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Everything posted by PassivePretentiousness

  1. the drums shame the rest of the mix and the piano could be much better, but it's still fun. also: no u
  2. it's irrelevent we're going to run out of fossil fuels before we can even consider really screwing anything up.
  3. Too liberal for my taste, and the wall of sound effect I find to be a bit too much even with the breakdowns. The latter probably goes with the genre, so whatever.
  4. That's absolutely fine, as long as there is no more talk about a greater community on ocr. David Lloyd has the right to destroy it, but the community is gone. When I log on and have free time, I quickly check for posted songs, announcments, and judges decisions, but then what? Idle in IRC? Unmod was an opportunity to see people with established personalities, in contrast to far more anomynous general discussion. The whole notion of "community", which the administration flaunts as much as possible, is destroyed. There simply isn't very much interaction in review threads and whatnot. And I'm sorry, no matter how insular unmod is, I feel far less ostracized occasionally wandering in there than attemping to break into the vgdj/remixer elite clique. OCR will live on without unmod, but unmod will never live on without OCR. As much as they supposedly hate n00bs, unmod was wholly dependant on the occasional creepy fifteen year old wandering over and lurking. Wherever Radical Dreamer, Mahaboo, Atomic Dog, or anyone else lands up, it will not be for very long. Without a huge group of prospective new unmodders, there is little use for a new forum that a private AIM chat cannot already provide. I was never really a part of you, unmod, but I am sad to see you go. I'm only beating the dead horse, vigilante, because I'm a necrophiliac.
  5. quietly applauds and awaits for POTENTIAL RE-CUT VERSION OF TIMELESS HERO. I can always hope to see it here one day.
  6. The vocals are good-not-great. In keeping with the rest of their work, it sounds best when the lead's voice is not overexposed. I have some issues with the arrangement. It jumps around too many places without fully developping the ideas in place. As with virtually remix using sound effects from the game, it comes off as unproffessional and extraneous. The rest of the chiptune-ish section towards the end really doesn't work given the context. This is still direct post material. I'm just overly-critical.
  7. Excellent, professional production. I wouldn't have minded it if the mix had expanded on the melody as well as just dicing it up with the (admittedly awesome) effects. Some of the phrasing could have been cleaned up a little, for instance, even if it was like that in the original. Well above the bar.
  8. Indeed. That's the part I'm most impressed with. You took a totally acapella solo voice piece and added a chord progression and listenable rhythm. Very impressive considering how little there was to work with in the original. Actually, come to think of it, the original is really dry and boring (though I guess it's part of the atmosphere) and I can actually listen to this one. Just never was a fan of solo vocal music. As for the choppiness and cutting of the vocals/sounds, that's part of the genre. If you don't like it, you wouldn't like the genre. Good stuff. D zircon: is this track really as simple as you insist. One of the toughest judges ever suggested otherwise.
  9. if I were to make a list of arrangements that I would actually consider art, this would be towards the top. a beautiful composition.
  10. you're a judge with a low post count. HA. pwnt.
  11. dood that's Chrono Trigger noob Did someone fucking mention Chrono Trigger? I'll be actively shunning WIPs and other filters that come out of this project for maximum surprise effect months down the road. bLiNd for the win. Edit: Oh, and make the Turks / Shinra / Rufus Welcoming (if it's in) fantastic! Actually I could name at least five RPGs featuring dudes with spiky hair. But I'm not going to so HA!~ *wants to sing for you guys * WE ALL GOT THE JOKE THE FIRST TIME AROUND STOP KILLING IT.
  12. that made me cry a little on the inside. don't tell virt or gwilym.
  13. Even in a compliment, I dislike you. No problem. What does this have to do with anything though? I was talking about your piano music. He's saying that even when you're giving a compliment, you manage to be insulting. backhanded compliments lol. This was one of your better pieces, certainly karl. but the criticism I have is "MAEK UR SONGS LONGER PLZ" It feels like the song is just taking off when it ends. My favorite of your works, Suicide for Two Pianos (ocr submit??) takes all of its ideas and climaxes beautifully. I WANT THAT IN THIS. kthnx.
