it. You do have to learn a few tiny formulas, but after a series of exercices it should be just like learning A B C. Straightforward formulas where one takes you to another one, and you just follow the established rules. The only thing that's hard about calculus is finding the time to practice what you study IMO. But that applies to anything else, like learning a DAW... One must forge to become a blacksmith
  18. If there's a percussion track in your .mid, it's impossible that it doesn't import. Screenshots ?
  19. Since you're poor, just get FL and a used synth with a midi out port and the velocity sensitive keys. Get the procucer version tho. Pretty sure you can get both for under 300$ My 3 favourite DAWs are Reaper, Reason and FL.
  20. I'll admit that I'd rather not have her watch tv, and I think people who don't have a tv are somehow lucky, but it's so embedded in my habits that I can't just stop watching tv like that when eating. I'm used to that distraction, but I generally don't watch tv at all except with my morning coffee or supper time. What is wrong with that digital screen tho ? I have a pretty big screen (55") in a small living room..
  21. There was not any anti-gay remark here. Leave your insinuations at the door. They're not wanted.
  22. What do you know about being a father, you and your boyfriend adopted ?
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