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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I sixth Radiant Historia. Such a good game and a nostalgic blast of the past. Still has lots of relatively fresh cool ideas in terms of battle and story too.
  2. The "industry standard" comes from how widely used it has been in recording studios for a very long time. I've used just about every DAW on the market for full blown songs. Most DAW's nowadays just copy features from each other, so there aren't massive differences in terms of features between each DAW. Pro Tools as an "industry standard" is really more of a historical thing IMO. I don't mind using it in live recording sessions in a studio but I would not use for full blown compositions.
  3. Agreed. (also agree with Skryp and Zircon) I've used it in college. Was great for live recording and that's what I used it for. For home audio production and composition there are much better options in terms of usability and features else where.
  4. I'm in Rhode Island and I didn't feel anything. Everything here seems to be normal. hope everyone is good.
  5. That video was terrible...the internet should be ashamed...
  6. Awesome mix dude! Love the use of sublte vocals, was the the highlight of the mix for me.
  7. I like the idea of doing a themed project as well. Once the planning has come to fruition I might jump on if I can find a source that fits the theme. Good luck Wiesty!
  8. Reiteration of ideas/opinions always helps. To the OP, if you have questions about Alchemy I worked on this professional sound design at Camel Audio's site: http://www.camelaudio.com/ViralOutbreak-Sound-Sample-Library.php
  9. To the OP TRY OUT the DEMO's Really try to find a synth that has the sound that matches what you are looking for. You could get the most feature rich synth there is and if its sound/timbre doesn't match what you are looking for you will have wasted alot of money. FOR EXAMPLE: Alot of big time trance producers will user the ES1 in Logic for basslines. This is probably one of the most stripped down synth there is no with almost no features. But its general sound/timbre matches perfectly what they are looking for. If you are looking for something that is feature rich but has more of a traditional synthesizer UI look at Camel Audio's Alchemy. It is a bit more money but is an incredible bang for your buck. Also it covers more areas than Zebra 2 since it can act as a sampler and can do granular synthesis. It also the best additive re-synthesis engine I've heard. Has ridiculous subtractive synthesis engine too. http://www.camelaudio.com/Alchemy.php Albino 3, Blue, and Predator are very nice synths as well. They each have lots of synthesis options in a more traditional UI. http://www.robpapen.com/
  10. Here we go: http://www.sonic-elements.com/key_switch_demo.rns There are several ways to do this. This method uses RPG8's to control the Receive Notes On/Off within the combinator. The limitation is you can only key switch before 4 different instruments. Another limitation is you loose the ability to play the notes you are using to trigger the key switching. (that is a limitation of any key switching) One awesome part of this method is you don't loose the release tail of the sound. Once a note is received the data will processed and the sound won't be stopped. Much more musical than several other possible ideas. Here is an RNS file with the basic rough combi included. Play the song and look at the combi programmer and you can see the patch working. The two Thor's used in the example are panned left and right to help demonstrate the key switching.
  11. Grace Period: http://www.propellerheads.se/reason6/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=buy
  12. I am really against VST support. It just introduces too many possibilities for bugs etc... You can use external VST FX while using Reason very easily. On Mac this can be done with Soundflower and Reason's audio in/out. I don't really need to use VST instruments. If I want a sound or a sample from another VST I merely export the sound and then bring it into the NN-XT. Two big thumbs up on updating the NN-XT. Include a true granular sampler for example. (not the NN-19 workaround) As a Max/MSP user I would love to see more modular building blocks in Reason. Kong's FX outside of Kong. Thor's filters outside of Thor. AM/FM/RM outside of their respective devices. Draw your own waveform for an OSC or Modulation Source. This would make it easier to construct modular set-ups. I am with Shaggy, I would LOVE Midi Out. But then again I have hardware synths. Also to make things cleaner, have a mixer channel leading to the SSL mixer act as a full combinator. Where it accepts midi notes and can contain instruments. My biggest beef with using R+R is the screen clutter. Which is something I am a little personally biased on.
  13. There is audio transpose too. Which is basic buuut still very useful. If it can automated in the sequencer for audio I am sold. I know this can be done with Neptune but it's a pain to load up several neptunes and create the automation lanes. It seems the main goal of Reason 6 was to integrate features and add new features that focus on radically changing existing sounds. It will be interesting too see the other small features that are not talked bout in the press with the new FX. For example in Thor you can phase cancel sounds. Or the amp env follower in Scream4. Or the shift knob in the BV512. Every props device always has a lot more thought behind than just what's on the surface.
  14. Congrats Stevo and to all involved!!! Was so happy to have been apart of this project. Cheers dudes!
  15. In Europe they use "s" in place of "z" in most words. So to us it's generalization and to them it's generalisation. ProtoDome is from England.
  16. http://www.propellerheads.se/mmm/index.cfm?fuseaction=eventinfo&EID=22 Much better. Beware though the SSL mixer's EQ's and Comps do colour the sound. It's not transparent. Which most people seem to prefer. Neptune can create much thicker choruses and unisons than before. Plus you have finite control over pitch and can apply some cool effects to sound.
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