  14. "Shane" uses phat b33tz. I'd pretend I know what I'm talking about to give "criticism" but that would be a silly sick joke on par with Gigli. Ok fine, I will. I want more instrumental variety considering you used drums, bass, and two synths for the entire song. I want a break from your infatuation with that sine wav. Ben Affleck lol.
  15. just to be contrary, I will claim the opposite of what Liontamer is saying. I think that folks in this community are far too lenient on vocals because of the "OMG VOCALS. OMG PROFESSIONALISM." factor, judges panel included. But that's just me, and I'm n00bfaceX. etc. etc. anyways, I thought the intro was pretty neat, but I can certainly now hear that it is a bit sloppy on the performance side. That's more because Darangen did such an incredible job arranging this song into rock. When I first heard this via vgmix, I was flat out amazed that you pulled it off. The original is no Castlevania; it hardly screams for electric guitars. The only thing I didn't really get was the ending, and I was very suprised that the judges neglected to mention it. It has nothing to do with the rest of the arrangment or song as a whole, feeling both extraneous and superfluous (I'm assuming you haven't changed it since the vgmix version, on which I am basing my review ). A fade out would have made much more sense. One of my larger issues though is the singing, but I wish to say it isn't predicated on the way your voice sounds. I thought the faster portions of the chorus simply needed more takes. Seriously dude, it sounded like you were slipping over words at certain points. I'm glad to hear that you're taking singing lessons, but this work could have certainly benefited from more chorus and doubling. That will probably be true for the arrangment no matter how good you get; it's just the nature of the song. However, those are my sole criticisms and I would have said this in a review a while back on vgmix if their account activation wasn't so gayed up. With improved vocals and a real intro and ending, this song would be up there with Pillar of Salt. Seriously.
  16. Maybe that's what I ended up doing. Been so long I can't remember. All I know is I saw a little shiny thing on the ground, walked over to it, and next thing I know I'm fighting Lavos with no gear and my lvl below double digits. wuss. zeality would have one. I coulda took him Zeality has never finish Chrono trigger BTW. no u
  17. Maybe that's what I ended up doing. Been so long I can't remember. All I know is I saw a little shiny thing on the ground, walked over to it, and next thing I know I'm fighting Lavos with no gear and my lvl below double digits. wuss. zeality would have one.
  18. Both the leads -the sax and the guitar- have incredible tone. I disagree with djp about the bass; I thought it makes its presence known and drops out when I feel it should. The strings provide adequate harmonizing akshun when they're there and I think the loopiness of the drums doesn't detract from the song, but the acoustic strumming leaves something to be desired. It is very reminiscent to Roetaka's Dreaming by Your side, and he got criticized strongly for that. This is still my favorite rendition of relm though. Nice Work.
  19. Does that mean he sounds like Larry? That's a burn If I've ever heard one! I sound brown!
  20. I'm not too crazy about this one. Everything sounds pretty low fi and the sounfield feels pretty empty. Many of the samples are downright awful- for example the strings- and in desperate need of humanization. A lot simply doesn't sit very well in the mix. The various little synthy ornamentations sound haphazadly pasted around at :45-1:30... and more or less throughout the song. I like the use of a breakdown to emphasize melody. The groove is pretty reasonable, and the drums do change, but really, that's all there is positive to the song. I actually don't mind the compositional choices 3:50-4:10. It was a nice breakup from the rest of the song and was probably the best segment in the arrangement. I feel this is well below the bar. The production doesn't come close to even say, BitMap's BottledMetro, and the arrangement doesn't come close to making up for it. Sorry.
  21. that's pretty good, but I'm going to wait and see if anyone else takes a look at it. Thanks.
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