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Everything posted by PassivePretentiousness

  1. credit fratto, not me. he made the image macro in a ppr thread
  2. mine is extraordinarily pretentious now <3333333 I still would kill to have a Gaius Baltar one though
  3. cataloging drama is what ED is for.
  4. It would shock me if prot wasn't responsible for vgmix2 going down, since he reappeared there after dropping out of the community for several months like a week before it happened. I im'd him at one point asking him if he's done any new music and he said no. But then again he may have just felt like ignoring me.
  5. super mario rpg, although I suppose isometric is technically 2d
  6. Overrated, not terrible. Mode7 was before even starfox, wasn't it?
  7. It will still be two, Harrison Ford and a Katamari style ball of all active members of the community. Duh.
  8. Scoring something like that is non-trivial and I doubt anyone is going to give an entire day of their lives to transcribe it. Why not just download noteworthy and some midis from vgmusic.com? It wouldn't provide perfect results, but you'll have something to start with.
  9. mustin is just angry because he has fewer plays than orkybash :3
  10. "Pretentious" is a better word
  11. then make one in notepad and stop trying to put your name on a stickey
  12. the problem isn't that people on this messageboard don't know which is which. If you spend five minutes on this website you can probably figure out any mislabeled songs on your hard drive.
  13. I never got a chance to listen to these as much as I wanted and probably never will because apparently itunes is never going to accept .ogg format. Would anyone be willing to re-render it as an mp3? Yeah, I know the sound quality would be ghey due to artifacting or whatever, but I'm more than happy to pay that price not to have to listen to it in winamp. also apparently the project thread has been pruned unless I'm blind.
  14. would it be possible for anyone to try battlestar galactica avatars? I have zero artistic ability (and more importantly, no photoshop), and I was desperate for a Baltar one.
  15. I thought the parody was genius. South Park is a rare show that can pull one over on me, and it certainly succeeded with wednsday's episode. I didn't realize the parody until seconds before THIS IS LESBOS
  16. He was one of my favorite writers from a stylistic perspective, and he did have something meaningful once every five books or so. Too bad he won't be around to randomly materialize every few years and do something ridiculous like his cold turkey speech.
  17. Uhh I'm pretty sure you can get more than $10 for Chrono Cross.
  18. djpretzel tracks down graylightning and tells him to take over or he shuts it down. gray then takes over as the dark lord of the mix and ruins any career he has. or liontamer gets pissed he lost his "super moderator" title and points a gun to mr. david lloyds head until he signs the deed over to him. assuming ocr actually does get incorporated.
  19. I can't read that can't you just post links to some schala crap that will come up on itunes for me a few days from now.
  21. http://www.esrb.org/ratings/search.jsp
  22. it's a step towards fazing it out. if it catches on at all, they'll dump the $.99 option inside of two years. Also, um, can you make your sig smaller? I'm on a laptop and it stretches my screen horizontally.
  23. They're just using this as an opportunity to cave into the studios, who have been pushing for an increase in price for years. Plus, can't you get around the DRM issues by burning it to a CD and ripping it as an MP3? Sure you're going to some sound quality, but that doesn't apply to none-audiophiles like myself.
  24. ain't nothing wrong with idiftl
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