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Everything posted by PassivePretentiousness
OCR00161 - Metroid "Samus Strut"
PassivePretentiousness replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This is standard high quality techno fare from our good friend AmIEvil. What makes this one different and downloadable for the masses is obviously the bass. I mean honestly, if you have anything resembling a subwoofer, you won't be able to hear the melody since the bass is jacked up so high. The only reasons why this doesn't detract from the song are that it perfectly complements everything else AmIEvil used and that the bass is so wonderfully high quality. 6/8 -
OCR00911 - Streets of Rage 2 "Go Back"
PassivePretentiousness replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Loud, overbearing, and still somewhat fun. The instrument (whatever it is.. my ignorant self has no clue) that comes on at the beginning is blaring and annoying, but the rest of the song as a variety of well done instruments that paint a nice picture for the original. The best parts are undeniably the vocals, which for once at a tremendous amount to the feel of the song without drowning out the other elements. 4/8 -
It's rock, but I don't see anything else recommending this. There are PILES of better smb remixes out there, so really don't touch this one with a ten foot pole. The songs are so poorly done that I'm 90% sure that the posting went like this: guy #1: Hey remember that time that guy told you to play super mario brother's music and you did? guy #2: yeah, so? 1: I recorded it. 2: And? 1: Well I found this site online that archives different video game arrangement. We should post it. #2: Video game Music? Ha losers. Well why not? It'll be good publicity for the band. 2/8
When I've seen Ballad of Windfish remixed other times, it loses a LOT in the translation. Hermit though keeps the slow paced spirit and delivers the song wonderfully. The song takes a little while to get going and really does fall apart at the end. I don't care if it's supposed to sound neat... really dude you updated everything else beautifully, why not make the intro more majestic and screw that piss poor ending? I'd give it a much higher rating if you had. 4/8
There's a fine line between creative, "hip" originality, and utter uselessness. I enjoyed LostWoods South Central fully, but I'm sorry dude, you difinetly took a major step back in both animal village and certainly here. The piano-ish combo of instruments blaring the same notes gets annoying after the first 15 seconds. The drums aren't bad, but they don't help either. But that "guitar" is a killer. I sounds like you're strangling a high pitched cat. Then Malcom X comes out of nowhere and starts going on about equality, but I can't even make out what he's saying. I'm not trying to knock the whole Civil Rights Movement thang either, it's just I think there's better and more deserving places than the goofy atmosphere of a video game remix. Oh... those sirens were pointless, too. I'm not trying to be the jerk that I usually am and offer some serious construtive criticism here because I really like your stuff. I have no choice though and give this remix a rare 1/8.
Oh YES. This is my personal favorite on the site. Whenever you talk to me about any game samples, well applied techno, medleys, or great remixes, this will be the first one to come to my mind. This is my count of the songs remixed: Ghost House Theme, Castle Theme, Forest of Illusion Theme (better than da phunky forest), Donut Plains Theme... and I'm sure I'm missing one. So that's five songs remixed better than anywhere else. Did I mention the best-placed fx from the game ever concieved? Since I'm the most evil human being in the world, I have to state that the donut plains section at the end seems random, but I can't touch this. 8/8
I'm not enjoying this nearly as much as everyone else. Sure the samples are great, but that doesn't make the song by itself. The utterly massive pauses are obviously there for affect, but there simply too long, especially considering that they happen 18 times. When the melody comes back the first time it's neat enough and the remix would have been short and sweet had it ended right there. But it doesn't. It basically repeats the first two parts again with the same instruments again, which just gets annoying. When you're listening carefully to this song you might be able to enjoy it as is, but I guarentee you it will be lucky to stay on your playlist for that long. 4/8.
I could never really get into this song. All the random arrangements from zelda 64 seem well.. dry (GET IT? PUN?). It seems like AmIEvil was just mixing his way through it going "alright that's fun let's make a slow paced intro reminiscent to song of time... with some rain in the background of course... then more rain... then the actual song of storms... then more rain... then a poorly placed ending". Yes I'm oversimplifying terribly and being a complete jerk considering the exceedingly high quality of the fx and the instruments, but the "medley" of some sorts is formulaic and unimpressive. Vatever. 3/8
UGH. That's what most people say after downloading this. Well maybe. How should I know? What I do know is that bassline is terrible. On anything besides the cheapest computer speakers (AKA mine) the bass needs to be dropped to nothing. Otherwise the pain starts. Everyone in the world seems like they're obsessed with bass, so this is a bad thing for peeples. His other stuff is great but, really, even if you can get passed the bass issues, you still end up with a mediocre remix. 1/8- it would have been 2/8 but the voice told me otherwise.
