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Everything posted by avaris

  1. My email got annihilated this morning by all of the Facebook messages from the Nights disc cover, which is friggin sweet BTW!
  2. Yeah I can't find it either...
  3. Thanks Can't wait to hear your version!
  4. I have mixes on OCR or accepted mixes made with: FL Studio, Cubase, Logic, Live, Sonar, and Reason/Record. Have to be honest I have the most fun and my best creative impulses when using Reason. When it comes down to it, for me that's what matters the most.
  5. Kinda sucks for the end-user in the present time. But it's good corporate business practice 101 to make this decision when you have a similar product that integrates much of the same functionality. Hopefully this will free up some of their developers to work making some new synths etc... and less sample pack nonsense.
  6. Roll that beautiful bean footage and update the main page with a new finished song, woot!
  7. I remember this one! Goes to show how perseverance pays off in big ways. Awesome mix dude!
  8. Loved this week's episode! Very intelligent and insightful.
  9. Loving it dude listened to it at least 5 times today. It's a simple mix that is incredibly catchy and is full of complete nostalgia!
  10. Hey dude happy to let you know there is an easy solution to use the functionality you are used too. Press f11 to open a familiar box. This is the old familiar VST instruments rack. Here you can load the instance of Edirol. Then create a midi track in the arrange page. Have that midi track point to Edirol in the normal way. Hopefully that is what you are looking for.
  11. Two mixes just past the panel, congrats project peeps (2010/11/23) Wild Arms 'Premonitions' *PROJECT* (2010/09/16) Wild Arms 'To Be Loved Is To Love' *PROJECT*
  12. BT's stutter edit from Izotope too: http://www.izotope.com/products/audio/stutteredit/
  13. Since you use Cubase you could always store those recorded performances in folder tracks? That would help save screen real estate. For each folder you could use the comments in Cubase to write down notes in terms of instruments used, tempo played at, and possible emotions you were feeling while writing. This might help to go back in the future and pull different pieces from each section. There def is no easy way to organize everything...
  14. Hey Rozo just wondering if you got the email I sent.
  15. You got it Kinda hard for me to talk during the day at work...time difference is a beyatch.
  16. Hey dude I'd love to check it out. Would you be able to PM it to me?
  17. There is a tool that allows you to take an audio signal and have it automate any knob on any other plugin. Might be the peak controller? This would make it easy to come up with creative ways to achieve some results you're thinking of?
  18. Thanks for the info Elios. I don't think I'll be using any brass in this track except for maybe french horns. Good samples for trombone and brass in general are hard to find. If working with lesser quality samples sometimes layering a synth with the sample can help add some depth to the overall sound.
  19. I will def send over the track in a secret PM. I gotta arrange out a bit of the track though. I am still working on developing individual parts. Sorry I forgot to mention there is non-tuned percussion. That entire part is already written based off of the rhythm of the melody. (the melody looses its emotional oomph if its timing is changed) Yeah thinking about most brass in general would kill the mood. The only brass I've heard used effectively is french horns. Trying to stay sample/synth based for solos. Probably switching the violins to play counterpoint or more sustained sections should work better. I've heard flute in conjunction with a violin pack an emotional punch. I've already run into problems writing parts for the dulcimer in main sections. It has a nice tone to use in sparser sections, but in busier sections its texture tends to dominate in a bad way. It's a risky idea to use in the intro and then not use again. Wouldn't help to paint a good overall picture. Good point about the piano. The idea behind the brighter piano was to use it as an additional layer in brighter sections to help the piano stand out more. In busy sections the soft piano definitely sits better in the mix with the strings and synths. Thanks for advice dude. It's always easier to outline a song when its developed right in the beginning. I usually have problems with layering too many sounds to fix trouble spots in songs, which in turn creates a whole nother mess down the line.
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