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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Hey Seb loved the track! Wicked chill, ironically would be awesome for a long car ride, a lounge, or even a steamy adult film...
  2. You have it plugged into your computer at all times through USB. When it is plugged in it shows up as a VST/AU in your DAW. For a more detailed description the site will do a better job explaining it than I could: http://virus.info/page/render/lang/en/p/59/do/Total_Integration_rtas_vst_au_plug_in.html
  3. They don't ever offer discounts to my recollection. Are you a student? You can it on a student discount from here: http://www.academicsuperstore.com/products/Propellerhead/Reason/1522454 For $299. Used to only be $200 back in the day. Reason has TONS of good free tutorials online. Start simple and just have fune!
  4. Really? Retails at $1386 not including tax. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist.jsp&sku=542267&q=1&Q=add&is=REG&A=cart
  5. I am selling my Access Virus TI Snow to help buy a house. It comes in the original box with the manual and a carrying case. Going price is $1100. Depending on where you live we can work out the shipping. Willing to negotiate if you would like to pay by check instead of PayPal.
  6. Some pretty cool little tricks here: https://www.propellerheads.se/forum/showthread.php?t=153256
  7. I still agree even with the update. The guitar was a nice touch. The percussion is pretty lifeless IMO. Nice texture on it but it lacks the sonic punch the source tune is calling for. Not a big fan of the changes in the melody. Plus every note playing the melody sounds exactly the same in terms of texture. Even if it is a synth, there should be a "performance" aspect to it. Going searching for some ambient background noise to add. That should add to the desolate mood. Another big thing is the panning and stereo image is lacking. With such an atmospheric source and mix there should be more of a stereo image. Combinations of different panning and reverb to help give the song more depth.
  8. Agreed. BTW if you like Reason's Quantizing workflow in the "piano roll" then Cubase would be an excellent fit. It basically has the exact same workflow in quantizing in the piano roll. It sounds like with your computer it might be best to use Reason as a scratch pad to mock up ideas. Once you have your composition down, then you can export your midi and use Kontakt and other high libraries for the final product. BTW if your computer can't handle what you are throwing at it right now you would be much better off buying a new or upgrading your current computer. Spending hundreds of dollars on expensive libraries and synths will only make your problem worse.
  9. Awesome track! Love the subtle nature of the instruments and arrangement. They really blend well with the source.
  10. They're all wicked good. Can't wait for the release!
  11. Looks really promising. Looks to have some of my personal favorites from Live while fixing some of my biggest gripes. Multi-track editing was always a feature I was hoping for in Live.
  12. First I sit down and decide what kind of song I actually want to make. What genre and basic types of sounds I would like to use. Once that is done I analyze the source material. I find the most important part of the source tune that will successfully allow me to adapt the source to fit my ideas. Once I have identified that part (ex. melody) I then work on that one part to make it how I want. Once that is done I make every other part of the song based off that one main important element. This makes it WAY easier to arrange when every part I have fits with the main element/part of the song. I tend to end up with a more cohesive feel by the end.
  13. Seconded. You just gotta read up on different modules to find the best one. Here is a site with custom coded Max objects you can download: http://www.maxobjects.com/ Probably will have better luck finding something there.
  14. I like both. But the University design would be nice if the word University was taken out. OverClocked University just sounds a bit odd...
  15. Sounds good dude. Great idea for a refill! Would be awesome to hear some more demos.
  16. Great vid been watching it off and on. Another great resource for mixing and the SSL mixer.
  17. PERCUSSION: The patterns and composition is very driving. Although the samples used are very soft. It makes the drums feel lifeless while the the note patterns feel more driving. IMO it just doesn't add anything beneficial to the track. STEREO FIELD: There is no stereo width to this track. Pan some instruments more. Add a wider reverb and delay when needed. Everything sounds like it has the same reverb setting. DYNAMICS: The song has no dynamics. For a song that feels like it is on auto-pilot create more interesting transitions and change-ups. Create some ebb n flow with some FX sounds. SOUND DESIGN: Overall the choice of sounds need more work. Try out some off the wall different synth patches. Layer sounds together. For a song that is arranged in this manner the sound design needs to be taken to a whole nother level. Just as a creative exercise. Make a copy of the project file. Replace all of the drums with some drums loops. Find some hand drum patterns, they would go great with this track. And then pick all new instruments. Don't be too picky about anything just have fun and experiment. You might a combination of sounds you really like. Don't ever fall in love too much with one sound or pattern. A song is more about the combination of the parts rather than the individual elements.
  18. By Swedish are you referring to someone who produces music similar to Swedish House Mafia? If there is someone who has mixed House Music with Tribal that would be interesting...
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