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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Hey Wes sent a track your way in a PM over the weekend.
  2. Is this kinda like a triple kiss? Happy bday home slices!
  3. Love the general idea and feel of this. (btw for reference I am listening on iPod buds at work, so not the best listening equipment for hearing bass frequencies) The hi-pitched synths that come in around :40 are really piercing and a little too loud. By the end of the song they are really grating and exhausted the ears. For example at 1:29 those same hi-ptiched synths are so much louder than the bass it's ridiculous. They are masking the interesting frequencies in the dub step baselines. Speaking of the dub step baselines they are really cool and fit with the song really well. But they really get lost in sections where there are a lot of sounds playing. Really on my end it's mixing and production issues that emphasizing the the wrong parts of the songs. The dub step is def a highlight of the mix and should be emphasized more. It should be emphasized more than the hi-pitched synths. Also a lot of the synths in the track sound similar which creates a masking effect and makes the track sound busier than it should. Sprinkling in some contrasting tones and textures in certain areas will def help the arrangement and keep the soundscape fresh throughout.
  4. Can't wait to to start playing this! I just replayed Chrono Trigger for the first time in over 10 years. (it might be even better now than I remember) Have to beat Skyward Sword or the original Mass Effect first. I don't have a lot of time to play games anymore, plus I only like to play one at a time and get really invested in it.
  5. Will take a look. Had an HD literally blow up a few years back...should at least have some of the newer ones though.
  6. Hey dude this sounds much better! You did awesome sticking with the track and really making some really good improvements the past few days.
  7. I think the prices are great. It almost makes me nauseous about how much some peeps on the props forum are complaining about the prices. It's shocking to see what people "believe" things should be priced at.
  8. Congrats everyone! Through the voting I thought a lot of tracks were close. Gave a lot of 3's and 4's. Gave only three 5's. Glad to see someone new to the community come out on top! Congrats XPRTNovice!!!
  9. What are you using for processing? Compressors/EQ's/Reverbs etc... What is the RMS of your track? What is the peak volume? What do you use in Mixcraft to load and play sound fonts?
  10. I am def grabbing Polar without a doubt. Want the FET Compressor but it's little too pricey at the moment. All in moderation. Will save a bit of scratch for the Softube and Izotope plugs.
  11. This sounds a little strange. So you've recorded the audio to tracks I am assuming? Can you take some screen shots of the project? It is a little difficult to discern exactly how you are set-up from the description. Is the midi out coming from your midi keyboard? Reason has no midi out.
  12. The improvements in the arrangement and the composition are nice. Humanizing is MUCH BETTER! To be honest the sample quality will not cut it. It prob would not cut it even 6-7 years ago. For example listen to this track and read the judges critiques: (the standards for production have risen since this mix was posted) http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01487/
  13. "Humanizing" is probably the term you are looking for, for editing velocity. Done in Logic (shows a good before and after at least, in case Logic isn't your DAW) One for FL: AND, here is a whole list of youtube videos: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Humanizw+midi+piano&oq=Humanizw+midi+piano&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=youtube.3...8241.14239.0.14351. Good luck!
  14. The Story Begins is an awesome track! Love the ethnic/pan flute lead!
  15. Thanks for the link to the survey! This question from the survey is kinda sad: "Did you feel that Agni (the heroine) was an attractive or appealing character?" Not only did they use the word attractive but they used it first... Frankly I could give two shits wether or not a video game character is attractive. Rather the character to be endearing and interesting. Or relatable in some sense. :/
  16. Thought the length was fine. The song got it's point across without "dragging" on too long. Excellent sounds choice for combing the percussion, vocals, and synths. My favorite part was easily the baseline for the aggressive synths. Really helped drive the track.
  17. Congrats on the song posting dudes! Really loved the intro as it set the tone and emotion for the mix. The contrast between it and the main sections really help to amp up the energy later on in the song.
  18. Haha that's actually a wicked good point!
  19. Ok so I was voting on this track: (URL ends in) kxol And the only option it gave me to vote is "DUPLICATE, SORRY!" I checked and the URL has not been duplicated. Also I am towards the end of the voting and I have not heard this song twice. EDIT: NEVERMIND, the very next song was exactly the same.
  20. AGREED! Sorry you have tog o through with this Brad. :/
  21. The intro piano is really quiet and lacks a good stereo image. The composition and notes of it sounds really good. You have a pretty good groove going here. The mixing of individual elements is a bit off. Here is a basic tutorial on levels and panning: http://www.propellerheads.se/substance/record-u/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=part4 The synth guitar sound absolutely has to go. It just feels terrible exposed. As an alternative try a distorted synth instead. Can give a similar feel but will sound better. The orchestral writing and basic ideas are good. But it needs more dynamics and punch. For an example listen to how the dynamics add to the song: (the dynamics probably don't have to be this crazy, but an improvement here would go a long way) http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01601/ The composition and arrangement of this track are really good. The production just needs a major boost to help show off your awesome writing!
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