OCR00061 - F-Zero "Mute Radiology"
PassivePretentiousness replied to Joe Redifer's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
GAH... I'm not sure if I'm in love with this one. Djp tremendously overdoes all the (them) techno stuff in both volume and pitch. This is one song though that doesn't have that many other remixes to compare it with, which works in its favor. After the "oww my bleeding ears" intro, the song does bob along nicely with its classic melody. 4/8 -
I reckon here I've found yet another high quality Super Mario RPG mix. I have to wonder why more people don't remix the game, considering the results are usually so good. I guess the song does sound expondentially better if you've beaten the game... though this song is one that takes the "let's update the instruments and do little else" style of remixing well. 5/8 (4/8 if you've never beaten the game, 6/8 if you have)
This one's alright, but I think djp overrated another. There are simply better smb remixes out there. There's (them) techno effects everywhere to be seen, but they seem to be used to give an excuse to derivate the melody for the purose of extending it. The rest of the instrumentation is wonderfully accomplished, however. I recommend it, but not very strongly. 5/8
AUTENTIC?!?!?!?!? YOU FOOLS, STOP SUCKING UP TO HIM, YOU ONLY ADD TO HIS POWER... I mean... uh.... sorry. Moo. I'm sorry, I just can't enjoy this one at all. I'm all for djp's style usually, but it doesn't fit at all here. The subtle change to the melody worked great in Pachabel's Ganon, but it screws it up completely here. There's like 5 acoustic guitars rambling on together at many points so I can't tell what's going on at all. For about 30 seconds in the middle of the song the melody is dropped more or less altogether in favor of further pointless derivation. I just can't see what everyone else sees in this remix. 3/8
OCR00345 - Streets of Rage 2 "Da Streets"
PassivePretentiousness replied to Saunders's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Streets of Rage 2 is probably the last game that needs it, but it's good to have another decent non-techno remix. I'm not sure if I'd really call this "jazz", but it's mellow and fun enough. Any of you anti-techno, "I run when I hear an artificial base beat" crowd should like this. 7/8 -
OCR00577 - Super Mario Bros. 2 "Super Buck II"
PassivePretentiousness replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This is definetly the best Super Mario Bros. 2 remix in existance. It doesn't mess around with doing (them) fancy techno tricks and just sticks to giving the melody everything it deserves. I can't stop cynical self from thinking that there's something missing in this remix... though my complete and utter lack of music knowledge keeps me saying exactley what it is ... 7/8 -
OCR00014 - Tetris (GB) "Slavic Roots"
PassivePretentiousness replied to Joe Redifer's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ug. I'm not a fan of this one. This must be djp's turn to mess with a classic theme terribly and screw it up just for the sake of it... jk, djp.... NO PLEASE DON'T EAT ME WITH UR PRETZEL POWERS!!!... uh.. more specifics... the actual "Russian" instruments are unbeliavably annoying and only detract from the song :vomit: . The techno stuff is decent, but that's a dime a dozen around here. I guess if you spend enough time listening to it, you'll get treated to some fun effects at the end. But then you'd actually have to realize that you're spending a large amount of time in your life trying to find out what's good in a remix of a tetris song. You could just get a regular hobby instead , but I think we've all been down this road before. 3/8 -
OCR00683 - Super Mario Bros. "Dirty Mix"
PassivePretentiousness replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
honestly, who doesn't have this now? I know people who never have gone to this site but downloaded it from kazaa. That's all besides the point.... this stuff is great original fun. This should be everyon's first downloaded mix. It was mine. 7/8 -
EXCELLENT FUN FUN ORIGINAL. This song works on a great many levels. It screws the whole "let's change the lead instrument to something slightly better" idea and takes the original, which immediately lends a nostalgia factor. The background instruments are all of exceptionally high quality. Each time the song deviates and decides to do something completely different it actually sounds right. 7/8
THIS is one song out of the many that is actually suited to having a techno track forced onto it. The original was somewhat sparse, so adding the random techno junk works for once. NO I'M NOT TRYING TO ENCOURAGE YOU PEOPLE TO MAKE MORE TECHNO REMIXES. I'm just saying that it works effectively here. I especially love the beginning tho... mmm... volume control. 6/8
OCR00428 - Super Mario Bros. "8-bit Eighties"
PassivePretentiousness replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ugh. Everyone's applauding a song I don't enjoy at all. Though you could argue the lyrics make this original and different, then I guess I'm not that interested in originality after all. The lyrics quickly lose their novelty and I usually lose interest before the song is over, you know with the incredibly annoying melody BLARING in the background. Wait, did I just call a classic video game tune "incredibly annoying"??? AHHHH KILL ME 2/8 -
Methunks that djp overrated this one a little bit. It's s'more of that wonderful techno fun for about the first 1:10, then it FINALLY goes into the theme we know and love. BUT THEN AFTER ONE LOOP IT STOPS. That's simply inexusable. There are much better darkworld remixes out there, so I'd only recommend this to absolute hardcore zelda fans. 3/8