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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Nice track dude! Loved the spacing with reverb of the various elements. Please submit your Schenmue track!
  2. I felt in a lot of gameplay aspects Xenoblade was a step in the right direction. But I felt parts of what it gets credit for, for being "revolutionary" FFXII did long before it.
  3. I did not say I did not like FFXII. Was it amongst my favorite RPG's? No. I liked it better than Xenoblade bc it had slightly better characters IMO. I am not a big fan of american rpg's or MMO's either. Find them bland in general. I agree with the sentiment how FFXII's expectations ruined it. It's like Xenoblade got a pass for some reason. I found it very interesting the disparity in public opinion on the two games despite some of their glaring similarities. I can say without a doubt I "appreciated" Xenoblade bc I didn't expect it to ever come stateside. I am grateful I got a chance to play it.
  4. First let me give my personal opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles, just finished playing it. Was pretty underwhelmed. It was a beautiful game visually and musically. Although it's story and characters were below average. It's like someone who is beautiful on the outside but shallow and lacks depth on the inside. On the flip-side after completing this game it struck how similar it was FF XII in many areas. The open world concept. The battle system. The characters, I actually preferred FFXII's characters. Why is Xenoblade regarded as such a better game than FFXII?
  5. Sorry for everything that happened. You'll make more money probably by selling everything on the KVR marketplace and using PayPal: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=43
  6. This. If you have Omnisphere that should cover alot of the dance music. It is probably the "must have" VST for pads and ambience in electronic music. For other sounds Massive, Sylenth1, DUNE, or Zebra2 should fit the bill.
  7. Another endorsement of Jay! He is extremely passionate, detailed, and versatile. Mixing is an art, and at the very least it can be a good idea to get another mixer's perspective on your sound/tracks.
  8. After watching the developer video I am really excited to play Megaman. Looks like a wicked fun character to play. The Villager looks pretty cool too.
  9. So stoked for Megaman. Would love to see: Golden Sun character Pac Man (Namco/Bandai) A character in a Kart (Mario Kart) Simon Belmont would be cool.
  10. Well said! Dating back decades, whoever wins the developers wins the console war.
  11. We wouldn't want to hear the whole track dude. We all know the project guidelines and general rules. If you are uncomfortable sharing the song for various reasons that's cool. BTW if you are still having trouble give these two vids a go: You might not have the plugs, but they should give you a general idea. They are techniques that have been used for decades. Also if your snare is in the same frequency range and stereo position as other elements of your mix some slight side-chaining could go a long way. Side-chaining doesn't always mean pumping can just be some slight ducking. Vid for creative side chain uses:
  12. This. For doing professional sound design I have had so many opportunities open up and cool stuff just bc of a few chance encounters. Alot of my really good experience stemmed from doing work for free first. The biggest key is to get yourself out there and build a portfolio. Use your time to invest in yourself.
  13. 12 has a battle system similar to Xenoblade Chronicles. The main character is annoying but the rest of the game is pretty cool. If you enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles FF12 should be fun. It's really a lesser version of Xenoblade Chronicles IMO.
  14. My head has given up on Square Enix. But my heart hasn't.
  15. You get a big thumbs up for doing Sora! Anyway you'd wanna do Sora's Folktale? Similar song.
  16. This Also 2nd'd Snappleman on 0db. Headroom is king.
  17. A play on the word Avatar. Which I though was a cool name for something on a forum. Funny thing it's one of those handles tons of people pronounce differently.
  18. For Sound Design: 1.United States 2.United Kingdom 3.Netherlands 4.Germany 5.France For OCR Music: 1.United States 2.Canada 3.Japan
  19. Love the string work! Did not expect this type of mix coming form a Sonic game. Kudos good sir!
  20. Kudos on the creative sequencing and use of sounds. The soundscape kept evolving but still felt familiar and like the same song. Not an easy task to accomplish.
  21. Hey Jay thanks for info. I took a quick look through an overview of a walkthrough. Looks like I am prob 2/3's the way done instead of 1/2. I might keep on playing it's only another 20hrs. I basically don't care for side quests. I never really have in any game, I really play a game for the story 1st and foremost. To me side quests just get in the way of enjoying the main game. I find Rikki, Melia, and Shulk to be pretty annoying characters overall. Also the party basically relies on Shulk for everything (decisions as well). I liked the game alot more before Rikki and Melia joined the party. I'm just really on the fence about the whole thing. I am probably in the minority here, but Last Story was a much better game overall IMO.
  22. Okay so I am 40 hours into this game. Love the gameplay and expansive world. I could absolutely care less about the individual characters. The story is average to above average but the pace is really slow. Probably just gonna stop playing and play something else. I can't imagine devoting another 40hrs to beat the game with this set of characters and the slow pacing of the story. In the story I have been on the foot of the mechonis for awhile. I am level 55. Anyone share or shared the same sentiments?
  23. That's a 1st class gesture dude! I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your hard work related to this project. There is a lot of hand holding and time constraints involved in doing a project. Kudos to you good sir.
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